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1、2.receive pass, jump stop, square to basket, and shoot accurately.2.接到球,急停,面向球篮,准确投篮顺序order课 的 内 容 与 lesson content and teaching organizing process一5课堂常规lesson routines宣布上课The teacher states:” class begins”师生问好The teacher and students solute each other宣布课程和本课的目标、内容及要求The teacher states teaching purp

2、ose, contents and demands点名The teacher calls the roll安排见习生The teacher arranges rest students体育委员整队,报告人数The monitor dresses the rank and reports to teacher.上课队形如图所示:The students stand in ranks as in the picture.明确本课的目标、内容与任务The students know teaching purpose, contents and tasks.要求:快、静、齐demand : quick

3、ly, silently and orderly二15准备活动warm up1.绕场运球The students dribble around the court.2.球性练习ballhandling drill3.关节拉伸joint stretching教学步骤teaching steps讲解示范The teacher explains and demonstrates the practice语言激励和提示The teacher encourages and cues in students with words.口令、手势指挥练习The teacher directs practices

4、 with passwords and gesture.练习形式如图所示:The format of practice shows as in the picture:1.ball slap体前拉球 2.ball pat体前指拨球 3.body circles 球绕环4.figure eights胯下绕八字 hike胯下前后抛接球 6.side catch胯下左右抛接球 7.typewriter手指低运球 8.figure eight dribble胯下八字运球 9.figure eight dribble while walking行进间跨下八字运球 10.butter

5、fly dribble蝴蝶运球 11.stop and go dribble急起急停运球 12jump stop-ball fake急停-球的假动作demands:1.stay low and keep your head up2.keep your fingers spread三10运球练习dribble drills组织指导练习The teacher organizes the practice语言激励The teacher encourages the students with words.the format of practice shows as in the picture:1

6、.crossover dribble体前变向运球 2.reverse dribble 后转身运球3.behind-the-back dribble背后运球 4.between-the-leg dribble胯下运球 5.dribble-jump stop-crossover dribble运球-急停-交叉步运球 6.dribble-jump stop-reverse turn-dribble 运球-急停-后转身运球7.pull-back dribble后退运球 on one dribble 一对一运球9.dribble game: dribble mania运球游戏:运球相互拍击2

7、.proctect the ball with the body and the offhand四半场2对2,2分钟得分比赛half-court two on two, two-minute scoring game1.三次或三次传球以上才可以投篮,每次尝试投篮得1分,中篮得2分,不准运球。1.Complete three or more consecutive passes before attempting shot. One point for each shot attempted, two points for each basket scored. No dribbling.2.尽

8、可能得分2.score as often as possible五30训练任务:practice task:1.自抛球接球急停,单手投篮The students toss the ball,then catch the ball with jump stop and one-hand set shoot2.接球后行进间投篮The students receive the ball and layup1.jump stop and run sideways practice 急停和侧身跑练习2.catch the ball and layup行进间接球投篮 3.catch the ball wi

9、th jump stop and close distance shoot接球急停投篮1.投篮,面向球篮,肘垂直于球下面,伸臂,压腕1.shooting,square up, elbow under ball, extend arm, follow through or flip wrist六2对2Two on two问题:questions:1.你多数得分在什么位置所得?From where on the court did you score most of your points?2.除了近距离得分,其它方面你需要注意什么才能保证成功投篮?Besides shooting from a

10、close range, what else did you do to successfully perform a shot?3.what was the goal of your game?3.比赛的目标是什么?七1.放松1.relaxation2. 收球竞赛ball harvest game3.小结3.summary总结本课学生学习状况The teacher sums up students learning status.表扬表现优秀的学生The teacher praises excellent students.安排学生回收器材 The teacher arranges stud

11、ents to call back the equipments.下课队形如图所示课后小结sum-up afterclass第 5 次 课 时 计 划the fifth lesson plan体育系 2005 级 2005年9月28日 星期三 任课教师:Create passing lanes(fake and replace), change of direction and pace, shoot创造传球空间(假动作后复位),变向跑和变速跑,投篮 maintaining possession of the ball to support teammate 保持控制球以支持同伴。2.use ball fakes, jab steps,

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