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1、掌握人力资源管理的分析方法;2、掌握管理学、经济学及人力资源管理的基本理论基础知识;掌握人力资源管理的定性、定量分析方法;熟悉与人力资源管理有关的方针、政策及法规,能能够独立从事人力资源管理、协调处理劳动关系;了解本学科理论前沿与发展动态。能力:1、具有独立获取知识、分析和解决人力资源管理问题的基本能力及开拓创新精神;具备一定的社会活动能力、从事本专业业务工作的能力和适应相关专业业务工作的基本能力。 2、具有较强的语言与文字表达、人际沟通、组织协调及领导的基本能力,具有较强的英语听、说、读、写能力;3、掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法;掌握计算机基本原理,能结合自己的专业熟练应用和操作计算机;


3、、开拓创新能力和团队合作精神,具有良好的人文社会意识和心理素质。四、主干学科管理学、经济学、心理学五、核心课程毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论、英语、计算机基础概论、高等数学、管理学、微观经济学A、组织行为学、社会保障学、绩效管理、薪酬管理、人员素质测评、工作分析六、特色课程自学课程:劳动关系案例讨论课:薪酬管理双语教学课程:人力资源管理导论、群体决策、管理沟通创新创业类课程群:创业管理、企业资源计划(ERP)、电子商务B、商务谈判七、学习年限:3-6年 最低毕业学分:175 授予学位:管理学学士课内总学时:2037 独立实践教学: 30周+ 32学时八、培养方案的学分分配类 别必修学

4、分选修学分合计比例通 识 课 程56+4147442.3%学科基础课程31+34827.4%专 业 课 程15+25105028.6%第 二 课 堂31.7%合 计13441175100%比 例76.6%23.4%实践教学48学分比 例九、专业特色“宽口径、重操作”的专业特色:建立管理学、经济学、心理学、社会学、人口学这五大人力资源管理学科基础,体现与工商管理、市场营销、会计学、统计学、电子商务、国际贸易、信息管理、金融学等学科的融合,凸显“宽口径”特色;每一门必修专业课程配套设置实践环节,强调理论应用于实践的能力,体现“重操作”特点。十、说明人力资源管理专业按照工商管理大类招生,实行“1+3

5、”的培养模式,第一学年为工商管理大类培养,主要修读通识课程和学科基础课程,第二学年进行专业分流,以学生自愿选择为原则进行择优录取。Zhejiang Sci-Tech University 2012 Program Outline of Human Resource Management Name of Major: Human Resource Management(HRM) Code for Major: ObjectivesThe major in Human Resource Management, focused on basic business ability, innovatio

6、n and entrepreneurship, will assist students in becoming more effective in their practical performance by helping them meet the requirement of economic progress and technology development.The purpose of Human Resource Management major is 1. To cultivate theoretically and practically. Students are ed

7、ucated both on the basic theory of Management, Economic, Psychology and Law, and functional aspects of personnel administration such as recruitment, personnel training and development, labor arrangement and compensation.2. To cultivate basic principles of people-oriented.3. To develop Practical skil

8、l about human resource management and ability of communication and administration. 4. To prepares students with the knowledge and skills needed for employee management and teaching and researching on related area. Basic Requirements on Knowledge and Abilities Knowledge required of graduates:1.Grasp

9、the basic knowledge and research method of Management, Economic and Human Resource Manage, and familiar to the frontier of those areas.2.Be familiar with laws, regulations and routine about HRM.Abilities required of graduates:1.Have the common sense about science, technology and society; grasp the b

10、asic knowledge, method and skill of HRM; possess the ability of analysis and problem solving in HRM. 2. Have skills of expression, communication, leadership and innovation. 3. Match applied skills of information technology into HRM, e.g. literature searching, Management Information System using.Qual

11、ity required of graduates:1. Serving the country and the people, observing the laws and following the rules in cooperation.2. Having the sense of social responsibility and professional ethics.3. Thinking originally and critically and doing realistically and steadfastly. 4. Independence and honesty.

12、5. Be healthy physically and mentally. Main DisciplinesManagement, Economics, Psychology Core Courses Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,Advanced Mathematics,Introduction to Computer Basics,College English,Management A,Microeconomi

13、cs A,Organizational Behavior,Social Security,Performance Management,Human Resource Assessment,Job Analysis,Compensation Management Special CoursesSelf-learning Courses:Labor RelationsCase Discuss Courses:Compensation ManagementBilingual Courses: Introduction to Human Resource Management (Bilingual),

14、Team Development,Management CommunicationEntrepreneurial Courses:Entrepreneurial Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, Electronic Commerce B , Business Negotiation Length of Courses: 3-6 years Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Management Minimum Credits Required for Graduation: 175 In-Class Hours: 2037 Separate Practice Teachin

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