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1、Putting up the pictures of door gods is an important custom among the Chin ese duri ng the Spri ng Festival. The pictures of door gods are images of deities posted on the door outside and in side the house. They are expected to keep ghosts away, protect the family and bring peace and good fortune. T

2、he image of a chubby baby is usually con sidered as an in side-room door god, in dicati ng good luck, l on gevity and fertility . The main doorgods have several different forms. The earliest door gods wereShen Shu and Yu Lei. Nowadays, the most com mon door gods are Qin Shubao and Yuchi Gong, who be

3、came popular duri ng the Yuan Dyn asty. Qin has pale skin and usually carries swords; Yuchi has dark skin and usually carries bat ons. They always come in pairs.1.张贴:有多种译法,如put up或post。2.神灵的画像:可译为 the pictures/images of deities 。3.驱鬼:译为 keep ghosts away 或 ward off evils 。4.平安和吉祥:可译为 peace and good f

4、ortune 。5.人丁兴旺:张贴胖娃娃一般都是希望添丁进口,这里的“人丁 兴旺”可以用fertility 表达。6.皮肤煞白:可译为has pale skin 。7.佩剑:可译为carry swords。8.成对地出现:可译为固定表达 come in pairs 。2、在中国,人们于农历七月初七庆祝七夕(the Double Seventh Festival)。这一节日 源于牛郎织女(Niulang and Zhinv)之间的忠贞 不渝的爱情故事。七夕节那 天,姑娘们向天上的女神 祈求聪慧的心灵和针线技巧。中国古代有各种考验智慧 的民间习俗。宫女们也非常重视这些活动,而这些活动通常受到皇帝支

5、持。在七 夕浪漫之夜, 姑娘们准备瓜果和时令食物,祈求技艺和美满姻缘。作为中国的情人 节,七夕是中国所有传统节日中最浪漫的。如今,在基于传统文化的 节日中,七夕仍是最受喜爱的节日之一。In China, people celebrate the Double Seventh Festival onthe seve nth day of lunar July. The festival spri ngs from thelege nd of the loyal love betwee n Niula ng an d Zhi nv. On the festival, girls beg for a

6、 smart heart and knitting andneedlecraft skills from the goddess in heaven. There arethe maids in the palace also paid great attention to theactivities, which were usually supported by the emperor. On the roma ntic eve ning, girls prepare melons, fruits and seas onal foods praying for skills and a g

7、ood marriage. As Chinas Valentines Day, the Double Seventh Festival is the mostroma ntic one among all traditi onal Chin ese festivals. Today, it is still one of Peoples favorite festivals based on the traditi onal culture.1.七月初七:即一年中“第七个月的第七天” 可译为the seventhday of the seve nth month 。2.源于; 即“起源于”可译

8、为 spri ng from 或 orig in ate from。3.忠贞不渝的爱情;可译为loyal love 。4.聪慧的心灵:可译为a bright heart, 也可用a smart heart 表达。5.针线技巧:可译为 knitting and needlecraft skills 。其中knitting 意为“针织”,needlecraft意为“刺绣或编织技巧”。6.重视:可译为pay attention to 。Attention 前可以加形容词 修饰。比知 great attention 等,表示“非常重视”,相反,less attention 则是“不怎么重视”。7.美满

9、姻缘:即“好姻缘”,可译为good marriage3、泼水节(the Water-Splashing Festival) 是傣族(the Dai min ority)最隆重的传统节日。泼水节一般于公历四月中旬开始,持 续3-7天。在傣族的历法中,泼水节就是新年。在云南省众多的少数 民族节日中,泼水节影响力最大、参与人数最多。泼水节这一天,傣 族人盛装打扮,带着清水到佛寺。他们首先为大佛(Buddha)沐浴,接 着开始互相泼水,以此带来好运、快乐和健康。你被泼的水越多,你 得到的幸运将越多,你的生活将越幸福。傣族人也邀请其他少数民族 和游客共同庆祝泼水节。The Water-Splashing

10、 Festival is the most ceremonious traditional festival of the Dai minority. It usually begins in mid-April of the solar calendar, lasting three to seven days.The Water-Splashing Festival is the New Year on the Dai cale ndar,a nd also a festival with the largest in flue nee and maximum participati ng

11、 populati on among lots of mi norityfestivals in Yunnan Provi nee. During this festival,Dai People will get dressed up and carry clean water to the Buddhist temple.They will first take a shower for the Buddha and the n begin to splash water with each other for bringing good luck, joy and health. The

12、 more water you are splashed, the more luck you will have, and the happier you will be. Dai People will also invite people from other minority nationality and tourists tocelebrate the festival together.1.最隆重的传统节日“隆重的”译为ceremonious, “传统节日”译为traditional festival, 故“最隆重的传统节曰”即 the mostcerem onious trad

13、iti onal festival 。2.公历四月中旬“公历”即solar calendar, “中旬”可用mid-表示,故“公历四月中旬”可译为mid-April of the solar calendar。3.影响力最大、参与人数最多:可译为 with the largestin flue nee and maximum participati ng populati on, 作 festival 的后置定语。4.盛装打扮:dress up 本身就有“盛装打扮”的意思,“盛装” 无需重译。5.为大佛沐浴:“为沐浴”可译为take a shower for.; “大 佛”即 the Budd

14、ha。6.带来好运:即bring good luck 。该词组在有关中国文化的文 章中经常出现,因为绝大部分的中国文化习俗等都是为了给人带来好7.越来越:可用固定句式the more.the more. 表达。送灶神的灵魂上天汇报这个家庭过去一年中的作为。 之后,人们在火炉旁张贴新的灶神像,迎接灶神归来。接下来一年,灶神会监督并保 护这家人。由于灶神和农历新年有密切联系,使得灶神节被称为小年。 现在尽管在小年这天祭祀灶神的家庭少了 ,但是很多传统节日活动仍然很流行。The Little New Year, which falls about a week before the Lun ar N

15、ew Year, is also known as the Kitche n God Festival. The Kitchen God oversees the moral trait of each household. As one of the most special traditions of the Spring Festival, a paper image of the Kitchen God is burned on Little New Year, dispatchi ng the gods spirit to Heave nto report on the familys con duct over the past year. The Kitche n God is the n welcomed back by pasting a new paper image of him beside the stove.Then the Kitchen God wi

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