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人教版高中英语第二册Unit1 Making a differencePeriod 1Word文件下载.docx

1、 use up; go on with; dream of; exploration; lecture; disable; theory; seek; misunderstand; turn out; scientific; method; observe; match; predict; be satisfied with; astronomer; curious; microscope; telescope; what if.? creativity; creative; heaven; the other way round; punish; intelligent; patient;

2、quote (二) 日常交际用语There is no doubt thatIts clear / obvious that.Its hard to say.I doubt that.恐怕不会Well, maybe, but(三) 语法动词不定式的用法(四) 语言运用运用所学语言,完成教科书和练习册中所规定的听、说、读、写的任务,阅读课文No Boundaries和Making a Difference, 深刻理解,并完成有关课文内容的练习。Period 1一、 聚焦重点难点(一) 重点A词汇用法inspiration; perspiration; undertake; quote; deba

3、teB句型结构Theres no doubt that.C交际功能(二难点Theres no doubt that二剖析重点词汇、词组、句型1. inspiration n.灵感,启发,鼓舞(UN/CN)You cant paint a picture without an inspiration.The artists inspiration was drawn from nature.给/使人鼓舞的人/物(CN)What an inspiration it was to them!Love was his greatest inspiration.想法,主意(CN)After she ha

4、d gone for a ride, she had a nice inspiration.2. perspiration n.汗水(UN)I got to school ,breathless and wet with perspiration.3. undertake Vt.(1)从事,着手,负担,承担(责任/做某事)+ n. / to doIt was one of the hardest jobs I ever undertook.We undertook the task of cleaning the house.Ill undertake all the camping cook

5、ing.He undertook the leadership of the team.Next we undertook to pay all her debts.(2)同意,答应(+to do)He undertook to finish the job by Friday.(3)保证(跟从句)We cant undertake that we shall finish it in time.I cant undertake that youll enjoy the party.n. undertaking 从事的事情(常作单数);(作出的)诺言(CN)I didnt realize wh

6、at a large undertaking it would be!He made an undertaking that he would pay the money back by the end of this year.4.analysis (pl. analyses)n.分析,分解(UN);一次或一次分析(CN)The analysis of the food showed the presence of poison.That newspaper has a very good analysis of the political the final /

7、last analysis归根结底All real education is , in the final analysis, self-education.Vt. analyse / analyze分析He analysed the various factors.We analysed the situation very closely.We analyzed a sentence when we explained the form and use of every word in it.5.obvious adj.明显的,显然的Her displeasure was obvious.

8、Its obvious / clear that she was disappointed.adv. obviously显然,很明显He obviously enjoyed his work.6.within prep.(1) 在里面/(表空间)The farmhouse is within five miles from here.I could hear from within the building.引伸意义:He guessed my weight within five pounds.The task was within the mans power.He kept within

9、 the law.(2) 可表时间“在一段时间以内”Ill be back within an hour.He died within a few days of his hundredth birthday.He promised that the roof should be repaired within two days.within sb.在某人内心里A desperate struggle was going on within her.within an inch of.差点没;几乎John was within an inch of drowning before he was

10、 pulled out of the water.within an inch of life差点死了from within从里面The door was suddenly opened from within.7.quote vt. / vi.(1) 引用,摘引(某人/上面的话)I can quote what he said.The author frequently quoted Shakespeare.The newspaper quoted the presidents speech.(2) 提到,举出例子等He quoted his own experiences in India

11、.Can you quote me a recent instance?(3) 向.提出(价格)This is the best price I can quote you.I can quote you price lower than somebody elses.n. quotation 摘引(指动作UN);摘引的一段话(CN)The quotation of very long passages should be avoided.From what author does the quotation come from?Wait a minute. Ill look up the e

12、xact quotation for you.价钱,估价What was todays quotation on wheat?8.similar adj.类似的,相似的,差不多的They have similar political views.My wife and I have similar tastes in similar to和差不多/相似His views are similar to the same as.一样/ be different from和不同adv. similarly同样地,差不多地My brother was taught t

13、o read by my mother, and similarly, so was I.The girls are similarly dressed.n. similarity 相似(UN),相似之处(CN)Theres not much similarity between the two brothers.Have you any similarities between the two paintings?9.debateVt./ Vi.辩论 debate with sb. on / upon / about sth.; debate sth. with sb.跟某人辩论某事We d

14、ebated until the bar closed.I debated with her about / upon the question. (I debated the question with her.)考虑,讨论(如何较好)I debated whether to accept the job.We were debating where we should go for our holidays.They debated about which train to take.n.辩论,考虑hold debates举行辩论have a debate against / over.辩论反对/就某事辩论The debate was held on a summer evening.After much debate, I refused their offer.debatable值得辩论的,有争议的a debatable statement10.genius n.天才(UN),有天才的人(天才)(CN)She has genius.Genius is needed to so

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