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1、难点1. 如何打电话。2. 感叹句。一、重点单词【单词复习】1. spend spend v. 花(时间、钱)等【用法】spend time/ money on sth. 在某物上花费时间/金钱spend time / money (in) doing sth. 做某事花费时间/金钱spend time with sb. 和某人度过时光【例句】The girl often spends much money on clothes. 这个女孩经常在买衣服上花费许多钱。I spent two hours (in) finishing my homework. 我花了两小时完成我的作业。Can yo

2、u spend time with your family? 你可以和你的家人度过时光吗?【拓展】(1) pay常用来表示“付款”,主语是人,其后用介词for。sb. pays money for sth. = sb. spends money on/ doing sth.(2) cost 表示“花钱”,主语为物。sth. costs sb. money. = sb. pays money for sth. = sb. spends money on/(in) doing sth.(3) take也可表示“花费”,多指花时间。常用结构为:It takes sb. some time to do

3、 sth. =sb. spends time on/(in) doing sth.【考题链接】How much did you _ on the book?A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay答案:B思路分析:根据主语you表示人,故排除A, C两项;其后介词是on,故排除D项。2. another adj. & pron. 另一的,又一个指三者或三者以上中的“另一个”,表示的是不定概念,用来修饰或代替单数可数名词。【辨析】the other, the others, others, another(1) the other指两者中的另一个,常构成短语:one the

4、 other。(2) the others 指剩余人或物的全部。(3) others指剩余的其中的部分。常构成短语:some others。(4) another指三者或三者以上中的另一个。也可指在原来基础上再增加一个,后加基数词,相当于基数词加 more。There are two apples on the plate. One is green, the other is red.盘子里有两个苹果。一个是绿色的,另一个是红色的。We have 45 students. Twenty of them are girls, the others are boys.我们有45个学生。其中20个

5、是女孩,剩余的都是男孩。The shirt is too small. Could you give me another one?这件衬衫太小。你给我拿另一件好吗?Some people like to rest in their free time. _ like to travel.A. Other B. The others C. Others D. AnotherC浏览题干可知句意为“一些人喜欢在闲暇时间休息。另一些人喜欢旅行”。“另一些人”只是部分,不是全部,故选C项。3. worry v.n. 担心;担忧(1) worry about sth./ sb. 为某事/某人担心(2)

6、be worried about sth./ sb. 担心某事/某人(3) worry作名词“担心;担忧”讲,是不可数名词;“烦心的事”,是可数名词。Dont worry about little things. 别为琐事烦恼。Its just a mosquito bite. Theres nothing to worry about. 这只是蚊虫咬伤,没有什么可担心的。My sister met a lot of _. And Im _ about her very much.A. worry; worry B. worries; worry C. worry; worried D. wo

7、rries; worriedD句意为“我姐姐遇到了很多烦心的事。我很担心她”。名词worry应用其复数形式worries;be worried about是固定短语,故选D项。4. hear v. 听到;听见(1) hear sb. do sth. 听到某人做了某事(2) hear sb. doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事(3) hear+ that从句 听说(4) hear of/ about 听说;hear from收到的来信hear, listen, sound(1) hear意为“听到”,强调“听”的结果。(2) listen意为“听”,强调动作,是不及物动词;其后接“听”的内

8、容时,要用listen to。(3) sound可作名词和动词。作名词时意为“声音”,作动词时是系动词,后接形容词作表语。Mary speaks fast, so I cant hear clearly. 玛丽说得很快,所以我听不清。Look! Tom is listening to the radio.看!汤姆正在听收音机。That sounds interesting. 那听起来不错。Im talking loudly. Can you _ me in the next room?A. sound B. hear C. listen D. listen tosound作动词,其后接形容词作

9、表语,题干中me是代词宾格,故排除A项;listen是不及物动词,故其后不能接宾语,排除C项;根据句意“我说话声音很大。你能在隔壁房间里听到我吗?”故选B项。listen to意为“听”,强调听的动作。5. surprise n. 惊奇;惊讶 v. 使吃惊(1) 作名词时,常用短语如下:get a surprise 吃惊;in surprise 吃惊地;to ones surprise 令人吃惊的是(2) 作动词时,主语常为物。sth. surprises sb. 某事使某人吃惊(3) surprised 形容词,指人;surprising形容词,常修饰物。The girls looked a

10、t me in surprise. 女孩们吃惊地看着我。His words surprised me. 他的话使我吃惊。I was surprised to see the surprising news. 看到那条令人惊讶的消息我很吃惊。He gave me some _ news and I got a _.A. surprised; surprise B. surprising; surprise C. surprised; surprised D. surprse; surprisenews表示“物”,故用surprising修饰;a后加名词surprise,故选B项。句意为“他带给我

11、一些令人惊讶的消息,我吃了一惊”。【即学即练】1. He _ half an hour reading English in the morning. A. pays B. costs C. takes D. spends2. _! Can you _ the _?A. Hear; listen to; sound B. Listen; hear; soundC. Sound; sound D. Listen;3. To my _, what he said _ everyone at present(在场的). surprised B. surprise; surprising C. sur

12、prising; surprised D. surprise; surprised4. We have _ two days to stay at home.A. other B. more C. another D. others5. You dont _ about me. But I am always _ about you. worry B. worried; worried worried D. worried; worry1-5 DBDCC1. 根据主语he可知排除B, C两项;再据 half an hour可知排除A项,只有D项合适。2. 浏览各选项可知listen可以单独使用,故排除A, C两项;the后接名词,故用sound表示“声音”;hear意为“听到”;listen to意为“听”,据句意可知B项正确。3. my是形容词性物主代词,故其后接名词surprise;后半句中缺少谓语动词,故用动词surprise的过去式surprised。句意为“令我感到惊讶的是,他说的话使在场的各位都吃惊了”。4. 浏览题干和选项可知 another two days意为“另外的两天”,故选C项。5. dont后接动词原形;am后接形容词形式,故选C项。二、重点短语【短语复习】1. a little 一点;少量

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