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1、英语(4),未通过者,则须继续修读大学基础英语(3);大学二年级第一学期通过本考试者可以免修大学基础英语(4),未通过者,则须继续修读大学基础英语(4)。通过本考试者可以获得由上海交通大学颁发的“上海交通大学英语水平考试合格证书”。二、 考试对象 考试对象为我校非英语专业一、二年级所有本科生。三、 考试时间 交大英语水平考试从2009级开始实施,每年举行两次,考试时间为每学期第十四周,考试成绩于16周公布。四、 考试内容和题型 交大英语水平考试属于综合性的语言能力测试,考试内容包括听力、阅读综合和写作三部分。本考试采用多种题型,力求客观、公正地评价学生的英语水平。考试总时间为120分钟,总分为

2、100分,时间及分值分配如下:1 听力:放音时间为40分钟,占总分的40%。阅读综合:占总分的30%。写作:30分钟,占总分的30%。听力部分单独得分在24分及以上且总分达标者为合格。详见下表:内容 题型 分值 考试时间 听力 40, 1(长对话和/或短文,题型为四选一的10, 10分钟左选择题(MCQ),播放一遍 右 正常语速,2. 复合式听写(Compound Diction),前10, 10分钟左约150-1608个空填单词,后3个空填句子,长右 词/分钟 度22词左右,播放二遍 3. 回答问题(SAQ)/ 或笔记10, 10分钟左(note-taking), 播放一遍 右 4. 听译,

3、,5小段, 每段约25-30词, 10% 10分钟左2分/题,播放一遍 右 阅读综合1. Banked Cloze ,1分/题(15选10,10,,文章长度 30, 填空时需改变词形) 250-300字 2. 根据阅读材料填空(10个 ),并限10, ,文章长度900 定答案字数。1分/题。 字左右 3. Cloze (20个空,题型为四选一 10,,文章长度 的选择题),0.5分/题。 250-300字 写作30, 议论文或说明文 不少于250字 30分钟 注:试卷分为试卷1(听力和阅读)、试卷2(作文部分)和答题卡,考试开始后先做试卷1,考试结束前30分钟收试卷1,发试卷2,结束时收试卷2

4、和答题卡。五、 考试要求 (一)听力:1. 能听懂语速正常、内容稍长的对话、短文等,能理解其要点和细节。2. 能听懂语速为每分钟180词左右、篇幅较长、题材熟悉的英语广播及电视节目,如新闻报道、访谈、演讲等,能理解其大意和主要细节。3. 能听懂涉及一定专业知识的学术报告、专题讲座等。(二)阅读综合:1. 能以每分钟100词左右的速度读懂有一定难度的文章,理解其主旨大意及2 细节。2. 能读懂英语国家大众性报刊杂志上一般性题材的文章。(三)写作:能围绕一定的话题在30分钟内写出不少于250词的说明文或议论文,观点明确,结构清晰,内容充实,表达清楚,逻辑严密。上海交通大学外国语学院 2012(7(

5、 附:上海交通大学英语水平考试样题 Part I Listening (40,) Section 1 Long Conversations (10,) Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear five questions. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. After you hear a question,

6、you must choose the best answer from the four choices. Conversation 1 1. A) It is exaggerated. B) It is self-important. C) It is a move toward the concepts she teaches. D) It doesnt give a clear idea of what the department does. 2. A) She didnt agree with him. B) It illustrates one of her basic idea

7、s. C) The man was an expert on people management. D) It shows how some people do not understand people management. 3. A) Worrying can cause needless stress. B) It is important to remember other things as well. C) They can stop you thinking about more basic things. D) We cant solve them, so theres no

8、 point in worrying. 3 4. A) Completely. B) In no way at all. C) With respect to relationships. D) With respect to professional questions. 5. A) By giving them a written warning. B) By sacking people who break the rules. C) By following organizational procedures. D) By understanding the employees per

9、sonal circumstances. Conversation 2 6. A) Sarcastic. B) Humorous. C) Indifferent. D) Matter-of-fact. 7. A) She was talking about suicide literally. B) She was talking about smoking literally. C) She wanted to be left alone by saying so. D) She was talking about both smoking and her life. 8. A) None

10、of them helped her positively. B) Her mother was too busy to be around her. C) Her father was the role model she followed. D) Her friends always cheered her up when she was feeling down. 9. A) She feels less hopeless. B) She feels she has many dreams. C) She feels she is not part of this world any m

11、ore. D) She feels that her life took the wrong way in the past, but now she wants to make a change for the better. 10. A) He is a psychiatrist. B) He is a school teacher. C) He is a policeman in disguise. D) He is a stranger she just ran into by chance. Section 2 Compound Dictation (10,) In this sec

12、tion, you will hear a passage TWICE. You have its script in the following, but with eleven blanks in it. You are required to fill in the first eight blanks with the exact words you have just heard. For the last three blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the ma

13、in points in your own words. Remember, there will be a pause for the last three blanks. 4 The medical center at New York University is one of the clinical sites for the study. Thirty-nine-year-old Denise Harris is helping researchers gain a better understanding of the brain. She suffers from epileps

14、y, and doctors are monitoring her seizures in the hope of performing an operation to minimize them. Her head is 1) _. Wires protruding from the side are attached to electrodes implanted in her brain. Harris says doctors are monitoring her to see whether she is a good candidate for surgery. Ive been on many medications throughout my life and after a while, they dont work, said Denise H

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