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1、7. 自从他去美国之后,我就与他失去了联系。8.你能成为一位优秀的音乐家,但因缺乏实践而受阻。9. 通过一系列的无意识的正反试验,母亲发现如果把婴儿抱在左胸前心脏处孩子便显得更安宁。10.每当有问题他解决不了的,他就要去老师那寻找帮助。Key to Unit 1 of Book One 1.Today many parents inoculate their children with the idea that they cannot find good jobs in the future unless they are graduates from the most famous uni

2、versities.2. It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.3. It is dishonest to take credit for work that was done by others.4.He reached out his hand for the knife, but it was beyond his reach.5. Your wish to go for a walk does not justify your leaving the baby alone in the house.6.His

3、 sympathy grew out of under- standing. 7. Since he went to the United States, I have lost track of him. 8.You could become a good musician, but your lack of practice is holding you back.9. By an unconscious series of trials and errors, the mother has arrived at the discovery that her baby is more at

4、 peace if held on the left against her heart than on the right. 10Whenever there are some problems they cannot solve, he reaches out for help from his feather.(Since he couldnt solve the problem all by himself, he reached out for help from his teacher.)Unit 2 of Book One1. 自行车在这条新机动车道上禁止行驶。2. 这本书因为有

5、淫秽内容而被禁止发行,所以这部电影获得了极大的票房收入。3. 把你的译文和黑板上的范文比较一下。 4. 与其他同类工人生活相比英国工人的生活水平是高的5. 结果证明距离比他原来想象的要更远一些。6. 天气预报说最高温度为10度,但结果证明是5度。7你是这个交通事故的目击证人,因此你就有义务在法庭上讲出实情。8我必须不惜一切代价在星期五之前完成这项工作。9.我们必须珍惜老一辈革命家用鲜血和生命换来的今天幸福生活。10.我的资格不够,多少有点心虚,不过我会把当主席的责任承担过来。Key to Unit 2 of Book One 1.Bicycles are banned from the mot

6、orway. 2. The film became / achieved an enormous box-office success because the book had been banned on the grounds of obscenity/ indecency/indecent contents .3. Compare your translation with the model one on the blackboard.4. The standard of living / the living conditions of the British working man

7、 is high compared with that of his counterpart in many other countries.5. It turned out a farther distance than he had imagined. It turned out that the distance was farther than he had imagined.6. The weatherman forecasted that the highest was 10, but it turned out to be 5.7. Youre an eyewitness of

8、this traffic accident, so you are obligated to tell the truth in court.8. I must complete this work by Friday at any cost. (accomplish) 9. We must cherish todays happy life acquired at the cost of the blood and life of our older generations of revolutionaries.10. I am a bit diffident about my qualif

9、ications, but I will take the chairmanship on. / I am a bit less confident of my qualifications, but I will assume the responsibility of the chairman Unit 3 of Book One 1.所有的物质变化可以分为两大类,物理变化和化学变化。2. 警方向帮助他们找到那个犯罪嫌疑人的人提供特别的奖赏。3.他们深夜不睡,想找出上次试验失败的原因。4. 这项公约的签订使两国的贸易合作永远持续下去。5.中国在运营大型采矿企业的同时也着手建立中型采矿企业。

10、6.成功在望,他们欢天喜地。7.在大多数人的眼里,战争是一场交战双方都是输家的赌博。8.我得集中精力写完这本书,因为这件事很急。9在微弱灯光下看书,眼睛一定很吃力。10玛丽满怀希望但又忧心忡忡地开始了婚后生活。Key to Unit 3 of Book One 1. All changes of matter may fall into two broad classes: physical and chemical changes.2. There is a special reward offered by the police to anyone who helps them find

11、that suspect.3. They stayed up late into the night, trying to figure out the causes of the failure in their last experiment.4. The sign of the convention will perpetuate the trade and cooperation between the two countries. 5. China has embarked on setting up medium mines while operating big ones.6.

12、With success in sight they all felt jubilant.7. In the eyes of most people, war is a game in which both sides lose.8I really must settle down to finishing this work, which is urgent.9. Reading in poor light will certainly tax your eye.10. Mary embarked on her marriage, with many hopes and fears.Unit

13、 5 of Book One 1.考试一过,毕业典礼就在眼前了。2.他身上有一种超凡脱俗的气质,大家对他都顶礼膜拜。3 公司有一队卡车用来把产品运到批发市场。4.就某种程度而言,现在国民经济各部门的发展还是互相协调的。5.他沉醉于赌博,终于导致倾家荡产。6.到了农村,展现在我们面前的是一派生机勃勃的景象。7.这就是评论家给新剧和新片定级的方法,然而这部新片是任何别的新片都无法相比的。8.我们确实已经取得了很大成就,但这并不意味着我们就一点缺点都没有。9.驯养爱畜与教育孩子有些相象。10 接受还是拒绝这个建议取决于你。11. 约翰和玛丽发现他们在很多问题上意见有分歧。12.这个活动培养了孩子们的

14、合作精神。Key to Unit 5 of Book One 1.Examinations are over and Commencement Day is at hand.2.There is an aura of divinity about him, which makes all the people pay homage to him.3. The company has a fleet of trucks for conveying produce to the wholesale market. 4. Up to a point, now the development of t

15、he different branches of the national economy is well coordinated.5. He addicted himself to gambling and at last lost all his family fortune.6. As we reached the countryside, we were presented with a scene of vitality.7. This is how the reviewers rate new plays and films, however, no other new films can rate with this one.(8.Forcing a child to learn is on a par wi

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