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1、meusher him itthem物主代词形物代myouryourher his itstheir名物代.人称代词和物主代词练习:(一)用代词的适当形式填空。1There is a letter for_ (her 、hers) mother. 2That is _ (she ) coat. The coat is red._ (its)is a new one. 3Whose pens are these? _(their) are _ (we). 4Give _(he) a toy, please. 5_(we) eyes are black. 6Tim and Bill are twi

2、ns. _(them) parents are teachers. 7Give the book to _(I ). 8These books are _(we). 9That is not _ kite. That kite is very small, but _ is very big.( I )10The dress is _. Give it to _. ( she )11Is this _ watch? (you) No, its not _ . ( I )12_ is my brother. _ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _. (

3、he )二,用合适的代词填空1._(我) am a student. _ (我的)name is Gina.This is _ (我的)sister. This pencil is _(我的).Where is _(我的)schoolbag? (我的)_is on the desk.(我的)_favorite subject is science.2、Do _(你)have a soccer ball? Is this _(你的) pencil? Do _(你)like bananas? When is _(你的) birthday?What is _(你的)favorite subject?

4、 Who is _(你的)P.E. teacher.Why do _(你)like P.E.? When is _ (你的) P.E. class?Where is _(你的)schoolbag? (你的)_ is on the desk.3.Is _(他)Alan? Whats _(他的) last name? Whats _(他的)phone number? _(他的) father is a teacher._(他)often plays basketball. When is _(他的) birthday? What is _(他的)favorite subject? Who is _

5、(他的)music teacher.Why does _(他)like P.E.? When is _(他的) music class?This soccer ball is _(他的). Where is _(他的)schoolbag? (他的)_ is on the desk.4. Is _(她)Helen? Whats _(她的) last name?Whats _(她的)phone number? _(她的) father is a teacher._(她)often plays tennis after school. When is _(她的) birthday?What is _

6、(她的)favorite subject? Who is _(她的)music teacher.Why does _(她)like P.E.? When is _(她的) music class?This ping-pong bat is _ (她的). Where is _(她的)schoolbag? (她的)_ is on the desk.5._(我们) are late. Please let_(我们)play soccer.6._(我们的) classroom is big._( 你们的) is small.7_(他们)are my parents. I love _(他们)very

7、 much.Whats _(他们的) names?2、指示代词(1)、this“这” ,其复数形式 these “这些” ,指代近处的人或物体 ;(2)、that“那” ,其复数形式 those“那些” ,指代远处的人或物。3、指示代词 this that these those 作主语,一般疑问句的简略回答(1)、Is this / that your aunt ? Yes , it is . No , it isnt .简略回答时,用主格代词 it 代替(2)、Are these / those your uncles ? Yes , they are . No , they arent

8、.简略回答时,用主格代词 they 代替、单句变复句,把句子中单数词变成复数词。1、This is my friend . _ _ _ _my _2、That is his parent . _ _ _ _his _3、She is her cousin . _ _ _ _her _.用所给的词选择填空1、These are pens and _ _ are pencils. (that, this, those)2、Tom was sick yesterday. _ _ is why he missed school. ( That, Those, These) 3、Which of _ _

9、 shirts are Toms ( These, this, that)4、This desk is mine, _ _ is hers. ( those, this, that)5、The map of Beijing is better than _ _ of Tianjing. (this, that, these).二、名词名词: 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。1、不可数名词:表示的事物,其数量不可以数清或者难以数清。例如:water “水” , “水”的数量不可以数清; rice “大米,谷粒” , 其数量难以数清。不可数名词用法上有两大特点:(1)、没有复数形式;(2)、不能用不

10、定冠词 a / an 、基数词、many 修饰。2、可数名词:表示的事物,其数量可以数清 。可数名词用法上的特点:(1)、有单数、复数两种形式;(2)、能用不定冠词 a / an 、基数词、many 修饰。3、单数名词后加 s 或 es 变成复数名词。单数名词后加 s 或 es 的方法如下:(1)、 一般情况,名词后直接加 s (清辅音后读 / s /, 浊辅音后读/ z /) parents“双亲” ;aunts“阿姨” ;friends“朋友”(2)、以字母 e 结尾的名词,直接加 s (读 / z /) 例如:uncles“叔叔” ;pictures“图画”(3)、以字母 O 结尾的名词

11、,有的加 s ,有的加 es (读 / z /) photos“照片” ;tomatoes“西红柿” ;(4)、以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的名词,变 y 为 i,加 es (读 / z /)family families; party parties(5)、以 s x ch sh 结尾名词,直接加 es(读 / Iz/) 例如:buses“公共汽车” boxes“盒子” wishes“希望” watches“手表” (6)、少数名词的复数形式是不规则的,有特殊形式。man men woman women people people childchildren(7)knife的复数形式是kniv

12、es4、名词所有格 :表示“某人的” , 名词 + 或 s 构成 。其规则如下:(1)、一般情况下,名词后直接加 s: Jims (吉姆的); my mothers(我的母亲的)2、以 s 结尾的复数名词,直接加 : my friends (我的朋友的);his students3、一个 人或物 属各自所有的或者几个人共有,变成所有格。Jims and Kates aunts 吉姆的阿姨和凯特的阿姨Jim and Kates birthday 吉姆和凯特(共有)的生日新目标七年级名词变复数练习题一、写出下列名词的复数形式am_ is_ he _ she _ it _ that_ this_ you_ pen_ desk_ key_ orange_ boy_ friend_ parent_ mother_ brother_ son_ sister_ father_ daughter_cousin_card_case_family_ box_ orange_ class _ child_ shelf _

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