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1、常用旅游英语300句汇编常用旅遊英語300句Where can I catch a taxi? 哪里我可以叫到計程車?The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.出租車站台就在左邊轉角處。Are you free? 您有空嗎?Sure. Where are you going? 當然。您要去哪里?Drive me back to Santa Clara.載我到聖塔克萊拉。Santa Clara? OK. Thats about 20 miles away.聖塔克萊拉?好的,大約是20英里遠。How much will it cost

2、? 需要多少錢?Thatll be thirty-six dollars, sir.先生,車費是36元。Here you are. You can keep the change.給你。零錢不用找了。Youre very generous.你真慷慨。Thats alright. Youre a lot of help.沒關係。你幫了很大的忙。Take me to the railway station.載我到火車站。Take me back.載我回去。What is the charge for that? 那要多少費用?How much extra do I have to pay for

3、that? 我還要另外付多少?Keep the change for yourself.找回的錢你留著。The change is yours.找回的錢給你。Dont give me the change anymore.不必給我找錢了。Is this the bus that goes by the mall? 這班公共汽車經過商業街嗎?No, it isnt. But you can transfer from this bus to bus number 24.不,不經過。但是你可以搭這班車轉乘24路。Good. How much is the fare? 好。車費多少?Its seve

4、nty-five cents for adults and thirty cents for children under twelve.大人75美分,12歲以下的小孩30分。Will it cost for the transfer? 轉車要錢嗎?Yes. When you get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driver this ticket stub.要。當你上了轉乘的公共汽車時,就把這張票根給司機看。You will only have to pay another ten cents and a nickle for your ch

5、ild.你只需另外再付10美分,而你的孩子只要再付5美分。That sounds pretty good.聽起來挺好的嘛!You can take a seat now.現在你找個座位坐下吧。When youre ready to get off, remember to press the button near your seat.當你要下車時,記得按你座位旁的按鈕。Is this bus going to Dallas? 這車開往達拉斯嗎?Get me off at the Fifth Avenue.請在第五大道讓我下車。Where can I put the coin? 硬幣要放在哪兒

6、?How long does it take? 要花多久時間?Can you tell me how to get to the railroad station? 你能告訴我怎樣去火車站嗎?May I help you, sir? 需要我幫忙嗎,先生?Id like to cash some travellers checks here.我想在這兒兌換一些旅行支票。Certainly. Do you have any identification? 當然可以。你有任何證明文件嗎?Yes, I have my Passport. Here it is.是的,我有護照。這就是。Fine. How

7、 much would you like to exchange, sir? 好的。您要兌換多少呢,先生?Whats the exchange rate today? 今天的兌換比率是多少?A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB yuan.一美元價值8.2元人民幣。Five hundred dollars, please. And could you give me ten dollar in small change?請換500美元。再另外能否給我10元的小面額零錢?Here you go, sir.可以,先生。Will it take long?

8、 要很久嗎?No. Please endorse the check at the back.不會的。請在支票的背面簽名。OK.好的。Anything can I help you with? 有我能幫忙的地方嗎?Are you being waited on? 您需要服務嗎?Id like to convert some RMB yuan to US dollar, please.請將我的一些人民幣換成美元。Please cash this check.請兌現這張支票。I want to pick up the car tomorrow morning at seven. Are you o

9、pen then?我想在明天早上7點提車。那時你們開門了嗎?Yes, we are, Mr. Wang. How are you going to pay? 對,我們開門。你打算如何付錢?May I pay in cash? 可以付現金嗎?Wed prefer a credit card, if you have one.如果你有信用卡,我們較喜歡信用卡。Yes, of course.可以,當然可以。How long will you keep the car? 這車你要用多久?Just three days.只要三天。Are you going to return it here? 你要在這

10、裏歸還嗎?No. I want to leave it in Chicago.不。我想把它留在芝加哥。That will be fine.那可以。Heres my visa card.這是我的visa卡。Just a minute. Heres your receipt.請等一下。這是你的收據。Do you mind if I pay in cash? 你介意我付現金嗎?Do you have any objections to my paying in cash? 你反對我付現金嗎?My plans force me to leave it in Chicago.我的計畫使我必須將它留在芝加

11、哥。Anything else, sir? 先生,還要別的東西嗎?Thats all for now. How much do I owe you? 目前這些就夠了,我要付你多少錢?Thatll be fifty-five dollars and twenty cents.一共55元2角。Cant you make it a little cheaper? 你不能算便宜一點?Oh, no sir. We already gave you a discount on each item.哦,不行,先生。每一件東西我們都給你打過折扣了。OK. I understand. Thank you.好吧,

12、我懂了,謝謝你。Any discount, OK? 可以打個折扣嗎?It is too expensive. How about half the price? 太貴了,半價怎麼樣?Only a five percent discount? How about twenty percent? 只打九五折?八折怎麼樣?What a price! Lower it, please? 這麼高的價格!請降點。Ill take it. But the price is a bit high. How about free wrapping?我買了。但價格有點高,免費包裝怎麼樣?Good afternoo

13、n. Whats the trouble? 下午好。有什麼不舒服嗎?Ive had a pretty high fever since yesterday morning.從昨天早上起,我就一直發高燒。Anything else? 還有其他的嗎?Yes. I have an upset stomach.是的,我的胃很難受。I see. Well take a good look at you.我明白了。我們會好好替你看看。Do you have any other symptoms? Any more than those youve described?你有沒有其他的症狀?除了那些你已敍述過

14、的?No. Thats about all.沒有。大概就是這些。Well, I dont think its anything serious.嗯,我想沒有什麼嚴重的。Im relieved to hear that.你的話使我松了一口氣。Im having trouble eating.我吃東西時有困難。What I eat wont stay down.我吃東西時感到噁心。Nothing will stay down when I eat.我吃下去的東西全吐出來了。Im having some trouble keeping food down.我吃東西時感到困難。Thats load o

15、ff my mind.這一來我心裏輕鬆了。Thats relief.真令人欣慰。Thats reassuring.真令人安心。Are there any tours for the Grand Canyon? 有到大峽谷的旅遊團嗎?There are several tours of the Grand Canyon.到大峽谷有好幾個旅遊團。Have you been to our Tourist Information Center?你去過我們的旅客服務中心嗎?No, I havent. Would you show me where that is? 不,沒去過。你可以告訴我去哪里嗎?Sure. Its up ahead to your left.好的。往前走,在你的左邊。I heard that some tours actually go down into the canyon. Is that true?我聽說有的旅遊團真正下到峽谷裏去了。那是真的嗎?Yes. Its a great way to really see the canyon.真的。那是真正參觀峽谷的好方式。In addition, its great exercise to

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