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1、A tornadoA huiricaneAn extraordinary event! A tornado is 力 rnhitirig cnhimn nf Mrfroma thunderstorm to the groundThe most violent have winds of morethan 400 kilometresper hour2. They occur in the area of fromTe 咒岔 s in the sou the 岔 st toSouth Dmko in the north 3 They can pick npcars.trains and hous

2、es.They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.4. The worst one occurred in 1925, affecting three US shdes More than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured.A hurricane1 Hurricanes are strong tropical storm2. They occur in the southern Atlantic Ocean, t

3、he Caribbean Sea and theGulf of Mexico 3. The worst one occurred on the8th September 1900 in Galveston,TornadoHurricaneDefinitiona rotating column of airstrong tropical stormsSpeedover 400km/h120km/h or morePlacein the USin the Atlantic Ocean.Damagepick tip,putdown destroy., kill. destroy.

4、1The worst example1925 US1900 GalvestonCoghlan went to live in CanadaHe then moved to New York-Galveston(his coffin)Prince Edwnrd Island in Canada.True or False.X 1 All tornadoes have winds of morethan 400 kilometres per hour.J 2 There are more tornadoes occurring in the US than in other parts of th

5、e worldX 3 Tornadoes carft destroy furniture because they are not violent enoughX 4 In the US, there are usually about 80 people killed in tornadoes every year.J 5. The worst tornado in history killed at least 700 people.X 6 Every year there are six Atlantic hurricanes J 7 Both the worst tornado and

6、 the worst hurricane occurred in the US.X 8. The worst hurricane of all time killed about one-sixth of the population in the US./9 Charles Coghlan didnt become famous until he moved to New York. X 10 Coghlan9s coffin was destroyed by the 1900 Galveston hurricaneX 11 It was only because of the hurric

7、ane that CoghlarTs body could travel back to CanadaMatch the words with their an see this on an animal2.describe the hottest parts ofthe earth, north and souththe equator3 a terrible event4. you can see t5 to place prthe ground ortom6. to happe2. Almost all of them occur in the US,

8、几乎所有的龙卷风都发生在美国。occur诚发生,出现;(某想法)出现在 脑中,被想到。常用于sth. occurs to sb.和it occurs to sb. that.结构。如: That5s the place where the accident occurred 那就是肇事地点。A good idea occurred to me when I came into the classroom当我进到教室里的时候,我突然想起了 一个好主意。It occurred to me that today is my motherbirthday.我忽然想起今天是母亲的生日。【链接】occur

9、rence n.发生的事情,存在的事物; 发生,出现l7tA【辨析】occur, happen, take place 三者都可表示“发生”,都属于不及 物动词(短语)。happen表示“发生”时, 主语一般为“事”;当主语为“人”时, 意为“碰巧” ;occin表示“偶然发生”时 可与happen互换,但它还可表示“按计划 发生”。当happen与occur后接to sb. / sth. 时,含义不同:happen to sb. / sth.多指不 赫的事情发生在某人/物身上,occur to sb./sth指某事、想法、观念等出现在人的头脑中;take place常表示计划、安排之内的发

10、生、进行”,偶尔也可表示计划之外的“发生”,但其后面一般不接tosb/sth 结橱句A big earthquake occurred / happened in that area last month.上个月那个地方发生了大地震。I happen to know the answer to your question 我碰巧知道你那个问题的答案。It occurred to me that she didnt know I had moved into the new house 我突然想起她并不知道我已经搬到了新 家。Great changes have taken place in o

11、ur hometown during the past ten years. 在过去十年里我们家乡发生了巨大的变 化。The meeting is to take place on Monday. 会议将在星期一举行。【即学即练】用 happen,occur或take place填空。1.The party will 仞“ on Fridaynight 2 When I was walking in the street, I Fmppgiwd to meet a friend of mine.3 Itnccnrrpd to him that he didift lock the door.3

12、. Tornados can pick up cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next street-or even in the next down.【语境展示】1)I picked up a coin on my way to schooL在去学校的路上我拾到了一枚硬币。2)I lived in Paris for half a ye眄 during which I picked up some French 我在巴黎住了半年,在这期间我学会 了_些法语。3)It was over the radio that s

13、he picked up the good news.她是从收音机里听到这个好消息的。4)The bus will pause here to pick up passengers 公共汽车会在这儿停一下载客。5)Pick up your books and tidy your room.收拾一下你的书,打扫一下你的房间。6) His mother is beginning to pick up after two days in bed他妈妈生病卧床两天后,身体正在渐渐 檯结归纳pick up是一个多义的短语,常见的意思 有:拾起,捡起,(无意中)学会收听,听到,(车辆等)中途搭载 收拾,整

14、理恢复(健康),使恢复精神【拓展】pick out选出;认出;使显著说出下列句子中pick up的具体含义。1.He picked up all the pieces on the floor when he left the office 捡起, 拾起2.Now let9s figure out whose car will stop to pick us up 接,载3 Bob has never had si French teacher ;he picked the language up by himselfin France.学会4 My radio can pick up the BBC WorldService very clearly.-收听4.They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was. leave W“让处于某中

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