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1、Continually seeks to improve performance through individual efforts and with the assistance of others. Seeks feedback on performance and focuses on areas of shortfall. Maximises opportunities for self-development.通过个人努力和他人的协助不断改进提高。寻求反馈, 关注自身不足. 最大限度地为自我发展提供机会.Action Oriented 行动导向 ensuring that visi

2、ons and strategies are translated into specific deliverables in order to get results确保将愿景和战略转化为可以传达的具体事物来获得结果Adaptability适应力Is open to new ideas and is willing to make changes in the job and routine as required. Is able to cope under pressure at busy times and responds positively to changes in the w

3、orkplace.善于接受新观念以及工作上的变化. 能够承受紧张时间的压力,对工作的变化做出积极响应Reliability可靠性Ensures that work quality meets the standards required and completes tasks in a timely and thorough manner with minimum supervision. Follows standards, policies and procedures. Meets required attendance and grooming standards.保证工作质量达到所需

4、标准,认真及时地完成工作。遵循标准、政策、程序。达到考勤及仪容仪表标准。Passionate热情 creating an environment where there is a relentless commitment to success营造一个全力以赴奔向成功的环境。Taking Responsibility承担责任Strives for constant improvements and takes responsibility for their own performance. Takes additional responsibility and responds well t

5、o situations as they occur without supervision.不断争取进步,为自己的行为负责. 在没有监督的情况下, 也能够视情况肩负起相应的责任.Savvy知识技能 understanding the market, the business and customers in order to create competitive advantage理解市场、生意和客人以便创造竞争优势。Customer Focus客人第一Builds and maintains relationships with internal and external customer

6、s. Understands and anticipates customers needs, takes action to address customer needs and strives to exceed customer expectations与内部和外部客户建立并保持良好关系;理解并预知客户需求;采取行动满足客人需求并不断超越客人期望。Cultural Awareness 文化意识Understands and takes into account the global nature of the business. Works effectively with collea

7、gues from different viewpoints, cultures and countries. 与来自不同国家拥有不同文化和观点的员工高效地工作Understanding My Job了解本职工作Understands the job requirements and has the skills and knowledge required to perform the job well.理解工作需求,有更好工作表现的技能和知识.Range StatementsTeam Focused关注团队Teamwork 团队合作Strong强劲Consistently Exceeds

8、Expectations 始终超出期望 Frequently Exceeds Expectations 经常超出期望Competent 胜任Meets Expectations 达到期望Development Need 有待提高Almost Attains Expectations 几乎达到期望Below Expectations 未达期望 Shows commitment to team objectives by collaborating with the team 承诺通过团队合作为团队的目标做出贡献 Works with co-workers to achieve departmen

9、t/team results能够与同事合作共同达到部门/团队目标 Does not contribute a fair share of effort to the teams work 对团队工作不能够全身心投入 Acknowledges the contributions of all team members, using active listening skills积极聆听技,能认可团队成员贡献 Encourages team members to work together 鼓励团队成员一起合作 Prefers to work alone; makes little attempt

10、 to involve others 选择独自工作,很少愿意他人参与 Contributes a fair share of effort to teams work; delivers on commitments to the team in a timely and efficient manner 对团队工作及时、有效地做出贡献 Responds quickly and fully to the requests of others 迅速回应和满足他人的要求 Disregards the opinions of others and makes decisions independen

11、tly 漠视他人的意见,独断专行 Develops effective working relationships with people from other departments; involves and acknowledges the contribution of other departments 与其他部门人员发展有效的工作关系;对其他部门的贡献认可并参与 Readily shares information with team members 愿意与团队成员分享信息 Withholds information that could benefit others 不能分享有利

12、他人的信息 Enjoys the participation and involvement of team members 乐意于其他团队成员的参与 Maintains positive working relationships with all departments与所有部门保持积极的工作关系 Alienates self from the team; fails to co-operate with other departments疏远团队,拒绝与其他部门合作 Acknowledges the skills of other team members 认可团队成员的技能 Respe

13、cts equipment and supplies of others 尊重他人的设备和用具 Fails to return or respect the resources of others 拒绝归还或不尊重他人资源Developing Self 自我发展Range Statements范围陈述 Seeks feedback to improve performance on an intermittent basis 为提高工作表现不断地寻求反馈 Looks for opportunities to learn new skills 寻求机遇学习新的技能 Does not see the benefit of developing existing skills or learning new ones 不愿在现有技能基础上有所发展,学习新技能 Listens to feedback and attempts to incorporate changes in behaviour 聆听反馈并尝试在行为上有所改变

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