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1、 一、关于PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 前 言 例This Master Marketing Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into as of MONTH DAY, YEAR (the “Effective Date”) by and between: a Delaware corporation with a principal place of business at (“VENDOR”) and RESEARCH IN MOTION LIMITED, a company incorporated in th

2、e Province of Ontario and having its principal place of business at 295 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3W8 (“RIM”) WHEREAS: 本销售服务主协议(下称:协议)由一家主营业地位于特拉华州(美国译注) 的公司(下称:供方)与位于安大略省(加拿大译注),主营业地在295 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3W8(下称:需方)于( 年 月 日)签订的,鉴于: A. RIM is a leading distributor a

3、nd marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide marketplace; 需方是在全球市场从事领先的无线解决方案开发的主要销售商; (译注:RIM是加拿大生产黑莓BlackBerry移动电子邮件系统终端的公司) B. VENDOR is in the business of INSERT A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE VENDORS BUSINESS IN NO MORE THAN 3 SENTENCES; and 供方的主要经营为: C. RIM and VENDOR (each a

4、“Party” and collectively the “Parties”) wish to enter into an add background information if appropriate视交易具体情况决定是否应介绍合同背景 例After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to describe subject matter of the Contract in ac

5、cordance with Applicable laws and the provisions of this Contract. 双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照相关法律名称以及其他有关法律,同意按照本合同的条款,描述合同标的。 例independent contractor arrangement whereby VENDOR shall perform certain Services (as defined herein) on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE in con

6、sideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, the Parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 双方希望建立专项承包商关系,并据此,供方按照本协议的约定提供某种服务。鉴于双方的相互承诺,特此立约如下: Now the Parties Hereby Agree as follows:双方现协议如下: 二、关于Definitions 定义 例 Unless the terms or context of this contract otherwise provid

7、e, all term used in this Contract shall have the meanings set out as follows. 除本合同条款或上下文另有所指,本合同中所有相关用语的定义见如下。 例 Unless the terms or context of this Contract otherwise provide, the following terms shall have the meanings set out below: 除非本合同条款或上下文另有所指,下列用语的含义如下: 例“Affiliate” means any entity which,

8、directly or indirectly, is controlled by , under common control with, or in control of, a Party; the term “control” being used in the sense of power to elect or appoint a majority of directors or to direct the management of a company. “关联机构”指任何直接或间接被一方控制、与该方受共同控制、或者控制该方的公司:“控制”这一用词的含义指拥有选举或委派董事会多数董事

9、或指示公司管理部门的权力。 例“Applicable Laws” mean the laws, regulations, rules, and legislative, executive or judicial notices, orders, decisions or other documents binding on either Party or the subject matter of this Contract. “有关法律”指对本合同一方或本合同标的适用的法律、法规、规章,以及立法、行政或司法机关颁布的通知、命令、决定或其他公示文件。 例“Business Day” mean

10、s, in respect of Party A and any action to be taken by Party B in the PRC, any day on which the companies in the PRC are generally open for business in the PRC, including a Saturday or Sunday which the PRC government temporarily declares to be a working day (“Working Rest Day”), but excluding a stat

11、utory holiday, or a Saturday or Sunday other than a Working Rest Day; in respect of any action to be taken by Party B in Party B Home Country, any day on which the companies in Party B Home Country are generally open for business in Party B Home Country. “工作日”就甲方而言,指中华人民共和国境内公司通常对外营业的任何一日,包括中国政府宣布为临

12、时工作日的星期六或星期日(“调休工作日”),但不包括法定节假日以及调休工作日以外的星期六或星期日;就乙方而言,指乙方所在国境内公司通常对外营业的任何一日。 例“China” and “PRC” mean the Peoples Republic of China, but for purposes of this Contract do not include the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau and the region of Taiwan “中国”指中华人民共和国,但在本合同中,不包括香港和澳门特别行政区以及

13、中国的台湾地区 例“Confidential Information” means any business, marketing, technical, scientific or other information disclosed by any Party which, at the time of disclosure, is designated as confidential (or like designation), is disclosed in circumstances of confidence, or would be undertstood by the Part

14、ies, exercising reasonable business judgement, to be confidential. “保密资料”指某方所披露的符合以下条件之一的商业、营销、技术、科学或其他信息:在披露时标明为保密(或有类似标记)的、在保密情况下披露的、或双方根据合理的商业判断应理解为保密资料的。 例“Effective Date” means the date of this Contract first shown abovethe date on which each of the conditions precedent in Article , have been satisfied or waived in accordance with the terms thereof. “Expiration Date” means the day on which the initial Term or any extended Term expires in accordance with the provisions of Articles .1 and .2. “生效日”指本合同首部所载之日,或者第 条(先决条件)中所设定的先决条件根据该条有关规定成就或被放

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