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1、 2.1 Old age insurance.7 2.2 Disability insurance.7 2.3 Unemployment compensation.8 2.4 Social security Credit.8 2.5 Social Security Tax.8 2.6 Family Benefits.83. The principal welfare programs.9 3.1 Aid to Families with Dependent Children.9 3.2 Supplementary Security Income.9 3.3 Medical insurance

2、.10Conclusion.11Bibliography.12ABSTRACT Welfare is country or unit of choose and employ persons wait for public weal establishment through holding culture, education, sanitation, improve a system of standard of living of laborer material culture ceaselessly. Age has its privileges in America , and o

3、ne of the more prominent of them is the senior citizen discount . Anyone who has reached a certain age -in some cases as low as low as 55- is automatically entitled to a dazzling array of price reductions at nearly every level of commercial life . Eligibility is determined not by ones need but by th

4、e date on ones birth certificate.Practically unheard of a generation ago, the discounts have become a routine part of many businesses as common as color televisions in motel rooms and free coffee on airliners. Social security is a government program that provides a fixed monthly payment of money to

5、people over 68 years old. Workers pay for it by having a small amount taking out of their paycheck every month, which the government invests very safely. Then, when they retire, they receive a check in the mail every month from the government. Social security is a very important issue in the U.S. pr

6、esidential campaigns because older people tend to vote more than younger people.Key words: welfare culture preferential 摘 要 福利是国家或用人单位通过举办文化、教育、卫生等公共福利设施,不断提高劳动者物质文化生活水平的一项制度。在美国,老年人享有特权,其中一个比较著名的就是老年公民折扣。任何人到了一定年龄在有些情况下甚至只需达到55岁在商业的各个层面都可以得到各种各样的价格优惠。这个资格并不是由个人需要决定的,而是取决于出生证明上的日期。实际上,上一代人闻所未闻的折扣已经成

7、为现今许多商业行为的一个惯例就像汽车旅馆里的彩色电视、飞机上的免费咖啡一样寻常。社会保险是一项政府规划,它每月为68岁以上的老人提供一定数额 的资金。每个月从业人员的从薪水中拿出一小部分来支付,然后政府对这部 分钱妥善投资。之后,等到他们退休,政府每个月便给他们邮寄一张支票。社会保险是美国总统竞选重要的一个环节,因为比起年轻人来说,老年人更热衷于投票。关键词:福利 文化 优惠 社会保险 America,Its Culture - Focus on welfare culture 1. IntroductionSocial welfare daily life is an indispensab

8、le part of the United States, the social welfare system is very comprehensive.Understanding of the United States of Americas social welfare system, help you in immigrant reasonably for their own favorable welfare measures, for the protection of their rights. Americas current social welfare system is

9、 from the 1936 Social Security Act after the implementation, gradually perfect together.Social welfare refers to programs designed to provide assistance for people in need of help. In response to the Great Depression , Roosevelts administration enacted many important laws to help the people out of e

10、conomic difficulties .The most important legislation was the Social Security Act of 1935 which provided protection to all citizens against the economic risk of unemployment and old age . Social Security programs include Old-Age and Disability Insurance,Medicare , Unemployment Compensation ,and Suppl

11、emental security Income. In America , in General, children in adult After the maintenance obligations of parents not legally and economically. At present, the United States 50 States, 30 State law requires the children of elderly parents could not take care of their case to support their and the rem

12、aining 20 States do not have such requirements. a wide geographical distribution of population, many children have lived with his parents, therefore causing many practical difficulties to support the elderly. Another problem is that United States social half of marriages end in divorce, children can

13、 only be awarded to one of the parents, the other side not living together with his children, when children grow up, it is hard to have an obligation to take care of him. United States is not willing to in the elderly rely on their children, want to remain independent. And federal and State Governme

14、nts have a variety of plans, life and pension for the elderly so that they can live very well.Browning said: “ In the United States, if he is a criminal, child bondage from the father in law of wrongful acts. Conversely, if the father was a great success, he has no obligation to any estate left to c

15、hildren. Traditionally, United States society is based on based on individualism, individual liberty and personal responsibility. ” Adult children are no absolute obligation to support parents . Guardianship is usually is made only when the illness could not take care of the elderly. United States legal system al

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