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九年级英语上册Unit2 Topic1 SectionA 教学设计 最新仁爱版Word下载.docx

1、1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,巩固一般过去时和现在完成时的用法和区别。能够用一般过去时和现在完成时描述过去和现在的变化。正确使用there be sth./sb. doing sth.来表达“有某人/物正在做某事”。2.Skill aims:能听懂描述环境变化的对话,区别一般过去时和现在完成时的用法。能理解和运用一般过去时和现在完成时来进行听、说、读、写活动。3.Emotional aims: (optional) 让学生了解环境污染的严重性,并树立环保意识。4. Culture awareness: 通过课文的学习,让学生了解环境的变化,关注全球的环境问题。.

2、 The key points and difficult points1. Key points:Words and phrases: bee, butterfly, mess, shame, several, pollute, waste, villager, destroy, cut down, goodness, pour, see sb./sth. do sth., see sb./sth. doing sth., cut down, my goodnessSentences: What a shame! / What a mess! The flowers and grass ha

3、ve gone! What has happened here?There be sth./sb. doing sth. There are several factories pouring waste water into the stream.Everything has changed. Grammar: differences between Simple Past and Present Perfect tense. 2. Difficult points:正确使用there be sth./sb. doing sth.来表达“有某人/物正在做某事” 。 区别使用短语see sb.

4、/ sth. do sth.和 see sb. / sth. doing sth.。 能正确地以口头和书面形式区别使用一般过去时和现在完成时。. Learning strategies 通过引导学生在听前阅读1b和3,培养学生形成听前熟悉、预测听力材料的习惯。 通过朗读1a和2,引导学生模仿已有对话,编写新的对话。 通过1c,培养学生整合对话信息,将对话转换为语篇的能力。. Teaching aids图片(关于校园周边环境变化对比图或者影像资料),录音机,幻灯片等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeache

5、r activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(1 min)Class activityGreet and talk about the weather. Lead the Ss to discuss the right place for a picnic.T: Hi, boys and girls! Its a nice day, isnt it?Ss: Yes. Would you like to have a picnic with me? Id like that./Sounds great.

6、 So where shall we go?Ss.Greet and focus their attention on the teacher.通过谈论天气,要去野炊,吸引学生的注意力,也符合课文主题,使学生专注于课堂。如果天气不好,也可以做好周末的野炊计划。2Lead-in (3-5 mins)Group workLet the Ss discuss where to have a picnic. Encourage them to state the reasons. Now work in groups, choose the best place for a picnic and te

7、ll the class why you choose that place.Ss OK, tell us where to have a picnic. Why?S1: I think is the best choice. The air there is fresh. We can fly kites on the grass.S2Discuss where to have a picnic and state the reasons.先让学生讨论出合适的野炊地点,老师再出示西山没被污染的图片来吸引学生的注意。当学生兴趣高涨时,又呈现被污染后的图片,让学生满怀兴趣和疑问去了解西山被污染前

8、后的状况,更好的体会一般过去时和现在完成时在语境中的运用,同时也突破了单词关。3Pre-listening (5-7 mins)Present two pictures of the West Hill and describe the changes. Teach the new words and some difficult sentences.(Show the old picture of the West Hill to the Ss) Look at this beautiful picture. Kangkang and his friends had a picnic the

9、re two years ago. Can you guess where it is? Yes, its the West Hill. What can you see in the picture? Some flowers, a clean river and a big tree Right. The West Hill is a beautiful place. Can you see the bees and butterflies dancing there(Point to the bees and butterflies, and then write down the wo

10、rds and phrases on the Bb) So do you want to go there for a picnic? Yes Id like to. But now it has changed a lot. Look at this picture. Do you like it? No.(Teacher presents the new words and difficult sentences through the description of the picture.)Watch the pictures of the West Hill, guess the me

11、aning and pronunciation of the words according to the introduction about the changes of the West Hill.在教授新单词时,老师应当同时呈现单词和音标,让学生运用所学音标自己解决单词的读音问题,如果学生发音不准,老师要及时更正。再根据图片和讲解,引导学生大胆的猜测词义和部分难句的意思,为1a中的听力对话扫障碍。4While-listening (10 mins)Individual workStep 1: Let the Ss listen to 1a twice and do 1b alone.

12、Listen to the tape carefully and try to mark the words with P or N. Now please check answers in your group. “Beautiful” is in the past.S2:“Butterflies” are in the past.S3: “Dirty” is now.Step 2: Let the Ss listen to 1a again and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Then practice 1a

13、 in groups and role play it. Read 1a with your group members and act it out.Listen and mark the words with P or N according to the tape. .“Dirty” is now.Listen to 1a again and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Then practice 1a in groups and role play it.本课对话不长,词汇量不大,可以直接在组内核对答案。如果对话较长,难度较大,建议先听两遍后再读,通过读来检查听的结

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