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上铰链固定板冲压工艺及模具设计 精品Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、毕业设计任务书系 部:学生姓名: 学 号:设计(论文)题目: 上铰链固定板模具设计 起 迄 日 期:指 导 教 师: 年 06 月 01日毕 业 设 计 任 务 书1本毕业设计课题来源及应达到的目的: 在完成该课题之后,应对冲压工艺生产较为熟悉,能熟练掌握相关设计手册的使用,能独立完成一套模具的设计及模具工作零件加工工艺的编制,能够运用软件完成模具装配图及零件图的绘制。2本毕业设计课题任务的内容和要求(包括原始数据、技术要求、工作要求等):原始资料:工件图及其尺寸见说明书,塑料材料:Q215生产批量:大批量摘要 3绪论 51.1国内模具的现状和发展趋势 51.1.1国内模具的现状 51.1.2

2、国内模具的发展趋势 61.2 国外模具的现状和发展趋势 72 弯曲模设计 92.1弯曲件的工艺性分析 92.2最小弯曲半径 92.3回弹值的影响 102.4弯曲件坯料尺寸的计算 102.5弯曲力的计算 102.6弯曲模结构设计 102.6.1凸模圆角半径 102.6.2凹模圆角半径 112.6.3 凹模深度 112.7弯曲模图形 112.7.1凸模图形: 112.7.2凹模图形 122.8压力机的参数与较核 132.9模具试冲时常见的故障,原因和调整方法 142.10总装图 153 冲孔落料模具设计 153.1冲孔落料模具设计的设计思路 163.2 冲孔落料工艺的分析 163.2.1冲裁件工艺

3、分析 163.3冲材工艺方案的确定 173.4主要设计计算 173.4.1排样方式 173.4.2搭边值 183.4.3步距 183.4.4条料宽度 183.5 压力、压力中心计算及压力机的选用 193.5.1冲压力计算 193.5.2卸料力、顶件力的计算 193.5.3压力中心计算 213.5.4 压力机的选用 223.6冲孔落料复合模结构设计 223.6.1凸凹模间隙 223.6.2凸凹模刃口尺寸设计 223.7模具零件的结构设计 243.7.1凸凹模 243.7.2冲孔凸模 243.7.3落料凹模 253.8.1选用模架、确定闭合高度及总体尺寸 263.8.2导柱、导套 273.8.3导

4、料销 273.9 卸料部件的设计 273.10其他零件 273.11凸凹模加工工艺 293.12 模具总装图 303.13复合模具的安装与调试 313.13.2复合模的安装原则 313.13.3复合模的安装 323.13.4复合模模具的调试 323.13.5冲材模的调试要点 333.13.6 模具试冲时常见的故障,原因和调整方法 334 结束语 35致谢 36参考文献 37摘要从制件图上可以看出,该制件的加工需要冲孔落料以及弯曲等工序,也就是说至少需要两套模具才能完成该制件。由于弯曲后的工件不易冲裁,所以只有先将条料在冲裁模上冲裁出两孔以及该制件的展开尺寸,然后再在弯曲模上将其弯曲成形。在设计


6、以凸模为基准的计算原则分别计算出凸凹模和凸模的刃口尺寸,然后根据其他条件与参数设计出凸凹模和凸模的其他结构尺寸。关键词 冲孔落料复合模具 弯曲模 圆角半径 凸凹模 Abstractthis topic gives the workpiece chart is as follows: May see from the workpiece chart, this workpiece processing needs the punch holes to fall the material as well as curving and so on the working procedures, in

7、 other words, needs two sets of molds to be able at least to complete this workpiece.Because curving after work piece not easy blanking, therefore only then the blanking leaves first the strip material on the punching die two as well as this workpiece launches the size, then again in bending die gen

8、eral its curving forming.In the design process, we have designed the bending die first, then in launched the size according to the workpiece to calculate the punch holes to fall the material superposable die the mold cutting edge size and designs the superposable die other parts. When design bending

9、 die, we have analyzed this factors with emphasis and so on workpiece material, thickness, length and breadth the pressure which and calculates curving to the curving angle influence needs.Because the concave mold smallest depth and raised, the die radius has decided the concave mold intensity as we

10、ll as its service life, therefore in design bending die raised, time concave size, we have considered the concave mold thickness with emphasis as well as raised, the die radius. The reason and solution which above finally we according to the parameter to select the appropriate press compoupplied the

11、 reference in the actual production. Falls the material superposable die on the punch holes in the design process, we first carry on the analysis to the blanking technology capability, analyzes its pitch of holes as well as the blanking force as well as center of pressure we have selected the press

12、initially, after waits the mold structural design to finish confirms again chooses the press whether appropriate perhaps further determined teaches for the appropriate press. the concave mold gap decided, but raised, the concave mold gap decided by the workpiece material and thickness, rests on this

13、 kind of mentality, we first act according to the workpiece the material and thickness determination gap biggest and the minimum value, then the basis falls the material take the concave mold as the datum, the punch holes calculates the convex-concave mold and the raised mold cutting edge size separ

14、ately take the raised mold as the datum computation principle, then acts according to other conditions and the parameter designs the convex-concave mold and the raised mold other structure size. The key word punch holes fall the material compound mold Bending die Radius of curvature Convex-concave m

15、old 绪论目前,我国冲压技术与工业发达国家相比还相当的落后,主要原因是我国在冲压基础理论及成形工艺、模具标准化、模具设计、模具制造工艺及设备等方面与工业发达的国家尚有相当大的差距,导致我国模具在寿命、效率、加工精度、生产周期等方面与工业发达国家的模具相比差距相当大。1.1国内模具的现状和发展趋势1.1.1国内模具的现状我国模具近年来发展很快,据不完全统计,2003年我国模具生产厂点约有2万多家,从业人员约50多万人,2004年模具行业的发展保持良好势头,模具企业总体上订单充足,任务饱满,2004年模具产值530亿元。进口模具18.13亿 美元,出口模具4.91亿美元,分别比2003年增长18%、32.4%和45.9%。进出口之比2004年为3.69:1,进出口相抵后的进净口达13.2亿美元,为净进口量较大的国家。在2万多家生产厂点中,有一半以上是自产自用的。在模具企业中,产值过亿元的提高较快;三资及私营企业发展迅速;国企股份制改造步伐加快等。虽然说我国模具业发展迅速,但远远不能适应国民经济发展的需要。我国尚存在以下几方面的不足:

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