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初中英语Unit11 Sad movies make me cry教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思Word文件下载.docx

1、prime,minister,primebanker,fame,pale,queen,callin,examine,nor,neithernor,palace,wealth.2.进一步感知make的使动用法(make+sb.+infinitivewithoutto;make+sb.+adj.)3.能够阅读理解英语寓言故事。二、使学生能够参与小组活动,培养合作精神,培养乐观的生活态度。三、了解寓言的特点,在读后能正确的表达自己的感受,并培养学生正确处理事情的能力。教学重点和难点1.掌握本课时中出现的生词2.能够用英语描述自己的情感,练习make sb. do /make sb.+adj3.阅读理

2、解英语故事,复述并表演教学资源、教学手段和主要教学方法(一)教学资源:教材、PPT课件/导学案(二)教学手段: 本课主要是一节阅读课,根据英语课程标准及英语教学大纲的要求,在本节课的教学过程中,采用“小组合作“以及“任务型”的教学途径,借助多媒体,增强趣味性和直观性,增大课堂容量,提高课堂效率,面向全体同学,在学习过程中帮助学生表达自己的观点,形成正确的价值观。(三)主要教学方法:情境教学法、交际教学法、任务教学法和自主学习教学教学过程 教学环节教师为主的活动学生为主的活动设计意图Lead-inPair workShort storyWhile reading After readingSum

3、-upHomeworkFree talk :What can make you happy?(family, friends, love, fame, etc.)To provide Ss with reading practice using the target language.Tell students a story about a small boy who wants to be a king.Culture focus: FablesThe story The Shirt of a Happy Man is what we would consider a fable, whi

4、ch is a traditional story with a moral. This means that the story teaches a lesson about life. Make students read the fable step by step according to the questions.Using similesFocus on the use of similes.Note:A simile is a phrase used to describe something by comparing it with something else. A sim

5、ile contains the words “as” or “like”.“pale as chalk” emphasize how pale the king is.Here are some common similes;-Easy as a pie (= very easy)-As easy as ABC (= very easy)To give Ss practice in using the target language and vocabulary.Ask students to guess the ending.Ask students to role play the fa

6、ble.Script-writing Ask each group to write out a script for their role-play first, before they role-play the story. Help Ss out by suggesting which characters they can include in their role-play, e.g. king, queen, doctor, prime minister, banker, palace singer, top general, narrator, etc.Ask students

7、 to say the lesson they have learnt.Sum up the class. Give students different kinds of homework to choose by themselves.Free talkWork in pairs to answer the questions in the white box.Fill in the blanks and spell the words.Answer the questions and give their own ideas.Shorten the fable and fill in t

8、he blanks.Talk in group about what will happen next.Discuss and write the scripts, and then role-play it say the lesson they have learnt.Say their ideas.活跃课堂气氛,导入新课,关注情感机械训练,练习目标语言用思考性问题引出文本关注文化意识渗透自主阅读技能训练Simile的运用巩固所学培养创新意识通过体验学习,培养合作能力和创新意识培养情感态度和读后的思考能力。让学生勇于谈出自己的看法分层布置作业,使不同层次学生保持学习积极性和自信心板书设计U

9、nit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section A 3a 4bmake +sb. +do make + sb. + adj.palacefamepowerpale as chalk 9年级英语unit 11 3a Reading 导学案Before reading 1 Words and phrases(preview and check with your group in class.)国王;君主_ 权利;力量_ 首相;大臣_ _ 银行家 _名声;声誉_ 苍白的_ 王后;女王_ 召来;叫来_ _检查;检验_ 既不-,也不-_ 王宫;宫殿_ 财富_2 Short

10、 story time (complete the words.)A long time ago, there was a little boy. He was unhappy everyday. He really wanted to be a king, he thought if he were a king, he would be happy. He could live in the p_ and would have h_, p_, w_ and f_. But can these make the king happy? Lets enjoy an Italian fable.

11、While readingThe Shirt of a Happy Man (Part I)1 Read quickly and circle the following clues.Time_Place _ Characters_2 Read carefully for the second time and answer the following questions.ReasonWhat makes the queen and people worried?_.(Tip: this 乘上 that 启下; feel like doing = want to do)ProcessCan m

12、edicine help the king? Why or why not?_. neither - nor- 表否定 反:either- or- 或者- 或者-)What does the doctor think the king needs?_.Why does power not make the prime minister happy?_ take my position = get my job)Why does money not make the banker happy?_Why does fame not make the singer happy?_What was t

13、he top general told to do?_Result ?What are the possible endings to the story? Discuss your ideas with your partner.After reading1 Shorten the passage, and fill in the blanks, the first letter has been given.A long time ago, there lived an u_ king in a rich and beautiful country. He slept b_ and didnt feel like e_. This made the queen and his people w_.A doctor was called in to e_ the king. But he found n_ wrong with his body. He

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