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Unit3 Lesson4 Christmas教学设计Word格式文档下载.docx

1、本节(课)教学目标知识和技能:1. Knowledge aimsa. build up an area of vocabulary related to Christmas b. read and understand a passage about memories of Christmas2. Ability aims:a.develop reading strategies to answer multiple-choice questions过程和方法:1.Warm-up: Enjoy a Christmas songJingle bells2.Pre-reading: Have a

2、discussion3.Reading : Ask students to read the text, and note down the Christmas words. (Circle the key words mentioned and underline the other Christmas words mentioned)4.Post-reading: Ask students to put the following things in correct order.情感态度和价值观: To kown something about western culture.学习者特征分

3、析知识点学习目标描述知识点编 号学习目标具 体 描 述 语 句1了解 Listen to a Christmas song to arouse students interest.2领会 To build up a vocabulary of Christmas words.3理解Sudents skim the text quickly and then answer these questions below, see if they can catch the main idea of the text.4应用 Use the reading strategies to do the m

4、ultiple choice.教学重点和难点项 目内 容解 决 措 施教学重点Learn something about Britain Christmas.1、Ask and answer activities to develop the students reading ability .2、Build up an area of vocabulary related to Christmas.教学难点Develop students reading ability 1、Cooperative method to guide students to practice reading.2、

5、Use original knowledge to lead to new knowledge .教学环境要求1.教学媒体:视频录相,一首歌,课件展示,多媒体设备等2.教学资源:合作学习小组,组长,网上资源,图书馆教学媒体(资源)选择媒体类型媒体内容要点教学作用使用方式所 得 结 论占用时间来源图片Listen to an English songHEArouse the students interest5下载文本To build up a vocabulary of Christmas wordsJAconsolidate some Christmas words10自制Sudents s

6、kim the text quickly and then answer these questions belowG catch the main idea of the text.Use the reading strategies to do the multiple choiceB,DIDevelop students reading ability15媒体在教学中的作用分为:A.提供事实,建立经验;B.创设情境,引发动机;C.举例验证,建立概念;D.提供示范,正确操作;E.呈现过程,形成表象;F.演绎原理,启发思维;G.设难置疑,引起思辨;H.展示事例,开阔视野;I.欣赏审美,陶冶情

7、操;J.归纳总结,复习巩固;K.自定义。媒体的使用方式包括:A.设疑播放讲解;B.设疑播放讨论;C.讲解播放概括;D.讲解播放举例;E.播放提问讲解;F.播放讨论总结;G.边播放、边讲解;H. 边播放、边议论;I.学习者自己操作媒体进行学习;J.自定义。板书设计 Unit3 Lesson4 ChristmasAsk students to put the following things in correct order.a)open the new year calendarb)put their stockings at the end of the bedc)sing Christmas

8、 carolsd)write a letter to Father Christmase)put up the Christmas treef)go to churchg)have Christmas cake教学策略阐述1、情景创设策略: 歌曲主题2、小组合作探究策略:小组合作讨论3. 学习评价策略:学生们对自己课堂学习情况进行评价,引导学生进行反思学习课堂教学过程结构设计环节教师的活动学生的活动教学媒体(资源)设计意图、依据Warm-upPlay an English song for students to Listen to. Try to sing the song. 文本arous

9、e the students interest.Pre-readingPresent some picturesLearning some new words related to Christmas 图片 Broaden studentsvocabulary.readingAsk students to put the following things in correct order Read the text and put the things in correct order课文 Get the main idea of the text.Post-reading Ask stude

10、nts to do the multiple choice Use the reading strategies to do the multiple choice 课文 Develop studentsreading ability.教学流程图Listen to an English song.音频个性化教学为学有余力的学生所做的调整: 提出更深层的问题让其思考 为需要帮助的学生所做的调整: 对基础较差的同学进行个别指导形成性检测检测题 的内 容 Listen to a Christmas song. Put the things in correct order. students ski

11、m the text quickly and then answer these questions below. Use the reading Stategies to do the multiple choice.形成性评价1. 针对课文所提出的问题,学生都回答得不错,可以看出学生通过自主学习已经确切理解了课文内容。2. 问题情境和虚拟情境中相关问题的讨论中有的小组成绩不错,有的小组不太理想,但学生都受到一定的启发。3. 真实情境的讨论由于贴近学生生活,气氛非常活跃,学生们都能积极表述自己的观点,讨论得比较全面。4教学目标明确,教学设计流程清晰,达到了预期的教学效果。教学反思、总结本节课

12、我通过不同的任务设置,让学生在小组活动中通过合作和探究来完成各个任务,活动既有轻松有趣的歌曲学唱,又有需要深层思考的阅读理解活动和讨论活动,不同的任务设置激发了学生的学习兴趣和用英语表达的欲望,小组活动在竞赛中进行,使得小组活动既有合作又有竞争,增加了小组活动的有效性。 由于学生的语言基础不扎实,在表达自己的看法和用英语进行讨论时,不时有学生夹杂着汉语,或有的学生不敢大胆说出自己的看法,欲言又止。这说明,在平时的教学中,我应该多呈现给学生更多的常用句型,让学生掌握常用句型,再让学生进行谈论前,应尽量帮助学生解决语言困难。在学生进行小组活动时,应尽量给学生更多的帮助,主动了解学生的语言困难。感谢、其他感谢所有老师的虚心指导!

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