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当代大型企业高管轮岗分析 精品.docx

1、当代大型企业高管轮岗分析 精品当代大型企业高管轮岗分析摘 要近些年,高层轮岗渐渐成为一个时髦的词汇。企业普遍认为很多管理难题,诸如杜绝高管拉帮结派、自立山头等,培训未来的管理者等,都可以通过高层轮岗这一管理技术问题得以解决。麦肯锡大中华区总裁欧高敦和另外几位麦肯锡高层的共识是:“全球轮岗是培养全球型经理人员的关键。”企业中的人才也一样,希望自己能够一专多能,有更广阔的发挥空间。而企业也像那些明星经纪人和经纪公司一样,想方设法挖掘他的潜力,并给他提供更大的舞台,同时也是为了给自己创造更大的价值。于是,一种以双赢为宗旨的企业轮岗制度应运而生。本文首先分析了高官轮岗的意义,人才后备得到保障;激发高管

2、潜能;培养复合型高管;岗位轮换的价值。其次概述了现今大型企业进行高管轮岗的现状并从中发现存在的问题,例如:造成决策错误,增加人事动荡,培训成本流失等。最后就发现的问题提出一系列解决方案:高管轮岗前进行必要的准备,建立制度化轮岗体系,制定轮岗实施的详细流程并且严格执行。关键词: 大型企业;高管;轮岗;Contemporary executives of large rotation analysisAbstractIn recent years, high-level rotation gradually become a fashionable term. Enterprises genera

3、lly think a lot of management problems, such as high-ranking managers to eliminate patronage, clientelism, self-reliance hill, to train future managers. were able to pass through the rotation senior management technology to solve the problem. McKinsey Greater China CEO Europe Exchequer Mckinsey and

4、several other high-level consensus : Global rotation type of nurturing global managers of the key. Enterprises talent is the same, specializing want to be more extensive use of space. And the corporate stars like those brokers and brokerage companies and find ways to tap their potential, and to prov

5、ide him with a bigger arena, but also in order to create greater value. Thus, a win-win for enterprises for the purpose of rotation system came into being. This paper analyzes the significance of the rotation of senior officials, emergency personnel be protected; Stimulate high-potential; Training o

6、f composite executives; Job rotation value. This was followed by an overview of current executives of large enterprises in the status of rotation, we found that there are problems, for example : A policy decision errors, additional personnel turmoil, the cost of wastage. Finally, we found that the i

7、ssues raised in a series of solutions : high-rotation before the necessary preparations institutionalized rotation system, the formulation of detailed implementation of the rotation process and strictly enforced.Keywords: Large enterprises; Executives; RotationIn recent years, high-level rotation gr

8、adually become a fashionable term. Enterprises generally think a lot of management problems, such as high-ranking managers to eliminate patronage, clientelism, self-reliance hill, to train future managers. were able to pass through the rotation senior management technology to solve the problem. McKi

9、nsey Greater China CEO Europe Exchequer Mckinsey and several other high-level consensus : Global rotation type of nurturing global managers of the key. Enterprises talent is the same, specializing want to be more extensive use of space. And the corporate stars like those brokers and brokerage compan

10、ies and find ways to tap their potential, and to provide him with a bigger arena, but also in order to create greater value. Thus, a win-win for enterprises for the purpose of rotation system came into being. This paper analyzes the significance of the rotation of senior officials, emergency personn

11、el be protected; Stimulate high-potential; Training of composite executives; Job rotation value. This was followed by an overview of current executives of large enterprises in the status of rotation, we found that there are problems, for example : A policy decision errors, additional personnel turmo

12、il, the cost of wastage. Finally, we found that the issues raised in a series of solutions : high-rotation before the necessary preparations institutionalized rotation system, the formulation of detailed implementation of the rotation process and strictly enforced.不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印目 录摘 要 Abstract 第

13、1章 高管轮岗的意义 11.1 人才后备得到保障 21.2 激发高管潜能 31.3 培养复合型高管 31.4 岗位轮换价值的体现 4第2章 高管轮岗的现状 52.1 何为高管轮岗 52.2 促生高管轮岗的原因 52.3 非制度化高管轮岗 62.4 制度化轮岗开始形成 7第3章 高管轮岗所带来的问题 83.1 造成决策错误 83.2 增加人事动荡 103.3 培训成本流失 113.4 其他一些容易出现的问题 12第4章 合理进行高管轮岗的措施 134.1 高管轮岗前的必要准备 134.1.1 高层轮岗的组织适用性 134.1.2 完备轮岗所需的各种支持体系 144.1.3 确立轮岗文化 154.

14、2 建立制度化轮岗体系 154.2.1 确定轮岗目标 164.2.2 调查现实环境 164.2.3 轮岗任务分析 164.2.4 制定轮岗计划 174.2.5 提供轮岗前培训 174.3 轮岗实施的流程 184.3.1 成立专门机构 184.3.2 轮岗前沟通 194.3.3 实施工作交接 194.3.4 跟进轮岗效果 20结 论 22致 谢 23参考文献 24附 录A 25附 录B 30第1章 高管轮岗的意义近些年,高层轮岗渐渐成为一个时髦的词汇。企业普遍认为很多管理难题,诸如杜绝高管拉帮结派、自立山头等,培训未来的管理者等,都可以通过高层轮岗这一管理技术问题得以解决。麦肯锡大中华区总裁欧高

15、敦和另外几位麦肯锡高层的共识是:“全球轮岗是培养全球型经理人员的关键。” 我认为,轮岗能够让高官了解公司更多,能更好地发现自己的核心价值;同时对于CEO来说,通过观察这些高管在不同职位的表现,如他们具备什么能力?谁学习能力快?谁擅长沟通和团队工作?哪个经理人更能对付不确定性等,培养和发现人才。根据中国人力资源开发网与新浪网财经频道2006年末联合进行的高管轮岗系列调查中,有关“高管轮岗是否能解决以下问题”的调查显示,企业人士认为,高管轮岗给企业带来的最大好处是“万一有高管离开,他所负责的工作不至于脱节,随时有合适的人顶上去”,有65.97%的被调查者对这一选项给予了肯定。此外,认同高管轮岗可以

16、“帮助高管彼此理解对方的工作难处,增进沟通”的被调查者占总数的55.88%;选择“始终让高管面对新的挑战,避免高管的内耗,保证内部合理流动”的占54.2%;选择“帮助高管发现自己更大的潜能,完善对高管的考核机制”的占47.58%;选择“杜绝高管彼此间拉帮结派,强化对高管的监管”的占47.48%。(见图1-1)图1-1高管轮岗能否解决以下问题1.1 人才后备得到保障在日本三洋集团,明确规定了管理人员的离任制度,其中规定了课长(相当于中国公司的部门经理或主管)55岁离任,部长(相当于中国公司的部门总经理)57岁离任,他们均需在离开原职位时将自己的工作交接给继任者;各事业部长也有离任制度,在培养继任者方面,定期轮岗发挥着很大的作用。此外,随着越来越多的国内企业在走向国际化时采用矩阵形的管理架构,这时,企业会挑选出有接班人潜质的经理

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