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1、(能简便运算的要简便运算,并写出简算过程)1、1323+15113 2、8934-716-25% 3、34-23120.14、115+2171517 5、453.8+5.280%+0.8II.Construction(5 marks)There is an electric toy formed by a rectangles(8.28cm 5.14cm)and a circle of radius 3cm(with a baby face on it),they connect at Ponint AAnd E(as in the construction).If the circle ro

2、lls from Point A along the rectangular inner wall(no slip).Finally returns to the original position.I.Please sketch the circle with a baby face at Position B,C,D respectively.II.(3 marks)III.The circle rolls _ revolutions.(2 marks)有一个电动玩具,它有一个8.285.14的长方形盘(单位:厘米)和一个半径为1厘米的小圆盘(盘中画有娃娃脸)它们的连接点为A、E(如图)。

3、如果小圆盘沿着长方形内壁,从A点出发,不停的滚动(无滑动),最后回到原来的位置.(1)请你分别画出小圆盘(娃娃脸)在B、C、D位置示意图。(3分)(2)小圆盘共自转了_圈。(2分)III.Applications(6 marks each,30 marks total)1.There is a project,Team A needs 15days to finish it alone and Team B need 12 days alone.Team A and Team B work 4 days together and Team C can finish the job in 8 d

4、ays. How many days does Team C need if it has to finish the project alone?1、一项工程,甲队单独做需要15天完成,乙队单独做12天完成。现在甲乙合作4天后,剩下的工程由丙队8天完成。如果这项工程由丙队独做,需要几天?2. As shown in the following illustration.There is some water in the sealed container and the height from the bottom to the surface of the water is 10cm,if

5、 we put the container upside down,Whats the height(cm) from the surface of the water to the bottom?2、如下图所示,在密封的容器中装有一些水,水面到底部的高度是10厘米,如果将这个容器倒过来,请你求出水面到底部的高度是多少厘米?3.There is 1000 grams of alcohol solution with the concentration of 15% in the bottle,and now we pour 200 grams of alcohol solution A and

6、 400 grams of alcohol solution B respectively,the concentration turns to 14%.the concentration of A is twice as much as the concentration of B.Whats the concentration of alcohol solution A?3.瓶中装有浓度为15%的酒精溶液1000克,现在又分别倒入200克和400克的A、B两种酒精溶液,瓶中的浓度变为14%。已知A种酒精溶液是B种酒精溶液浓度的2倍,那么A种酒精溶液的浓度是多少?4.There are tw

7、o baskets of apples(one is bigger and the other one is smaller),the unit-price tatio of the bigger ones and the smaller ones is 5:4,and the weight ratio is 2:3.Mix the two baskets of apples,and there are 100 kilograms apples,the unit-price is 4.4Yuan per kilo.What are the original prices of the two

8、baskets of apples?4.有了大小两筐苹果,大苹果与小苹果单价比为5:4,其重量比为2:3.把两筐苹果混合在一起恰好是100千克的混合苹果,单价是44元每千克,问大笑两筐苹果原来的单价各是多少?5.There is a 1000-meter-long steel bridge,and it takes the train 120 reconds to get itd locomotive to the bridge and the rear rnd off it.The duration of the whole train running on the bridge is 80sconds,what are the length and the speed of train?5.一座铁桥长1000米,一列火车从车头上桥到车尾离开桥共用了120秒,已知整个火车完全在桥上行驶的时间为80秒,求火车的长度与火车的速度。

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