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1、 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习“how / what .+ to do sth.”。2. Skill aims:继续运用构词法来猜测本课新词的含义,读出新词的发音。学习运用scanning,来迅速找到所需要的信息。3. Emotional aims: (optional) 鼓励学生在学习英语时,要学会求助,学会分享。4. Culture awareness: 在学习英语时不能逐字逐句地翻译,要尽可能地按照英语的思维去理解句子,即要掌握特定的习语。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:Words and phrases: re

2、view, preview, translate, discussion, exactly, honor, achieve, as long as, stick to (doing) sth., share.with ., prefer doing sth.,advise do sth., agree with sb, as .as possible, have (no) chance to do sth., practice doing sth. Sentences: Im very glad to share our groups opinions with you. Its

3、an honor to talk with all of you here.Im sure that youll make great progress as long as you stick to them.Thank you for listening!Grammar: how/what. + to do sth.2. Difficult points:在任务3中,能够根据李明的“症状”,有针对性地“下药”。. Learning strategies 能通过构词法,学习本课部分新单词,如:review, preview, discussion 等。 能够读1a,借鉴别人的好的英语学习经验

4、。 能通过阅读3,学会归纳李明的问题,并提出建设性的意见。. Teaching aids用来教学新词的胶布、奖状/录音机/英语儿歌/小黑板/ppt等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(5mins)Class activityImitate a “Live English-Learning Talk Show”. Encourage a student to ac

5、t as theMr. English- Know -All, who answers the other Ss questions about English-learning.T: Do like watching Talk Show? Today, we will have our own Talk Show in our classroom. Welcome Mr. English-Know-All! Mr. English-Know-All is very very good at English! He can answer all the questions about Engl

6、ish-learning. If you have any difficulty in learning English, just ask him!Ask and answer questions.S1: Mr. English-Know-All, could you tell me how to remember new words?Mr. English-Know-All: You can take a small notebook with you ,write the words on each piece of paper, then .S2: Mr. English-Know-A

7、ll, I always get low marks in reading. How to improve my reading ability? You should.S3:Mr. English-Know-All, I cant.Mr. English-Know-All :“英语百事通先生”最好在课前就要选定,让英语基础比较好的学生来担任,才能保证“脱口秀”的正常进行。如果学生听不懂任务要求,老师要把“英语百事通先生”和“脱口秀”用汉语讲一遍。这个步骤刚好和前一天的家庭作业相结合。2Revision(3mins)Individual workPresent some exercises a

8、bout “how/what.+to do.” on the small Bb or on the screen. Let the Ss to practice. Then check the answers together. Look at the Bb. Please finish them quickly. Example:1. I dont know _ (improve)my listening ability.2.She asked me _ (get to )the bus station.3. Could you _ (buy) this kind of pen?4. Now

9、, lets check the answers. xxx, you, please!Do the exercise and check the answers. how to improve how to get to where to buy 老师要在课前就准备要用的材料,用小黑板或PPT均可。各个形式的用法都要有所体现。3Pre-reading (5mins)Step 1: Let the Ss read the new words and guess the meaning: re(again)+view(see) =review, pre(before)+view=preview,

10、exact+ly=exactly, discuss(v)+ion=discussion (n), trans+lat+e=translate . Study these words, and try to guess the meanings and pronounce them. Step 2: Let the Ss study the table in 1b, make clear the requirements. Now, please turn to page 76. Look at the table in 1b. Make clear what you will pay atte

11、ntion to while reading.Learn the new words by word formation. review:复习 preview 预习 exactly 正确地S4: .Study the table in 1b and make clear the requirements.对于较难的词老师要稍加解释。如: translate。学习前缀: trans-, pre-,和后缀:-sion, 如:decide-decisionexpress-expression老师让学生猜approach 的意思,然后教读,只要求学生能听懂即可。因为在后面的步骤,老师可能要用到这个词。

12、4While-readingLet the Ss read 1a, circle the new words, do 1b and check the answers and tick the approaches they agree with. Everyone, do you understand what you are going to do? Now, lets read 1a, circle the new words, and finish the blanks in 1b. Who would like to share your answer? xxx, whom do y

13、ou agree with?Read 1a, circle the new words, do 1b and check the answers. Kangkang. retell study grammarS5: I agree with Kangkang and Yu Zhen.S6: I agree with.5Post-reading(17mins)Pair workGroup work Do 1c. Let the Ss work in pairs and discuss how to learn English based on the table in 1b. We have learned so many approaches in 1a, now lets work in pairs and discuss how to learn English. The approaches in 1b may help you. Now, its your show time. Which pair? Use real objects or pictures to teach new words: honor, stick, and chant. Look, what

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