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1、全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语一试题及解析20XX年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语一试题及解析 20XX年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Red the following text. Choose the best word(s) for ech numbered blnk nd mrk , B, C or D on NSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Reserch on niml intelligence lwys mkes me wonder just how smrt humns re.1

2、the fruit-fly experiments described in Crl Zimmers piece in the Science Times on Tuesdy. Fruit flies who were tught to be smrter thn the verge fruit fly 2to live shorter lives. This suggests tht 3bulbs burn longer, tht there is n 4in not being too terrificlly bright. Intelligence, it 5out, is high-p

3、riced option. It tkes more upkeep, burns more fuel nd is slow 6the strting line becuse it depends on lerning grdul 7 insted of instinct. Plenty of other species re ble to lern, nd one of the things theyve pprently lerned is when to8. Is there n dptive vlue to9intelligence? Thts the question behind t

4、his new reserch. I like it. Insted of csting wistful glnce10t ll the species weve left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly sks wht the rel11of our own intelligence might be. This is12the mind of every niml Ive ever met. Reserch on niml intelligence lso mkes me wonder wht experiments nimls would 13o

5、n humns if they hd the chnce. Every ct with n owner, 14, is running smll-scle study in opernt conditioning. we believe tht 15nimls rn the lbs, they would test us to 16the limits of our ptience, our fithfulness, our memory for terrin. They would try to decide wht intelligence in humns is relly 1, not

6、 merely how much of it there is. 18 to study 19question: re humns ctully wre of the world they live in?20the results re inconclusive. 1. Suppose B Consider C Observe D Imgine 2. tended B fered C hppened D thretened 3. thinner B stbler C lighter D dimmer 4. tendency B dvntge C inclintion D priority 5

7、. insists on B sums up C turns out D puts forwrd 6. off B behind C over D long 7. incredible B spontneous C inevitble D grdul 8. fight B doubt C stop D think 9. invisible B limited C indefinite D different 10. upwrd B forwrd C fterwrd D bckwrd 11. fetures B influences C results D costs 12. outside B

8、 on C by D cross 13. deliver B crry C perform D pply 14. by chnce B in contrst C s usul D for instnce 15. if B unless C s D lest 16. moderte B overcome C determine D rech 17. t B for C fter D with 18. bove ll B fter ll C However D Otherwise 19. fundmentl B comprehensiveC equivlent D hostile 20. By c

9、cident B In time C So fr D Better still Section II Reding Comprehension Prt Directions: Red the following four texts. nswer the questions below ech text by choosing , B, C or D. Mrk your nswers on NSWER SHEET 1. (40 points) Text 1 Hbits re funny thing. We rech for them mindlessly, setting our brins

10、on uto-pilot nd relxing into the unconscious comfort of fmilir routine. Not choice, but hbit rules the unreflecting herd, Willim Wordsworth sid in the 19th century. In the ever-chnging 21st century, even the word hbit crries negtive connottion. So it seems ntitheticl to tlk bout hbits in the sme con

11、text s cretivity nd innovtion. But brin reserchers hve discovered tht when we consciously develop new hbits, we crete prllel synptic pths, nd even entirely new brin cells, tht cn jump our trins of thought onto new, innovtive trcks. But dont bother trying to kill off old hbits; once those ruts of pro

12、cedure re worn into the hippocmpus, theyre there to sty. Insted, the new hbits we delibertely ingrin into ourselves crete prllel pthwys tht cn bypss those old rods. The first thing needed for innovtion is fscintion with wonder, sys Dwn Mrkov, uthor of The Open Mind nd n executive chnge consultnt for

13、 Professionl Thinking Prtners. But we re tught insted to decide, just s our president clls himself the Decider. She dds, however, tht to decide is to kill off ll possibilities but one. good innovtionl thinker is lwys exploring the mny other possibilities. ll of us work through problems in wys of whi

14、ch were unwre, she sys. Reserchers in the lte 1960 covered tht humns re born with the cpcity to pproch chllenges in four primry wys: nlyticlly, procedurlly, reltionlly (or collbortively) nd innovtively. t puberty, however, the brin shuts down hlf of tht cpcity, preserving only those modes of thought

15、 tht hve seemed most vluble during the first decde or so of life. The current emphsis on stndrdized testing highlights nlysis nd procedure, mening tht few of us inherently use our innovtive nd collbortive modes of thought. This breks the mjor rule in the mericn belief system tht nyone cn do nything, explins M. J. Ryn, uthor of the 20XX book This Yer I Will. nd Ms. Mrkovs business prtner. Thts lie tht we hve perpetuted, nd it fosters commonness. Knowi

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