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1、2. hard-working adj 工作努力的,勤勉的Simon is a hard-working student.区别:work hard 动副结构Simon works hard.3. patient Patient adj 耐心的 (impatient 没耐心的)搭配:be patient with sb 对待有耐心 Patient n 病人The nurse is very patient with her patients.3. time Take time to do sth 花时间做某事You should take some time to check your answ

2、er. is the time for sb to do sth 是某人做某事的时候It is the time for you to work hard. It takes sb some time to do sth. Sb spends some time on sth in doing sth. It takes me one hour to go to school. I spend one hour in going to school.4. probably probably adv 很可能 You are probably right. Probable adj 可能的It i

3、s probable to finish the work before dark.5. with 具有(外貌特征),带有 He is tall with blue eyes. 与,同,和 I am talking with my friend. 用(工具,手段) Cut meat with a knife.6. in the world = all around the world 全世界7. forget v . 忘记 forget to do sth doing sth 忘记去做某事 忘记做过某事Dont forget to reply to Jane in the morning.He

4、 forgot closing the door.相似用法:remember 记得 remember to do sth doing sth 记得去做某事 记得做过某事8. Taste n 味道 v. 尝起来 The dish tastes delicious.(感官动词+adj)相似的用法还有smell. n 气味 Many people dont like the smell of durians. v. 闻,嗅 The meat smells nice,but tastes terrible.形容词的用法:形容词修饰名词,放在名词的前面; 修饰be动词、系动词(get, become,

5、appear等)构成系表结构 放在be动词的后面;修饰感官动词(look,smell,taste, sound, feel)放在感官动词的后面。 9、I will never forget the taste, and the smell as well. 我将永远不会忘记那种味道和气味。 (1)as well意为“除之外,也,还”。,和too的意思相近。 Eg:He knows English, and he knows French as well.他懂英语,还懂法语。 (2) 辨析:as well,also, either as well常用于口语,多置于肯定句句末。Eg:I can s

6、wim too. also, 置于动词之前,助动词、be动词之后,常用于句中。He also wants to go. either,常用于否定句句尾。He doesnt want to go either.他也不想去。He speaks English and Spanish as well.= He speaks English and Spanish, too.= He speaks English and he also speaks Spanish.10. miss miss sb. very much 非常想念某人 v. 想念 v. 错过(机会) I missed the trai

7、n yesterday. n 小姐,女士(未婚)11. be good at= do well in 擅长He is good at Chinese. = He does well in Chinese.He is good at speaking Chinese. = He does well in speaking Chinese.反义词:Be poor at 不擅长12. remain v. 仍然是,保持不变 We will remain friends forever. (remain +n)I asked her a question,but she remained silent.

8、(remain +adj) v. 逗留He remained in Beijing for three months last year.13. encourage v. 鼓励 encourage sb to do sth.Our teacher encourages us to do more sport. n. encouragement Thanks for your encouragement.14. support n. 支持 (不可数名词)Betty needs our support . Lets give her a hand. v. 支持 My mother always s

9、upport me . 15. “Never give up and youll be successful.”Never give up 是祈使句. 句子结构是:祈使句+ and +句子(一般将来时,表达结果)give up 放弃 give up(sth.)I gave up this idea. give up doing 放弃做某事 My father cant give up smoking.16.successful Successful adj 获得成功的 Tom is a Successful businessman. success n 成功 They finally got

10、a big success. succeed v. 成功 Jim succeeded in getting the first place in English exam.17. help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事= help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人Li Ping helps me learn English. = Li Ping helps me with my oneself (to) 请自便;请随便吃 with the help of= with ones help在某人的帮助下cant/ couldnt help do

11、ing sth. 忍不住,禁不住18、Grandma took care of my family.(1) take care of= look after= care for(此外,care for还有喜欢的意思) 照顾、爱护 Eg: Nurses take care of patients in hospital.= Nurses look after patients in hospital.护士在医院照顾病人。 (2)care about 意为“关心,介意” care for 意为“喜欢,为操心” Eg:Einstein who cared little for money never

12、 cared about his salary. 爱恩斯坦对金钱不感兴趣,他从不在乎薪水多少。19、She often tells jokes to make me laugh, but she never makes fun of others.(1)tell jokes意为“讲笑话” tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人做(不要做)某事 Eg:Dont tell jokes in class.上课时不要讲笑话。 (2)make sb. do sth.意为“使某人做某事”。make后直接跟动词的原形(let/have也是此用法)。 make sth + adj. “使处于

13、某种状态”(此用法还有 leave/keep)The teacher made the students do a lot of homework.这个老师让学生做很多的作业。 (3)make fun of意为“嘲弄,取笑”与laugh at 意思相近。The older children always make fun of him because of his accent. = The older children always laugh at him because of his accent. 大一些的孩子常常取笑他的口音。拓展:1、be made of 由什么制成(看得出原材料)eg:The house is made of wood. 2、be made from 由什么制成(看不出原材料)eg: Wine is made from grapes. 3、be made into 把制成。Grapes are ma

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