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英语 模拟导游实践报告.docx

1、英语 模拟导游实践报告辽宁科技学院课程实践报告( 2014 2015学年 第一学期) 姓 名: 学 号: 系 部:_外语系 专 业: 英语 班 级: 指导教师: 课程实践名称:_模拟导游 实践时间:_2014.9.8- 2014.9.12辽 宁 科 技 学 院 教 务 处 制个人总结1、课程实践的目的、意义: 本次课程实践教学是英语专业教学计划的一个重要性教学计划,通过模拟导游、训练和模拟现场导游,使学生达到初步具备英语导游能力、进一步运用和掌握英语、进行口语语言训练活动,从而提高英语会话的交谈能力和培养英语综合运用的能力。2、课程实践的内容时间教学基本内容和各环节安排地点负责人9月8日(星期

2、一)中秋节放假9月9日(星期二)老师介绍了导游英语相关知识、常用词汇、句式和语言特点;为我们进行了导游场景设定;指导了我们导游讲解词撰写等。本班教室刘琳琳9月10日(星期三)老师带我们观摩自然景点、人文景点等导游视频,了解导游英语解说词特点;熟悉酒店、交通、购物等服务语言的特点及使用。本班教室郝楣娈 9月11日(星期四)老师为我们设定旅游场景,让我们进行模拟导游;通过生生互评、老师讲评、学生评比等方式,训练并培养我们的导游实践能力。本班教室张凤 9月12日(星期五)老师带我们走出教室,在学院的实际场景中进行模拟导游实践;教师给出考核成绩;教师总结了我们一周表现。本溪市 高级中学张凤刘琳琳 郝楣

3、娈3、课程实践总结在本次长达一周的模拟导游实践周中,我们进行了模拟英语导游的训练,通过模拟导游锻炼了自己和所在小组,使我们收获颇多。在这次实践中,我们有很多的成长,学习到了英语的本质精神文化,增强了团队的合作能力,充分发挥了团体和自身的长处,也充分发现了自己的不足,我认为,我们小组存在的不足大致分为以下几点:1、 在导游词准备上,我们会犯很多的语法上的错误。在编辑导游词时,很多的台词都是由汉语自己翻译的,所以在不能充分了解英语国家的文化和背景的前提下,很容易犯语法方面的错误,在日常生活中容易引起一些误会和笑话,有时又会因为中国传统思想的影响,而导致一些想法上的偏差。2、 表演不够具体形象,有时

4、不能充分反映一处景物的全部内容,导致导游词讲解方面的残缺,主要体现在对导游词的熟练程度以及对应急情况的处理上的不足,小组成员之间没有确切的把握好所在景物之间的联系和先后顺序,以及自身对导游的理解不够充分,导致介绍的景物给游客的印象模糊。3、 缺乏充分的想象力。在经过4天的模拟导游训练之后,从第四天开始,就有一种黔驴技穷的感觉。想不出与要介绍景物的内容,不了解要介绍的景物的特点和历史,对周边的环节也是一塌糊涂,在导游词解说方面遇到突发情况不知道应该如何处理,思维混乱,给游客一种糊涂的感觉,解说词不能引起游客的兴趣。4、 小组成员之间的配合力度不足。模拟导游时的视频拍摄也有问题,后期软件出错导致音

5、频文件和视频文件的分离。针对以上几点,我们在下次的模拟导游的编排,以及在以后生活中遇到的情景中所遇到的状况,对自己提出以下几点要求:1、 充分掌握英语国家的人文知识,了解英语国家人民的生活习惯,有机会多在假期期间游览他国,多熟悉他国的人文风貌。2、 在日常生活中多积累遇到突发情况的经验,积累生活常识,分析生活中发生的趣事,为模拟导游的编排发挥更多的创造力。要提高自身的语言水平及语言的组织能力和表达能力,在能说英语的基础之上,尽量去完善自己的英语语言的表达,以及英语国家地道的表达方式,努力学习英语国家的俚语,以便在之后的学习、工作和生活中可以更加纯熟地与外国人交流,体现自己的英语专业的水平。3、

