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Culture and cultural diversity完美版Word文档格式.docx

1、二、教学目标:(1)知识目标(Knowledge objectives):1 词汇:掌握、理解、运用以下生词community, common ,opinion ,multicultural ,religion, tradition, unique, nationality, immigrate ,atmosphere, appreciate ,ceremony, custom,cause ,assume ,once ,treat2.短语:even though , be famous for , on campus , treat like ,a little bit of 3.句型:It

2、makes me feel good that we can all study together and be friends. There is an understanding that harmony and balance is very important in life. I think it is good when we can learn about other customs and attitudes.They treated me like I was just another student.(2)能力目标(Ability objectives): 1. Help

3、the students have a better understanding of the content and structure of the text2. Train the students ability of reading comprehension.(3)学习策略(Strategy objectives)Communicative learning and cooperative learning(4).情感态度(Moral objectives)1Develop the students confidence and cooperation in study ,2Get

4、 the students to be interested in culture and train the students awareness of culture difference. 三 教学重难点 (teaching important and difficult points):1. Create conditions for students to get related information by scanning and skimming 2. Improve the students ability to solve problems.3. Train the stu

5、dents ability of reading comprehension ;4. Strengthen the students cultural awareness四 教法选择 (Teaching methods):以任务型教学活动为主,兼顾情景和视听教学法。根据本课特点确定采用这种教法来有效组织课堂教学,这样切实体现了学生的主体地位,能充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,并能给学生创造各种语言情景,提供各种运用英语的机会,让学生充分接触英语,运用英语,提高学生听说读写的能力。同时又能面向全体学生,通过设置任务的难易使不同的学生都有所得,有利于让更多的学生冒尖,同时对学习有困难的又及时给予

6、帮助五 教学过程:Step1: Pre-reading (warming Up)T: Good morning , everyone. Suppose a foreigner comes to China, what will you introduce to him or her which can best representative China?S(a): I will show him or her around the Great Wall.S(b): I will play gongfu for him.S(c): I will take him to the hometown

7、of Confucius.S(d): I will play erhu for him to enjoy the traditional Chinese music called Erquanyingyue. Summary. The students did a very good job. Now, Id like to show you a picture . Do you know what it is ?S: Zhong guojie Do you know how to say it in English ? It is called “ Good Luck knot” . Ver

8、y good. From the name we can see this knot can bring us- Good luck . If you see it ,you will be reminded of our country. You can give it to your foreign friend as a souvenir. That stands for Chinese traditional culture. Now look at the next picture. What can you see in this picture ? It is a Christm

9、as tree with a lot of gifts on it. good. Good Luck Knot Stands for Chinese culture, while Christmas tree stands for - Western culture. The culture between East and West is different. I will show you more examples. T: Now look at the screen .Try to guess how to fill in the blanks with animal names as

10、 strong as a_(体壮如牛)as stupid as a _(蠢笨如猪) like a _to water(如鱼得水) as timid as a _(胆小如鼠)talk _(吹牛)(keys: horse ,goose , duck ,rabbit ,horse) From this activity, we can see the same animal has different implied meaning in different countries . We live in a world of cultural diversity . We cannot recrea

11、te English idioms according to Chinese thinking. If so, you can make yourself confused. (简评:通过对比,使学生强烈的感受到中外文化的差异,激发学生进一步学习的热情,然后直接引出话题Culture Diversity。这样就使导入部分具有“切入口小,切入主题快”的效果。) We live our lives as part of many cultures . There are differences among us ,that is true . What is your understanding

12、of culture diversity ?(Ask the students to discuss in pairs first, and then ask several pairs to report their answers .)1)what does cultural diversity mean to you ?2)Have you experienced cultural diversity in your community ?3)How would you feel if you were living in a multicultural community?通过讨论,在

13、相互交流中,激发学生说的兴趣,加深对阅读对象背景的了解,并培养其发现问题解决问题的能力,同时也可放松读前的紧张心理。 So much for the discussion. Now lets play a game _ word guessing. (Divide the class into two groups ,boys and girls . Ask each group to choose two representatives to act out this play . They face each other. One student will use his own word

14、s to paraphrase the word and ask the other student to guess which word he or she is talking. Either group will be given one minute .The group which can guess more words will be the winner. ) 1Planet 1 immigrate2Youth 2 race3Religion 3 campus4Tradition 4 London 5Custom 5 Paris 6Hamlet 6 Summer7Shakespeare 7 clock8Washington 8 harmony9Green 9 lecture10Air 10 moon(简评:如果让学生自己预习课文的单词后再重复读单词,未免枯燥,而猜词的游戏会极大的调动学生的积极性,又可排除影响学生理解课文的生词障碍。以上这些热身活动意

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