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1、Dai Bingguo State Councilor of the Peoples Republic of ChinaWashington DC, 11 December 2008女士们、先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,今天,在布鲁金斯学会与大家欢聚一堂,纪念改变了世界的重大历史事件中美建交30周年,我感到非常高兴。布鲁金斯学会是美国著名智库,多年来,一直以浓厚的兴趣关注中美关系,为促进中美人民友好合作,推动中美关系发展做出了积极贡献,我对此表示赞赏和钦佩。I am delighted to join you here in marking the 30th anniver

2、sary of the establishment of China-US diplomatic relations, a historic event that changed the world. Your institution is a well-known think tank in the United States. For many years, you have followed China-US relations with keen interest. I highly appreciate your efforts to promote the friendship a

3、nd cooperation between the Chinese and American people and your contribution to the progress of our bilateral relations.30多年前,中美两国一代伟人用小小的乒乓球带动大球,打开了中美两国重新交往的大门。停航许久的中美关系大船又乘风破浪启航了。今天,在NBA打球的姚明成为中美两国人民都喜爱的明星。从乒乓球到篮球,不仅是直径的变化,更折射出短短30年间中美关系广度和深度实现了巨大跨越。More than 30 years ago, the great statesmen of o

4、ur two countries used the small ping-pong ball for a big undertaking: the resumption of contact between the two countries. The ship of China-US relations, moored for so long, again set sail, braving the wind and waves. Today, NBA player Yao Ming has become a star popular among the people of both cou

5、ntries. From the ping-pong ball to the basketball, it is not just a change in diameter. Rather, it reflects the enormous progress in depth and breadth of China-US relations over the short span of 30 years.还是30多年前,当基辛格博士秘密访华之前,在人们看来中美两国将会长久相互隔绝下去。听说那时,当一位英国记者把博士秘访中国消息发给伦敦编辑时,那位编辑竟然断言,记者先生肯定是喝醉了,基辛格怎么

6、会去中国?于是他把这条新闻稿扔进了垃圾篓。在基辛格博士秘访中国之后,尼克松总统去了,再后来,邓小平先生来了1979年1月1日,中美两国终于正式建立外交关系,开启了两国交流合作的新时代。短短30年,在几代中国领导人、七任美国总统和中美两国人民的共同努力下,两国关系的航船迎着风雨阳光不断前进,成为当今世界最富生机和活力,最为重要的双边关系,给中美两国人民带来了巨大福祉,为世界和平与发展做出了重要贡献。Again more than 30 years ago, before Dr. Henry Kissingers secret visit to China, it looked as though

7、 our mutual estrangement would continue forever. It is said that when a British journalist filed the news of Dr. Kissingers secret mission to China to his editor in London, the editor convinced himself that the journalist must be drunk. How could Kissinger go to China? He threw this news story into

8、the wastepaper basket without a second thought. Dr. Kissingers visit was followed by that of President Nixon. Later on, Mr. Deng Xiaoping came to the United States. On 1 January 1979, our two countries established formal diplomatic relations and ushered in a new era of exchange and cooperation. In t

9、he short span of 30 years, with the joint efforts of several generations of Chinese leaders, seven US presidents and people in both countries, the ship of China-US relations has forged ahead, come rain or shine, and become the most dynamic and important bilateral relationship in the world. It has br

10、ought tremendous benefits to our two peoples and contributed greatly to world peace and development.13亿中国人和3亿美国人都会高兴地看到,中美的高层和各层级往来越来越频繁了。两国领导人从几年难得一次会晤,发展到布什总统任内两国元首一年多次会晤,并经常通话、通信,对推动两国关系发展发挥着不可替代的重大作用。胡锦涛主席同当选总统奥巴马虽未曾见面,但已进行了颇有内容的愉快通话,一致表示要扩大各领域合作,把中美关系推上更高水平。中美之间建立起60多个对话合作机制。特别是在两国元首倡导下,双方建立的战略

11、经济对话和战略对话两个机制,为两国在战略层面加大、加深对话与合作提供了重要的平台。Both the 1.3 billion Chinese and the 300 million Americans feel happy to see that our exchanges at the top and other levels are becoming more and more frequent. Years ago, our top leaders could hardly meet once in several years. Yet during President Bushs pre

12、sidency, our top leaders have met several times a year. They have stayed in regular contact through telephone calls and letters. Such contact has played an irreplaceable role in promoting the bilateral relations. Although President Hu Jintao has not yet met President-elect Obama, they already had a

13、substantive and pleasant telephone conversation. They agreed to expand cooperation in all fields and raise China-US relations to a new high. There are now more than 60 dialogue and cooperation mechanisms between our two countries. I want to mention in particular the Strategic Economic Dialogue and t

14、he Strategic Dialogue that have been set up at the initiative of the two presidents. These two mechanisms have provided an important platform for expanding and deepening dialogue and cooperation between us at the strategic level.中美之间的战略共识越来越多了。今天这个时代虽然信息技术高度发达,却也是无论人与人、国与国之间都十分需要加强心与心直接坦诚深入沟通交流的时代。3

15、0年来我们的沟通交流达到从未有过的广度和深度。我们双方对处于大变动中的这个世界的认识,我们彼此对对方的认识,我们对中美关系重要性的认识都大大深化了,战略互信积少成多了,彼此都变得更为理智和聪明了。中美两国对世界和平与稳定肩负重大责任,应该友好相处而不是彼此敌视、应该沟通合作而不是对抗冲突,越来越为两国主流社会所认同。Our two countries have common views on more and more strategic issues. Though we live in an information age, we still need direct, candid and honest exchanges both between individuals and between states. Exchanges and mutual understanding between our two countries in the past 30 years have reached breadth and depth never seen before. Our understanding of the changing world, of

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