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1、 (The tunnel construction of Daping station is the main construction in the light railway construction in Chongqing , whose total length is , the depth is 22m and around the cross road. As the Asias first cross, the largest excavation cross-section is 396m2, the tunnel entrance side is coverd by lay

2、er which thickness is only 4 10m,the tunnel is located in city centre, many old buildings around ,the cars and crowd are filled. The cave surrounding rock types is worse; the inflow is 129m3 / d.)项目特点(Project characters)(1)环境复杂: 地处闹市区,老旧建筑林立,车流、人流密集(The xxplicated environment: located in city centre

3、, many old buildings around, the cars and crowd are filled)(2)开挖高度高:开挖高度22m,道岔区(Digging hight is high: 22m and around the cross road)(3)开挖跨度大:最大开挖截面396m2,为“亚洲第一跨”(The span is long: the largest excavation cross section is 392m2, which is named for the Asias first cross)(4)地质情况差:隧道进口端30m覆盖层厚度仅410m,洞内围

4、岩类型较差。(The geology is errand: the entrance of the tunnel is covered by layer which thickness is only 4 10m, The cave surrounding rock types is worse.)(5)涌水量大:涌水量129m3/d。(The inflow is huge: the inflow is 129m3 / d)项目目标描述(The description of Project goal)二项目人员分析(The analysis of the Project staff )项目经理

5、委托(The xxmission of the Project manager)资格要求(Quality requirements):项目经理要有专业的从事建造的资格证书,并在工程岗位上有多年工作经验。(The project manager must have professional qualifications and years of work experience in engineering positions.)素质与能力要求(Quality and capacity requirements)1、较高的整体素质(The higher quality of overall)2、高

6、度的责任感 (The high sense of responsibility)3、较高的组织管理能力 (The higher organizational management capacity)4、果断的判断力和决策力 (The decisive judgment and decision-making ability)5、具有抗风险防范意识 (The anti-risk awareness)6、较强的规划、控制与协调能力 (The strong ability of planning, controlling and coordination)项目利益相关者分析 (Project Sta

7、keholder Analysis)三、项目范围分析(The analysis of project scope) WBS模式下的项目组织分解(The dexxposition of project organizing in the WBS mode )项目内的工作分解结构由项目本身的特点决定,综合考虑各种分解要素,遵循以下原则:第一,项目内部的 WBS 应益遵循“自上而下,自下而上”的原则,要上下一致。第二,根据项目的规模及复杂程度,确定工作任务分解的详细程度,并不是分 解得越详细越好,而是分解到可控为止,一般周期不超过一个月,有明确的可交付 成果。第三,项目内工作分解时一般选择下列分解要

8、素:项目阶段、工作流程或步骤、 工作类别、责任部门、交付成果、工作内容等。但同一节点下,只能使用同一种分解方法分解出下一级节点,不能同时使用两种以上的方法。同时,不同的项目有不 同的特点,因此分解要结合实际的工作,不能简单拷贝分解模板和步骤。(The projects work breakdown structure determined by its own characteristics, considering a variety of dexxposition elements, we should stick to the following principles:First, we

9、 should follow the principle of top-down, bottom-up and should be consistent from top to bottom within the project WBS.Secondly, we should decided the level of detail of the task dexxposition according to the scale and xxplexity of the project, rather than the more detailed dexxposition is better, b

10、ut the dexxposition into controllable, the general cycle can not exceed one month and also have a clear deliverables.Third, we choose from the following dexxposition of elements when we breakdown the project : project phases, work processes or steps, types of work, the responsible department, delive

11、rables, and work. But at the same node, we can only dexxposite the same kind of dexxposition, a node can not simultaneously by two or more methods. At the same time, different projects have different characteristics, so the dexxposition in the actual work can not simply copy the dexxposition of the

12、template and steps.)本工程运用WBS对项目分解的具体方法为:首先,分析该项目工作计划。本项目工作计划由“规定动作”和“自选动 作”组成。 其次,将上述“规定动作”与“自选动作”放到一起进行梳理,合并产生本项 目的范围目标,既是该项目的工作范围,也是项目完成时要达到的目标,还是项目进行或完成过程中的检验标准。 确定项目目标后,根据该项目的特点进行详细分解,如果项目分阶段进行,则 先分阶段,阶段的下一级为主要任务,任务再细分为子任务,分解直到工作单元可控为止.(The detailed ways to the project which use WBS dexxposition

13、 is :First, we should analysis the sources of the project work plan. The project work plan is consist of the action and Freestyle .Secondly, the above determined the action and Freestyle can put together to sort out the merger of the scope of the project objectives, they are all the project scope of

14、 work and xxpletion of the project to achieve the goal or project or the process inspection standards which used to inspect the xxplete process.) WBS项目分解图(the chart of the WBS Project dexxposition )篇二:项目管理个人年终总结项目管理个人年终总结年终岁尾,回顾08感慨颇多、收获颇多,6月我从计划物流部调到研发体系所成为一名项目管理员。通过参与俄罗斯认证项目、威虎4JBI项目、欧IV项目管理,使我对项目及项目管理工作有了深入的认识同时也发现工作中不足并积累了一些较成熟的经验,现总结如下。一、收获1、工作与项目项目是在特定条件下、具有特定目标一次性任务。项目具有一个根据某种技术规格完成的特定的目标;有确定的开始和结束日期、有成本限需要耗费资源。项目不等同于工作。我原来做生产计划员每天做生产计划,它就是一项工作而不是项目,它是重复性、也没有项目的特定目标、没有时间要求等特点。而项目象俄罗斯认证项目为使产品出口俄罗斯市场取得欧规认证,有项目工期要求4个月,为完成认证项目我们要做

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