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1、言语变体可以指一种不同的语言,如标准语、方言、洋泾浜等,可以指同一语言的地域性或民族性变体,如英语中的澳大利亚英语、黑人英语等,也可以指同属一种语言的功能性言语变体,如法律语体、正式语体等。言语变体无论其具有何种社会属性,在社会语言学家看来它们之间没有高低之分、优劣之分。a)Regional variation 地域变异Regional variation is speech variation according to the particular area where a speaker comes from. Regional variation of language is the m

2、ost discernible and definable.语言的地域变异产生了地区方言。语言往往随着使用地理位置的变化而变化。地域变异是语言最易辨别的特征。The most distinguishable linguistic feature of a regional dialect is its accent. Often speakers of the same language but of different regional dialects of the language have a very difficult time communicating. One way out

3、 of the communication dilemma is language standardization known as language planning.语言地域变异的最显著特征是地域口音。由于口音差异给跨地区的交流造成理解上的困难,推广标准化的运动便应运而生。b)Social variation 社会变异Social variation gives rise to sociolects which are subdivisible into smaller speech categories which reflect their socioeconomic, educati

4、onal, occupational and ethnic background, as well as their sex and age.语言的社会变异产生了社会方言。社会方言又可以分为更小的语言类别。导致语言社会变异的主要因素包括语言使用者的不同的社会地位、经济地位、学历、职业、年龄、性别等。c)Stylistic variation 文体变异There are differences associated with the speech situation: who is speaking to whom about under what circumstances for what

5、purpose.有一些差异是说话者本人的言语在不同的言语情景中所具有的差异:言语情景即在什么情况下,为了什么目的,谁与谁讲什么。Stylistic variation in a persons speech, or writing, usually ranges on continuum from casual or colloquial to formal or polite according to the type of communicative situation. Style can also refer to a particular persons use of speech

6、or writing at all times, or to a way of speaking or writing at a particular period of time, e.g., Dickens style, Hemingways style.根据交际情景的类型,一个人的口头语和书面语的文体会发生变化,变异区间是从随便文体或口语体到正式文体或文雅文体。文体风格也可以指一个人一直在使用的口头语或书面语,或指在一个特定的时期内的说话或写作方式,如狄更斯的风格、海明威的风格。d)Idiolectal variation 个人言语变异When an individual speaks,

7、 what is actually produced is a unique language system of the speaker, expressed within the overall system of a particular language. Such a personal dialect is referred to as idiolect.一个人在说话时,他在一种特定语言的总的体系内表达,但他实际上所说出的是他自己的独特的语言体系。这种个人方言被称为个人习语。Idiolect is, thus, a personal dialect of an individual

8、speaker that combines aspects of all the elements regarding regional, social, and stylistic variation, in one form or another. In a narrower sense, what makes up ones idiolect includes also such factors as voice quality, pitch and speech rhythm, which all contribute to the identifying features in an

9、 individuals speech.因此,个人习语是说话者的个人方言,它以这样或那样的方式综合了涉及地域变异、社会变异和文体变异的各方面的特征。从比较狭窄的意义上来说,个人方言也包括音质、音调、言语节奏这样的因素。这些因素都构成了个人言语中的可识别特征。1.Standard and nonstandard languageThe standard language is a superposed, socially prestigious dialect of a language. It is the language employed by the government and the

10、 judiciary system, used by the mass media, and taught in educational institutions, including school settings where the language is taught as a foreign or second language.标准语是一种享有最高社会地位的语言变体,通常以在一个国家的政治、文化中心地区受过教育的本族语的口语和书面语为基础。标准语为政府和司法部门采用,也用于新闻媒介、文学作品、正式的讲话或写作、正规教育以及对非本族语者的外语教育。The standard langua

11、ge of many countries is also designated as the national or official language.许多国家的标准语同时被指定为全国语或官方语。Language varieties other than the standard are called nonstandard, or vernacular, languages.不同于标准语的变体叫做非标准语,其发音、语法和词汇明显有别于公认的标准。All dialects of a language are equally effective in expressing ideas.标准语和

12、非标准语无优劣之分。2.Diglossia and bilingualism 双言与双语现象a)Diglossia 双言现象Diglossia describes a situation in which two very different varieties of language co-exist in a speech community, each with a distinct range of purely social function and appropriate for certain situations. Usually, one is more standard v

13、ariety called the high variety, or H-variety, which is used for more formal or serious matter, such as speeches made in government, the media, school, or church. And the other is a non-prestige variety called the low variety, or L-variety, which is used in colloquial and other informal situations, s

14、uch as conversations with family or friends, or instructions given to servants, waiters, or workmen. Often the high variety is regarded as a literary standard called a classical language, whereas the low variety remains a local vernacular.双言现象并存于同一语言社区、用途各不相同的语言变体,通常其中一种被视为高层次变体,具有文言文的特征,另一种则为口语式的低层

15、次变体。高层次变体用于正式场合和书面语,低层次变体用于口头交谈。高层次变体多用于政府机关、大众传媒、教育部门、宗教团体等。低层次变体常见于家庭成员或朋友之间的交谈,也被高身份者用以对低身份者发布指示等。b)Bilingualism 双语现象Bilingualism refers to a linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers. A typical example of a bilingual community is an ethnic ghetto where most, if not all, of its inhabitants are either immigrants or children of immigrants

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