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1、3.Let them know the importance of senses in daily life.教学过程:Step1. Brainstorming (ppt 5-6)Ask students the following questions:-1.With what do we see and hear?2.How do we know whether a dish is delicious?3.How do we know that a flower has a pleasant smell?4.What do we do when we want to know whether

2、 the water in the basin is hot or cold?5.How do we know about the world around us?As we all know, almost everyone has five senses, which are used everywhere and all the time. We learn about the world through the five senses. We use the five senses to study, work and relax, but there are some people

3、who have lost one or more of their senses.【设计说明】通过头脑风暴活动,引出话题,用浅显易懂的问题,激发学生的兴趣,激活课堂气氛。问题后教师的陈述目的是导入下一步的讨论。Step2 Presentation (ppt 7-8)1.What would happen if you lost one or two of your senses?A person who cannot see is blind and someone who cannot hear is deaf.2. Do you know how blind people can rea

4、d?(They can read by touching raised dots which represent numbers and letters. This system is called Braille.)3. How do the deaf communicate with each other?(They use body language or sign language.)【设计说明】阅读短文“Five senses”, 通过三个问题检测学生对其的理解。Step3 Discussion -Group Activity(ppt 9)Look at the four pictu

5、res and answer the question below each picture.1.What can you see in this picture?2.How would you judge the length of the two lines?3.How can you prove that the two lines are straight?4.Can the symbols be read in only one way?5.Why are people misled by their own eyes?【设计说明】要求学生对四副图画进行仔细观察,展开小组活动,讨论看

6、到什么图案。每小组一人向全班汇报。让学生明白,有些背景和线条误导了人的大脑,从而使人做出不全面的判断。Step4 Language study (ppt10-11)1.Fill in the blanks with words that have something to do with “senses”:When he got there, he _ that there was a dark hole. He _ into it, but could _ nothing. He _ with his ears, he could _ nothing, either. He _ it for

7、 a long time. He _ something strange. He _ the side of the hole. It _ hot. Suddenly some noises were _ from the hole. It _ like someone was cooking inside.2. Lets talk about the importance of each sense.e.g. We see the world with our eyes. Without the sense of sight, we would live in total darkness.

8、We _ with _. Without _, we would_.【设计说明】设计两个练习,目的是用说的方法,让学生复习掌握表示感官类的动词名词的使用。拓展学生的思维,让他们明白这五种感觉在我们的生活学习中的重要性。Step5 Discussion - Group activity (ppt 12-20)1. There is a saying: To see is to believe, is that always true?2. Read the three questions in the short passage and discuss them in groups of fou

9、r.3. Report your answers to the whole class.【设计说明】呈现四副图画,展开讨论:There is a saying:结论是:In most cases, the saying is true. However, sometimes our senses will cheat us. To see the world clearly, we should also be armed with scientific knowledge and think twice before action. 对教材上的三个问题进行讨论,列举一些身残志坚的成功者的事例

10、,激励学生要做对生活充满热情的人,给这节听说课加入了德育教育的元素。Step6 Assignments (ppt 21)1. Preview the reading part, do exercise C1 and C2.2. Preview the reading strategy.【设计说明】本节课的目的之一即给下面的阅读课做铺垫,要求学生预习课文,是为了下一阅读课的进行扫清一些障碍,同时培养学生的预习习惯。【教学反思】本节课是听说教学课。在本课中,教师设计各种听说活动,鼓励学生就“五种感觉在自己学习生活中的重要性“展开广泛地讨论并大胆发表自己的观点。丰富多彩的图片展示,使学生从视觉上产生

11、差异,从而促使他们讨论:“To see is to believe”是否绝对正确。最后通过残疾艺术家身残志坚,做出巨大成就的事例,使学生明白应该以积极热情的态度面对生活和学习。Word Power1.Get to know different parts of speech of words.2.Learn words and expressions related to weather.3.Encourage students to learn to remember and practise what they learn by listening and translation. Ste

12、p 1 Introduction (ppt 3)The teacher starts the lesson by asking a student to retell the reading passage in this unit “fog” and write down those words in the passage and show another two words on the screen which have different parts of speech so that students can understand the meaning of “part of s

13、peech” and further understand those words.【设计说明】在学习词汇之前,刚好完成了Reading的教学,通过复述课文既起到了复习巩固作用又通过某些词的重现让学生了解了本节课要学习的内容:同一个词可能有不同的词性和含义。整个导入过程自然流畅。Step 2 Grasp and practice (ppt 4)Ask students to fill in the blanks of part B on page 6 to grasp the words given in the box.【设计说明】通过简单的练习设置帮助检测学生对新学词汇的理解。Step 3

14、 Review, look and understand (ppt 5)Remind students of the trouble Polly met and ask them to conclude: It is the fog that causes her so much trouble. Look at some pictures about bad weather which causes trouble and let students understand them.【设计说明】通过对文章的再次温习引入到话题“坏天气会给人们造成麻烦,天气预报可以有效减少损失。”因此,从情感上,学生能更积极地参与学习有关天气词汇的学习。Step 4 Show and learn (ppt 6-8)Symbols of weather are introduced to students. The students can learn and remember better with the help of vivid pictures and the teacher will also introduce a way that some a

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