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1、讲授、演示、提问、练习授课班级授课时间 月 日月 日教学目的1 掌握生词的读音、释义和拼写;2 熟悉重要单词的用法;3 熟悉短语的用法;4 了解背景知识。重 点掌握生词的读音、释义和拼写;熟悉重要单词短语的用法难 点同上教 学 过 程时间分配I. 组织教学II. 导入新课III. 朗读生词 【提问几个学生,要求学生朗读生词,以检查其预习程度和发音情况】 【教师带读生词,以校正学生的发音】IV. 讲解生词 【教师从语音、构词法及用法的角度逐个分析讲解生词,对于核心单词,重点举例说明其用法】1. argue 2. marry 3. sensible 4 bet 5. joint6. stateme

2、nt 7.coin 8. priority 4m3m10m20mV. 课文分析1. 【热身练习,导入课文】2. 【初步介绍课文的内容】 3. 【提问学生,朗读课文段落,检查学生预习情况】 4. 【找主题句,了解文章大致内容】5. 【列举并讲解文中语言点】VI. 课堂总结与练习 【教师总结所授内容,指导学生当堂完成指定练习,进一步巩固本次课所学知识】 1. Reading comprehension (1-8) 2. Word matchingVII. 布置作业1. Review the words and phrases learned.2. Preview the Text B before

3、 class.35m5m15m课后小结:参考资料:1. Teachers Book (Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press)2. Longman Dictionary3. Internet II. 导入新课 Unit 4 Animals ( I )Text A Do Animals Have Feelings?1. argue 争论,辩论【教师解释词义,并分析用法特点】argue with sb argue about sth 【提问学生,口译例句,进一步练习用法;教师修正并板书】eg. Im not going to argue with you

4、 , but I think youre wrong. 我不想和你争辩了, 但是我认为你是错的。They were arguing about how to spend the money.他们在争论如何花钱。2. marry 【教师解释词义,提问学生,口译例句,进一步练习用法;1) 用作及物动词,直接跟宾语eg. She married a doctor.2) 假如没有直接宾语,常用get married.Eg. John and Lisa got married last week.3. save【板书,说明其词性、词义】1) 节省(时间,金钱,精力)modern energy-savin

5、g devices 现代节能装置2)挽救eg. He saved his friend from drowing.4. bet 打赌 v【板书,说明其词性、词义和相关短语】bet (sb) that Sean bet that I wouldnt pass my exam肖恩打赌说我考试不会及格。bet (sth) on She bet all her money on a horse that came last.她把赌注全部压在跑在最后的那匹马上。5. goal 目的,目标eg. long-term goal 长期目标 short-term goal 短期目标6. Joint 共同的【口授

6、例句,学生翻译,教师板书修正】joint first prize 并列第一joint effort 共同努力joint venture 合资企业7. statement 结单,报告书,称述【板书,说明其词性、词义和用法】issue/make a statement 发表声明eg. The Congressman issued/made a statement to the press.这位国会议员向新闻界发表了一项声明.8. coin 硬币【介绍关于该词的相关习语】 1) every coin have 2 sides. 每件事都有正反两面2) pay sb back in their own

7、 coin 以其人之道还制其人之身,以牙还牙3) toss/ flip a coin 抛硬币选择(决定)eg. Lets toss a coin to see who goes first.9. priority 优先,优先权【教师解释词性以及词义,说明用法】 have/take/get prioritybe given priority 享有优先权eg. If medical supplied are short, children will be given roiority.如果医疗供应品短缺的话,儿童将得到优先考虑.。1.【热身练习,导入课文】Lead-in Question:Samp

8、le1I usually spend less than 400 yuan every month. I am very thrifty. I spend less than 15 yuan each day on food because food in the canteen here is really cheap. I dont spend money on other things except food. I am now having a part-time job. I am a tutor of a middle school student. I can earn 20 y

9、uan for each hour. 2 I spend about 800 yuan every month. I like to eat delicious food, so I spend about 25 yuan each day on food. Besides, I will buy snacks now and then. I also like to eat in a restaurant once a month. As a result, most of my money is spent on food. I dont have any part-time job be

10、cause my parents ask me to study hard and not to care about money.2.【提问学生,朗读课文段落,检查学生预习情况】 3. 【找主题句,了解文章大致内容】4. 【列举并讲解文中语言点】Money mattered a great deal to Patsy and Sam, but it meant something different to each of them. (Para. 1) matter在该句中是动词,表示“有关系,要紧”的意思。 Eg. Will it matter if Im a little late? 我

11、迟到一点有关系吗? All that matters is that youre safe. 要紧的是你的安全。That was why they argued. (Para. 1)疑问副词why引导的句子经常用于“Thats why”句型,表示“这就是为什么”的意思。eg. Simon loves you thats why he wants to be with you.西蒙喜欢你,这就是他为什么想跟你在一起的原因。He is a selfish man. Thats why we cant become friends.他是个自私的人,这就是为什么我们不会成为朋友的原因。3. They

12、worked out how much each of them would have to save every month so that in two years time theyd have the deposit on a house. (Para. 2)so that 引导的是目的状语从句。如果主句中的谓语动词是一般现在时或现在完成时,那么从句中一般用can, may, will和shall等这些情态动词。如果主句中的谓语动词是过去时,那么从句中的情态动词一般用could, might, would和should等。例如: Shes studying English at nig

13、ht school so that she can go to university. 她在夜校学习英语,以便能进大学。 He lowered his voice so that Doris couldnt hear. 他压低了声音,免得多丽丝听到。in two years time表示从现在算起两年。类似的例子还有: He has an appointment with the doctor in two days time. 两天后,他和医生有个约会。 In two hours time, well be in Paris. 两小时后,我们将到达巴黎。4But things didnt turn out just as they planned. (Para. 2)as在这里引导方式状语从句,修饰动作或状态,表示“如同,按照样子”的意思,通常位于主句之后。 He did not need to keep moving house, as his father had. 他不用像他父亲那样,总是搬家。 Wed better leave things as they are until the police arrive. 我们最好

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