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argumentation 议论文特征.docx

1、argumentation 议论文特征Argumentation Aims:1 Knowing to define the term,2 Comparing this style of writing with exposition, description, and narration3 Knowing requirements of a GOOD argumentative essay 4 Knowing how to outline an augmentative essay: three parts.Procedure: (theory-practice)The purpose of

2、exposition is to inform; the purpose of argumentation, on the other hand, is to convince. While an expository paper makes known something and explains it to make the reader understand, an argumentative essay tries to make the reader agree with its point of view and support it, to persuade him to cha

3、nge his mind or behavior, and to approve a policy or a course of action that it proposes. Speeches on policies, editorials of newspapers, articles on political or theoretical questions, and various proposals are often argumentative.Argumentation frequently makes use of the other three types of writi

4、ng - description, narration, and above all exposition, for argumentation and exposition are very closely related - argumentation is actually exposition with the additional purpose of convincing or persuading.Although they can take different shapes, argumentative essays have certain basic features in

5、 common. If you wish to write a good argumentative essay, you should do your best to meet the following requirements:(1) A debatable pointIt is imperative that the paper should have a debatable point, that is, something which can be viewed from more than one angle and is therefore open to dispute. G

6、enerally speaking, the following are not good themes.1) Mere statements of facts “Chinese doctors use acupuncture anesthesia to perform certain operations” is a fact that cannot be debated. But if it is changed into “acupuncture anesthesia should replace conventional anesthesia in all operations”, i

7、t becomes debatable.2) Statements of personal preference“Ba Jin is my favorite author” expresses personal preference which does not lead to dispute. But a statement like “Ba Jin is the greatest Chinese writer of the 20th century” is disputable and sufficient evidence should be provided.3) Viewpoints

8、 that are generally accepted or can be easily verifiedIt is universally known that “noise pollution is harmful to peoples health”, but it is not generally accepted that “noise pollution is the most harmful of all environmental pollution”. The former viewpoint can be proved, but the later is arguable

9、.(2) Sufficient evidenceSince the point of your paper is not a fact, a statement of personal taste, or a viewpoint universally accepted, you will have to provide sufficient evidence to convince the reader. Sufficient evidence includes common knowledge; specific examples; hard, not soft, evidence, or

10、 facts, not opinions, unless the opinions are expert and authoritative; statistics; and quotations from authorities. Valid evidence is that which is clearly and directly connected with the point to be proved.(3) Good logicIt is obvious that good logic is even more important to argumentation than to

11、any other types of writing. All the facts and reasons that are given as evidence should be logically connected with the conclusion and with each other. Any fallacy in logic or wrong step in reasoning would leave the reader in doubt about the whole argument.There are generally two ways of reasoning:1

12、) Inductive reasoning (from specific facts to a general conclusion) Inductive reasoning is the more common way. When you use induction, you start with facts and proceed from facts to a general conclusion. In other words, you move from specific examples to a general statement.2) Deductive reasoning (

13、from a general statement to a specific conclusion)The process is just the opposite of inductive reasoning - it moves from a general statement to a specific conclusion. It works on the model of syllogism - a three-part argument in which there are two statements, known as the major premise and the min

14、or premise, and a conclusion.Here is an example of a syllogism:A. All human beings make mistakes. (a general statement)B. X is a human being.C. Therefore, X makes mistakes. (a specific conclusion)From the above example we can see that the major premise must be an accepted generalization, and the min

15、or, a factual example of that generalization. If A and B are true, C, the conclusion, is bound to be true.You must be very careful about your premises, especially your major premise, such statements as “all students love to study” and “women are more imaginative than men” are not generally accepted,

16、 and therefore cannot be used as major premises.(4) Clear logicA typical argumentative essay consists of three parts: an introduction which identifies the issue to be discussed and explains the importance of such a discussion; a body which presents the evidence; and a conclusion in which the proposition, if it is stated at the beginning, is reaffirmed.In the body, it is advisable that you devote the first one or

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