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2、和交际性,让学生用语言,动作,表情完成信息交流,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。三、情感态度与价值观在教学中注重对学生学习策略和文化意识的培养,因材施教,肯定学生的每一次小小的成功,不断给予他们肯定和鼓励,让他们真正感受到学习英语“It is fun,It is easy.”四、教学原则以“培养兴趣”为出发点以“任务型教学”为途径以“小组合作”为主要学习方式以“形成性评价”为手段教学进度表周次日期教学内容19.2-9.6Lesson1-Lesson329.9-9.13Lesson4-Lesson639.16-9.20Again,please-Lesson849.23-9.28Lesson9-Les

3、son1159.11Lesson12- Again,please610.18Lesson12-Lesson14710.25Lesson15-Lesson16810.31Lesson17-Lesson18911.4-11.8Lesson19-Lesson201011.15Lesson21- Lesson221111.1811.22Lesson23-Lesson241211.29Again,please(Unit4)1312.2-12.7Reading for Fun1412.9-endReview Unit1 to Unit4课程表 星期 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五学生情况分析:目 录UNI

4、T 1 The Clothes We WearLesson 1: Skirt and TrousersLesson 2:New and OldLesson 3: Coat and ScarfLesson 4: Shoes and SocksLesson 5: Days of the WeekLesson 6: Bettys ClothesAgain, Please!UNIT 2 At HomeLesson 7:HomeworkLesson 8: TV and PhoneLesson 9: In the BedroomLesson 10: Brush and WashLesson 11: Toy

5、sLesson 12: John and JackUNIT 3 Lets GoLesson 13: At SchoolLesson 14: Near and FarLesson 15: In the CityLesson 16: Cars and BusesLesson17: Im Lost!Lesson 18: Lost in the City!UNIT 4 Shopping in the CityLesson 19: Lets Go Shopping!Lesson 20: At the ShopLesson 21: Cinema and ParkLesson 22:At the Super

6、marketLesson 23: Shopping OnlineLesson 24:Ettas Teddy Bear第一单元教材分析This Unit,students learn about the things they wear every day.They can use the new sentences and new vocabulary to talk about themselves and the sings they see around them. By the end of this term,they will gain enough vocabulary to t

7、alk about what they and others are wearing.学习目标1、知识与技能目标(1)在本单元,学生应掌握(正确地说、读、写、用)以下词汇:shirt skirt trousers sweater this is are new oldit they coat cap Miss dress shoe sock notday today week(2)会认读、理解、运用基本句型:This is aThese are (3)了解元音字母a、e、i、o、u在单词中的发音及规则。(4)会唱歌曲和歌谣:I Like My New ShirtHes Wearing Red

8、TrousersI Can Dance2、情感态度目标(1)学生能很好的保持对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。(2)为学生创设模仿和运用英语的氛围,培养学生的听力技巧。Lesson1 Skirt and Trousers学习目标:1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并正确书写以下词汇:shirt skirt trousers sweater this these2、会认读、理解、运用基本句型:This is a These are 3、能听懂、会说下列句子:He is wearing a green sweater.She is wearing a white T-shirt.教学重点、难点:本课重点单词

9、和句子,会区分单复数形式,正确使用This is a These are 两个句型,会用句子进行情境对话。教具准备:磁带、单词卡片、 各种不同类型的衣服图片板书设计:This is a shirt. These are trousers. skirt T-shirt sweater教学过程:一 Class Opening and Review1、Greeting Good morning boys and girls! How are you?2、ReviewT:Do you know any English words about colours?S:red yellow green blu

10、e white black pink (Teacher write these words on the blackboard . )3、Lesson Hook:T(In this lesson,we are going to learn anyone tell me something that many girls wear,but that a boy never wear?二. New Concepts.1、This is a red skirt.(1)Hold up pictures of the various clothes words:shirt skirt trousers

11、sweater T-shirtHelp the students by saying: This is a ( shirt skirt sweater T-shirt.These are trousers.(这是一个复数单词,当谈论复数形式的事物时要用These are )师生进行对话练习。Hold up pictures and ask students to say “What is it?” “What are these?”(2)Tell the students that adding colours to clothes to make them more specific.Poi

12、nting to the picture,say:a red skirt,the yellow trousers,an orange skirt(师讲解元音字母前要用an)(3)句型练习:This is a red shirt. These are yellow trousers.Repeat with all other clothes using: This is a These are (4) Listen to the tape for part1,the students follow along in their student books.第一遍录音;listen 第二遍录音:read 生练习读课文,同桌对读,指名读,齐读。2、Lets do it!Ask the students to look at the three pictures on page2 of their student books.Show them what to do.学生自由完成连线并按要求给衣服涂色,把句子读熟。学生展示自学成果。3、What

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