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1、股东协议中英文版#股东协议中英文版2018#合同范本# shareholders agreement agreement made this _ day of _, (year)_, between _ corporation, having its principal office at _ _, and _shareholders agreementagreement made this _ day of _, (year)_, between_ corporation, having its principal office at_ _, and_ residing at _, and_

2、 residing at _, and_ residing at _.whereas, the above signed parties wish to promote the corporations interestsand secure their own interests by making provision to avoid future is therefore mutually agreed that:#1. as long as each of the undersigned shareholders remains a shareholder

3、 in_ corporation, he or she will vote his or herrespective shares of stock in the corporation for each of the following nameddirectors.1._2._3._any of the above directors who cease to be a shareholder in the corporationshall submit his or her resignation to the corporation when he or she transfershi

4、s or her shares.2. each of the undersigned parties agree that he or she shall will devote his orher best efforts to the best interests and advancement of the corporation.3. for the common interest of the corporation, the undersigned shareholdersagree to the following people appointed and elected as

5、officers of thecorporation, as long as they remain shareholders of the corporation and performcompetently, faithfully, and efficiently._(president)_(vice president)_(secretary)_(treasurer)any of the foregoing officers who ceases to be a shareholder in the corporationshall submit his or her resignati

6、on to the corporation when he or she transfershis or her shares.4(a)。# the undersigned shareholders agree any action taken at a meeting of theshareholders that receives a vote in favor of less than _% of theshareholders may be subject to action from the dissenting shareholders. they may the shares o

7、f the corporation owned by the dissenter(s) at a price per sharecomputed on a pro rata basis according to section 4(d) of this agreement within_ days. the below undersigned shareholders agree that should their vote in purchase the dissenters shares computed on a pro rata basis according tosection 4(

8、d) of this agreement within _ days.4(b)。# the undersigned shareholders agree that they will not sell, pledge,assign, transfer, hypothecate, or otherwise dispose of the shares of stock ownedby any of them, unless the shares of stock have been first offered to thecorporation at a price computed on a p

9、ro rata basis according to section 4(d) ofthis agreement. any such offer shall be made in writing and shall remain openfor the acceptance of the corporation for a period of no less than _ days.should the corporation accept the offer, it must agree in writing to purchasethe entire amount of stock off

10、ered and shall make a down payment comprised of_% of the total purchase price. the remaining balance of the total purchaseprice shall be paid as provided for in section 4(e) of this agreement. if thecorporation should choose not to purchase the shares within _ days, theshares shall be offered to the

11、 remaining shareholders on the same pro rata basisas provided for in section 4(d) of this agreement. any such offer shall be shallremain open for a period of _ days and shall be made in writing. in theevent the remaining shareholders wish to accept the offer, they must agree inwriting to purchase an

12、y or all of their pro rata portion of shares, and make adown payment comprised of _% of the total purchase price. the balance ofthe total purchase price shall be paid as provided in section 4(e) of thisagreement. if any shareholder should elect not to purchase his or her portion ofthe shares, or sho

13、uld elect to purchase less than the full amount, the remaindershall be offered to the other shareholders on the same pro rata basis asoutlined in section 4(d) of this agreement. after this offering to the remainingshareholders, any amount of stock that remains unpurchased shall be consideredfreely t

14、ransferable and no longer subject to the provisions and limitations ofthis agreement. this agreement shall not bar a sale, transfer, assignment, orbequest shares of stock by one of the undersigned shareholders to a member ofhis or her immediate family, who shall, however, take his or her stock subjectto all the provisions and limitations of this agreement.4(c)。# the parties to this agreement

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