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1、如果可以的话, 请跳到我消过毒的检查台上来Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may.- 什么也没有呀 - 在左边- I dont see anything. - Its on the left.噢, 对不起Oh, sorry.好的,嘴里有东西时别讲话Okay, just dont talk with your mouth full.找见了,这个鬼东西在这干什么?Right here. What the heck is this doing in there?生日快乐!Happy birthday!啊,嘿,谢

2、谢啦,伙计Aw, hey, thanks, man.你把这个藏在牙后面了. 没错You put it in behind the tooth. You all right.这些东西还没有上市呢 来,仔细瞧一下These arent even on the shelf yet. Here. Check it out.- 看这个. 哦! 看呀 - 瞧,下雪了- Look at that. Ooh! Look at that. - Look at that. Its snowing.十岁了,是吧?整整十年了Ten years old, huh? A decade.两位数字. 大数字啊1-0Doubl

3、e digits. The big 1-0.你不喜欢吗?You dont like it?-不,不,非常好的礼物 -你讨厌它- No, no, its great. - You hate it.我真应该送你艾利克斯的闹钟 那可是个值钱的东西I shouldve gotten you the Alex alarm clock. Thats the big seller.不,不,不 这礼物很好,真的No, no, no. The presents great, really.只是觉得一年来了又去了s just that another years come and gone而我仍就做着一成不变的事

4、请and Im still doing the same old thing.“从这出发,小跑到那,吃点草, 然后又回到这里”Stand over here. Trot over there. Eat some grass. Walk back over here.- 我知道你的问题了 - 也许我应该去学校读读法律- I see your problem. - Maybe I should go to law school.你只需要打破那些令人厌烦的常规就行了You just need to break out of that boring routine.-怎么做? -旧的那套全丢掉- Ho

5、w? - Throw out the old act.谁知道你要怎么做 看着编吧Who knows what youll do. Make it up as you go along.即兴表演,编些台词,在空中, 砰,砰,砰Ad lib. Improvise. On the fly. Boom, boom, boom.- 真的可以? - 要来点新鲜的- Really? - You know, make it fresh.新鲜点,是吗?好 我会来Fresh, huh? Okay. I could do fresh.对我很奏效Works for me.有人来了,马蒂 我喜欢人类Here come

6、the people, Marty. I love the people.太开心了该人们高兴的时候了s fun people fun time!我们走,格洛丽亚 快出来. 我们的演出开始了!Lets go, Gloria! Up and at em. Were open!今天星期几?What day is it?星期五,实习日s Friday. Field trip day.对,实习日 快起床,走.Yes, its field trip day. Lets get up and go.十分钟后见.in ten more minutes.赶快!Come on!麦尔曼,麦尔曼,麦尔曼! 麦尔曼,麦

7、尔曼,麦尔曼!Melman, Melman, Melman! Melman, Melman, Melman!快起床!太阳都照屁股了!又是纽约市的一个精彩的早晨Wake up! Rise and shine! Its another fabulous morning in the Big Apple.咱们出发吧s go.-我可不去了. 我要请病假 -什么?- Not for me. Im calling in sick. - What?我在肩上又发现了一块晒伤的红斑. 就在这.吓你一跳!I found another brown spot on my shoulder. Right here.

8、See?就在这,看到没?Right there. You see?麦尔曼,你知道吗 那都是你想象出来的,不是吗?Melman, you know its all in your head. Hm?咱们走!s go! Come on!费尔!快起来,你这只让人恶心的猴子Phil! Wake up, you filthy monkey.哦,我要变的和以前不一样Oh, Im going to be fresh.从头开始. 要有新鲜感!新鲜的味道Straight out the ground. Tasty fresh! Freshalicious.全新的感觉Ziploc fresh.女士们先生们,所有的

9、小朋友们,大家好Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages,中央公园动物园现隆重介绍:the Central Park Zoo proudly presents:快让我们看那头狮子.它是谁?Show them the cat. Whos the cat?纽约市之王The king of New York City.雄狮艾利克斯Alex the lion.表演时间到s showtime.(狮子的咆哮声)Roar!都到这边来,朋友们 精彩表演马上开始Gather around, people. Big show about to start.瞧这只斑马 喜

10、欢做秀. 完全正确Check out the zebra taking care of biz. Thats right.孩子们,招手微笑Just smile and wave, boys.招手微笑Smile and wave.克沃斯基,进度汇报Kowalski, progress report.我们已经挖到下水主管道外500英尺的地方了Were 500 feet from the main sewer line.-坏消息呢? -我们折坏了最后一支铲子- And the bad news? - Weve broken our last shovel.好的Right.瑞可,你现在去稍微巡视一下

11、我们需要铲子Rico, youre on litter patrol. We need shovels.然后再多找些冰糕棍回来 我们可不愿再冒险出现一次塌方事件And find more Popsicle sticks. We dont want to risk another cave-in.我呢,斯基泊?And me, skipper?我要你装出一副憨态可拘的样子,普莱韦特I want you to look cute and cuddly, private.今天我们要好好表演一番Today were going to blow this dump.过来,来这 快来,企鹅Come here

12、. Come here. Come on, penguin.是的,在动物星球是看不到这样的表演的Yeah! You dont see that on Animal Planet.哈哈Ha-ha.好了,演出到此结束, 谢谢光临Well, shows over, folks. Thanks for coming.我希望你们感觉这很新鲜I hope you thought it was fresh.我整周都会在这里Ill be here all week.其实,我会一辈子待在这里In fact, Ill be here for my whole life.一年的三百六十五天Three hundred

13、 and sixty-five days a year,包括圣诞节,光明节和万圣节including Christmas, Hanukkah, Halloween, Kwanzaa.请不要忘记给你的宠物做节扎术Please dont forget to never spay or neuter your pets.还有给出租车司机小费,因为他没钱花了And tip your cabbie, because hes broke.嘿,你,四足动物 说英语吗?You, quadruped. Sprechen sie Englisch?我会说I sprechen.- 这是哪个洲? - 曼哈顿区- What continent is this? - Manhatta

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