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1、 by the lake/river/tree/window/door by the side of the path.在路边 注:表从旁经过,多与动词go/walk/pass等连用。(2)by+时间名词 到时(已发生某事),谓语多用完成时;最晚、不迟于,在之前 by now/then/this time/next Friday/the end of/three oclock等。 By the end of last year,another new gymnasium had been completed到去年年底,又有一座新体育馆峻工了。(3)by+名词 表方法、方式、手段等。A. by+

2、the+可数的时间、长度、重量等名词。按计算,按买(卖) by the pound/ton/yard/meter/dozen/bale/day/month等。B. by+表示时间、长度、重量等总称的不可数名词(名词前不加冠词)。 by time/volume/length/weight/height/depth/width/area等。C. by+交通工具、交通方式名词(名词前不加冠词,不变复数)。通过,由,乘 by train/rail/tube/taxi/bus/truck/bike/boat/plane;by land/road/sea/water/air等。(on foot)D. by

3、+抽象名词或具有抽象意义的普通名词(名词前不加冠词,不变复数)靠,通过,由所致 by skill/determination/practice/diligence/inference/chance/accident; by mail/letter/radio/fax/telephone/telegraph/hand/machine等。地点或工具等具体名词。表路线、途径,通过(某物、某地),取道 by a stone bridge/the back door/the freeway/country roads等动词ing通过,靠,凭 by waiting/practing/b

4、egging/working/imitating(4)by+数量词A. 表升降、增减的程度。by one-fifth/20 percent/3/two feetB. 表示距离和面积、体积中的尺寸及乘除法中的运算。 by 2cm/6 inches/four feet/nine yards/a hairs breadth(5) by+身体部位名词或衣服名词。表示被抓住身体/衣物的某一部分,常与动词catch/seize/take/hold/grab等 连用 by the hair/hand/arm/nose/horns;by the collar/lape/sleeve等。 The policem

5、an caught the thief by the arm.警察抓住了小偷的胳膊。 The soldier grabbed the child by the collar.那个士兵揪住了孩子的衣领。(6)by的常见短语: by means of/by way of/by the way/one by one/step by step/side by side/shoulder by shoulder/by oneself/ by birth/by society/takeby surprise/learnby heart/what do you mean by /by my watch3.

6、last/next/this/that + 时间在句中做状语时,其前不用介词4. 常用do, does, did, dont, doesnt, didnt代替前文提到的动词。(1) Who cleaned the room? Mike _. A. was B. does C. is D. did(2) I dont think he is so great, but my mother _.(3) Peter visited his English teacher this morning, but Tony _.A. isnt B. wasnt C. doesnt D. didnt(4) I

7、 like Sports News very much. _.A. I like, too B. I do, too C. I dont like, either D. I dont, either(5) My father likes Sports News, but my mother _.5. as(1) adv 表程度,同样地。在,not结构中的第一个as是adv,和与.(不)一样 Jack is as tall as his father杰克和他的父亲一样高。 He doesnt speak English asso fluently as you他的英语说

8、得不如你流利。(2) prepA. 如,像 They got united as one man他们团结得像一个人一样。B.充当,作为 As a writer,he was famous作为作家,他是很有名的。(3) conj 常用来连接主句和状语从句A.引导时间状语从句,当.的时候,有随着.之意,与while意义相近,强调两个动作同时发生;或某事一发 生,另一事立即发生。 He shouted aloud as her ran along他一边往前跑,一边高声地呼喊。 I was startled as he opened the door他一开门,我吓了一跳。B.as作连词,相当于when

9、。 As a little boy (When he was a little boy)he began to learn to play piano他小时候就开始学弹钢琴。C. 引导原因状语从句,因为,由于,与because的用法相近。 I must stop writing now,as I have rather a lot of work to do我必须停笔了,因为我还有许多工作要做。D. 引导方式状语从句或比较状语从句,正如,(如)像 As in your country,we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south 正如(像)你

10、们国家一样,我们在北方种小麦,在南方种大米。(方式状语从句) When at Rome,do as Romans do入乡随俗。E. 引导让步状语从句,虽然,尽管,这时从句常用倒装语序,即把从句中的表语、状语或动词原形放在as 之前。 Strange as it may seem,it is true尽管这事看上去很奇怪,但却是真的。 Try as he might,Tom could not get out of the difficulties不管怎样努力,汤姆还是摆脱不了困境。(4) as作关系代词。A.引导限制性定语从句,用在,the,as.as结构中,像

11、.一样的人(或物),凡是.的人(或物) He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was他曾希望做一个像雷锋那样的人。 My hometown is no longer the same as it was我的家乡再也不像过去一样了。B.引导非限制性定语从句,用来指代它前面的整个句子(即先行句),这一点。这个分句可以位于句首、句 中或句末。(5) as的固定词组的用法 soon as一就 引导时间状语从句。B.asso long as只要 AsSo long as you study hard,youll make progress只要你努力,你就会

12、取得进步。C. as ifthough常用来引导方式状语从句,好像,仿佛,如果从句中讲的是非真实情况,则用虚拟语气。 She loves the child as ifthough he were her own她爱这个孩子如同爱自己的孩子。D. As ifthough也可用来引导表语从句,常用在It appearslooksseems+as ifthough句型结构中。 It appears as ifthough it is going to clear up看起来天要晴了。 It seems as ifthough he knew nothing about it.他好像对此事一无所知。

13、 to关于,至于 There is no doubt as to his honesty他的诚实是无可置疑的。 muchmany as多达.,达到.之多 He can earn as much as 5000 dollars a month他每月能挣5000美元。G.soas far as I know就我所知 在句中作插入语 AsSo far as I know,he will come here next Monday据我所知,他将于下星期一到这里来。H. as a result,as a result of由于.的结果 well也,还 Come early,and

14、 bring your brother as well早点来,把你的弟弟也带来。 as to, to若跟动词原形,表示目的或结果。 He studied hard so as to pass the exam他努力学习以便通过考试。(表示目的)H. asas AS +adj(原级)+AS AS +adv(原级)+AS as soon as 一就 as soon as possible 尽可能快地 as early as possible 尽可能早的 as carefully as you can 尽可能认真地 as careful as you can 尽可能认真的6. 感叹句(1)what引导的感叹句 what修饰n或名词短语A.What+a(an)+adj+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!What an apple this is! What a fine day it is! B.What+adj+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语! What k

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