6、 纠正自身的发音问题,更好地学习英语语音,纠正一些不正确的读音,重新从英语的基本原点出发,更好的体现英语专业学生的优势以及与国际社会接轨的能力,不断地去提升自身的英语口语以及英语语音的水平,做到真正的去与国际友人交往。4、 充分调动小组成员的积极性和创造性,更多的为模拟导游的编排做贡献,以便在之后的工作、学习和生活中,更好的发挥情景下处理问题的能力,充分体现英语专业的优势。5、 平时要多看英语原版的电影和英语电视剧,也要看英语小说,了解英语国家的说法方式及英语国家的生活习惯,以便在之后的留学生活中可以得心应手的去处理一些问题,提高自己在外国独立生存的能力,更好的体现自身的素质6、 充分理解导游

7、的职责和任务,虚心学习导游知识和旅游英语知识。这次实践活动对我们来说是受益匪浅的,相信在以后的学习、工作和生活中,我们会更好的发挥出英语专业学生的长处,做一个有用于社会的复合型英语专业人才,适应世界发展的趋势,迎合当前我国改革开放的良好态势,为以后更好地去回报社会做铺垫。也希望自己可以再以后的学习中不断提高自己的英语口语水平,能够更好地与英语国家人对话。并为英语国家的公民更好地去接受中华文化的魅力。本人签字: 2014年 9 月 10 日 模拟导游内容(自然景观)模拟景点Zhangjiajie关键词(35个)Heavenly、Zhangjiajie、1979Zhangjiajie in hun

8、an province is located in the northwest lishui, note the source of the heart, the total area is 9563 square kilometers. The climate of central Asian tropical mountain prototype monsoon climate, the average temperature in 16 degrees Celsius, the four seasons and delightful. Before the eighty s, zhang

9、jiajie is not known to outsiders. Since the painter wu guanzhong in the end of 1979 found that this miraculous land, outcry after spread. Has now become a large-scale, set to swim mountain, speleology, flat swim, the drift, ethnic customs performance and so on contents in the integration of the nati

10、onal rare integrated super resorts. Zhangjiajie, has a long history, beautiful scenery. Since the painter wu guanzhong in the end of 1979 found that this miraculous land, after 18 years of construction, it has become the developing on a grand scale, set to swim mountain, speleology, flat swim, the d

11、rift, ethnic customs performance and so on contents in the integration of the national rare integrated super resorts. To the zhangjiajie advantageous tourist resources is well known in the world. Have in zhangjiajie national forest park, SuoXiYu nature reserves, mt nature reserves, and other scenic

12、areas YangGuJie composed of wulingyuan scenic spot, as national scenic spot. In addition, its main city natural, human cultural landscape and wuling soul heavenly, in the gallery MaoYanHe, Asia the first hole day hole, national nature reserve eight archduke mountain, the chiangnan province puguang t

13、emple, ChuNa cheng jing, and their five thunder xiang-e-chuan-qian, site of the revolutionary committee, China province the workers and peasants and the long march, the red army front where HeNong former residence, etc. The city has developed scenic spots in 12, open up YouLanXian 30 DuoTiao, availa

14、ble for a sightseeing tour of the main attractions landscape over 300 sites. Zhangjiajie is a multi-ethnic areas, living here with the han nationality, tujia and miao, bai, hui and other 20 DuoGe national, one of these minority in the long development of development, in the process of criticism, for

15、ming the unique customs and habits, including production life custom, marriage funeral custom, beliefs, customs, years of festive, singing, dancing, quyi, etc. Among them, the tujia waving dance, brussel gus dance, bai, encouraged by the miao JieLongWu, the fusion many national nine children, nuo ma

16、y play, whip, and big lanterns without Yang play the most representative, etc. Visitors to its zhangjiajie, everywhere is visible at DiaoJiao MuLou, tujia, storage, Jian slot TongChe, its qingxi bridge. These colorful nationality amorous feelings and natural landscape mutual set off, one integrated

17、mass, tourism resources of zhangjiajie become the important component. Zhangjiajie has a long history, as early as in four thousand five hundred DuoNian before human activities, has been in ancient times, zhangjiajie was called universe besides, saint that it na desert land. Zhangjiajie known as qig

