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1、A sharply pointed ornament capping the piers墩;支柱 or flying buttresses飞扶壁; also used on cathedral facades.1.房顶尖塔,支墩或飞扶壁顶上的尖尖的装饰物;也用于大教堂的外墙。2.Flying buttresses:Masonry struts that transfer the thrust of the nave殿堂 vaults拱顶 across the roofs of the side aisles and ambulatory to a tall pier rising above

2、the churchs exterior wall. Compare the cross-section of Beauvais Cathedral.2.飞扶壁 : 也称扶拱垛3.Vaulting web:The masonry blocks that fill the area between the ribs of a groin vault.4.Diagonal rib:In plan, one of the ribs that form the X of a groin vault.对角拱柱(十字肋)(A diagonal rib of a Gothic vault. 哥特式穹顶的对角

3、拱柱)5.Transverse rib:A rib that crosses the nave(教堂)殿堂;中殿 or aisle走廊 at a 90-degree angle.横肋, rib拱肋6.Springing:The lowest stone of an arch; in Gothic vaulting, the lowest stone of a diagonal or transverse rib.拱底石。拱的最底下的石头。在哥特式的穹顶中,指十字肋或者横肋的最底的石头。7.Clerestory:The windows below the vaults that form the

4、 nave elevations uppermost level. By using flying buttresses and rib vaults on pointed arches, Gothic architects could build huge clerestory windows and fill them withstained glassheld in place by ornamental stonework calledtracery.8.Oculus:A small round window.9.Lancet:A tall, narrow window crowned

5、 by a pointed arch.又窄又高有个尖拱的窗。细长的窗户被称为“柳叶窗”,圆形的则被称为“玫瑰窗”10.Triforium:The story in the nave elevation consisting of arcades, usually blind , but occasionally filled with stained glass).11.Nave arcade:The series of arches supported by piers separating the nave from the side aisles.中殿连拱,一组由支柱支撑的拱,分开了中殿

6、和侧廊。12.Compound pier with shafts (responds):Also called thecluster pier,a pier with a group, or cluster, of attached shafts, orresponds,extending to the springing of thevaults(composite pier)pier 墩附加Four common types of vault. A barrel vault (also called a cradle vault, tunnel vault, or wagon vault)

7、 has a semicircular cross section. A groin (or cross) vault is formed by the perpendicular intersection of two barrel vaults. A rib (or ribbed) vault is supported by a series of arched diagonal ribs that divide the vaults surface into panels. A fan vault is composed of concave sections with ribs spreading out like a fan.Pointed arch尖拱groin vault 交叉拱norman arch 诺曼式拱券molding线脚 装饰线rib 拱肋facade正面外墙ambulatory半圆回廊apse(尤指)教堂半圆形的后殿chapel礼拜堂cathedral 天主教堂,大教堂church (泛指)教堂altar 圣坛 祭坛capital柱头arcade 联拱abacus(圆柱)顶板

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