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1、drawee (付款人)payee (收款人)endorse (背书)letter of credit (信用证)Standby letter of credit (备用信用证)guarantee (保函)international factoring (国际保理)international forfaiting (国际无追索权买断)Marine Bill Of Lading (海运提货单)Airway Bill (空运提单)Insurance Policy (保险单)Customs Invoice (海关发票)International Cargo Trade Settlement (国际货

2、物贸易结算) : The financial activity arisingfrom international cargo merchandise trade is called international cargo trade settlement.International Service Trade Settlement (国际服务贸易结算) : International service tradesettlement refers to the settlement related to the cross-border services providing.General A

3、greement on Trade in Service (服务贸易总协定) : a treaty of the World TradeOrganization, covers four modes of supply for the delivery of services in cross-border trade.Cross-border supply (跨境交付) : refer to the services delivered within the territory of themember, from the territory of another member. It is

4、 the services but not thepeople or material that crosses the border.Consumption abroad (境外消费) : Consumption abroad is the services delivered outsidethe territory of the member, in the territory of another member, to a service consumer of themember.Commercial presence (商业存在) : Commercial presence is

5、the services delivered withinthe territory of the member, through the commercial presence of the supplier.Presence of natural person ( 自然人流动) : Presence of natural person is services deliveredwithin the territory of the member, with supplierpresenting as a natural person.International Non-trade Sett

6、lement ( 国 际 非 贸 易 结 算 ) : International Non-Trade Settlement refers to financial activities that are generated in the course of other cross-border economic (excluding international trade), political and cultural contacts.Cash on Delivery (货到付款)Documentagainstpayment (付款交单)clearing systems (清算系统)Cle

7、aring House Inter-bank Payment System(CHIPS) 5 余勺清算所金艮行同It 支付系统Clearing House Automated Payment System(CHAPS) 自勤支付清算系统negotiating bank (议付银行)accepting bank (承兑银行)reimbursement bank (偿付银行)confirming bank (保兑银行): International customs andInternational Trade Customs and Practices practices are the habi

8、tual patterns rules and regulations recognized by internationalcommunity. They are formed in long-term international communication and practice.UK Bill of Exchange Act of 1882 (汇票法)US Uniform Commercial Code of 1952 (统一商法典)Correspondent Bank (关系银行) : When a local bank and a foreign bank provide agen

9、cyservices for each other under an agreement, the two banks become correspondent banks in international settlement mutually.Depository Bank (保管银行)Non- depository Bank (非保管银行)第二章by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or

10、at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to the bearer.Promissory Note (本票) : A promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made byIt is anone person to another signed by the maker, engaging to pay, on demand or at a fixed o

11、r determinable future time, a sum certain in money, to, or to the order of, a specified person or to bearer.Cheque (支票) : it is “ an bill of exchange drawn on a banker payable on demand unconditional order in writing, signed by the person giving it, requiring the banker to whom it is addressed to pa

12、y on demand a sum certain in money to, or to the order of, a specified person or to bearer.Non-causative Nature (无因性) : means when the creditor exercises his right (ask thepayer for payment), he needn t indicates the payer the reason.General acceptance (一般承兑) : It means the acceptor signs on the fac

13、e of the draft,accepting the drawer s order without restrictive statementQualified acceptance (条件承兑) :using specific wording to change the effect after acceptance.Dishonor (拒付) : Act of dishonor is a failure or refusal of acceptance or payment of a bill of exchange when presented.Right of Recourse (

14、追索权) : Recourse refers to act of the holder to demand for payment from the drawer and endorser in case that the draft has been dishonored.Crossed cheque (划线支票) is the cheque with the two parallels on the face, it can be usedonly for account transferOpencheque (普通支票) : is the cheque without the two parallels on the face, it can beused for cash withdrawal and account transferCertified cheque (保付支票) : is one that is certified by t

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