18、ong township of the reputation of, the folk performing hard qigong bold and unrestrained, strong poetic really, many people can show a silver gun might larynx, the abdomen lie GangCha, sleep knife bed bluestone, the most thrilling programs. Zhangjiajie is minority areas, tujia and miao, bai minority

19、 accounted for sixty percent of the total population. In the long history of development, formed their unique colorful customs.自我评价本次模拟导游为大家介绍的是著名的张家界国家森林公园自然景区,张家界自然环境优美迷人,但我介绍的就不算太引人入胜了,所以下次要提高自己的英语口语水平以及表达能力,做一名合格的英语导游。 模拟导游内容(人文景观)模拟景点Sanxingdui关键词(35个)Sanxingdui、gold、1929In the ritual pit disco

20、vered a priceless treasure of the world - the first gold of the stick. The baton has already been said of the academic recognition, but the carved fish, such as the arrow design has caused an uproar in society. A nation which is an essential element of civilization, the Sanxingdui are in place, just

21、 missing the text. Scholars of this debate has some history, the Shu Wang Ji, that the ancient Shu people know and text, not music and Chi Huayang country, said Shu People multi-color article spot. As for the gold stick on the map is a pattern, see the different views. Some have been trying to decip

22、her and some experts believe that portray symbols basically there is a single, failed to convey the language. But if we can interpret these patterns, is bound to promote the great mystery of the Sanxingdui break. Sanxingdui in the text remaining question mark, it is also attractive one.Roused from a

23、 slumber over millennia, the Sanxingdui ruins were accidentally discovered in 1929 and the persistent efforts of archaeologists for the past century have brought to light thousands of cultural relics of high scientific and artistic value. These cultural relics are pleasing to both eye and mind, and

24、have helped lift the mysterious veil from the highly developed ancient Shu civilization. Because of this, the Sanxingdui Ruins have been recognized by some specialists as the “site of an ancient culture, an ancient town and an ancient state”. The exhibits focus on the “Ancient Town, Ancient State an

25、d Ancient Shu Civilization” and make up the main part of the Museum. The total area of the six exhibition halls is more than 4,000 square meters, and the thousands of valuable cultural relics in display include: bronze ware, jade ware, stone ware, gold ware, earthen ware and bone ware, all unearthed

26、 from the Ruins, especially from the No. 1 and the No. 2 sacrifficial pits. The museum fully utilizes its entire space with the latest means of demonstration in a delicate and creative arrangement, which profoundly and subtly unfolds the implications of the relics. The museum is a multi-layered mode

27、rn institution of a very high standard, which effectively integrates the collection and preservation of artifacts with academic research and social education. A striking bronze statue of a standing figure, with a human head and a body of a bird, arrests the sight of visitors walking into the lobby o

28、f the museum, framed by a huge birds-eye-view photo of the Ruins. This contrast of images expresses the profound propositions of “land and people” and “people and culture”, while embedded in the bronze statue are the characteristics of the ancient Shu civilization, and the evidence of a primitive fa

29、ith which combines heaven and man into one organic whole.自我评价本次模拟导游为大家介绍的是著名的四川三星堆遗址,三星堆出土文物珍贵且具有非常高的研究价值,但我介绍的不算太好,所以下次要提高自己的英语口语水平以及表达能力,做一名合格的英语导游。 模拟导游内容(实地导游)模拟景点Benxi high school关键词(35个)Benxi high school、1953、beautifulGood morning ladies and gentlemen, It is with great pleasure that we welcome

30、 all of you. I am your tour guide Bob. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide and interpreter. Now it is time for us to begin our tour, and I believe everyone is full of excitement and eagerness. Benxi high school-our travel offer

31、s-locate in Benxi Pingshan district. It was founded in1953.It is a famous high school in Liao ning province. And in 2003,it was named “ The first demonstrated ordinary high school of Liaoning province. Its school motto is modest and courteous .Among three northeast provinces of China. It can be on t

32、he forth by high schools ranking. The Benxi high school has 54 classes, about 3300 students. And there are 15 classes in each grade. There are about 5 liberal arts classes in each grade, and others are science classes. According to Liaoning education news, Benxi high school has 235 teachers. Morn then 36% taught at the public class in provincial level or above, nearly 20 teachers were awarded the pr

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