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本文(最新应用化学专业英语第二版万有志主编版课后答案和课文翻译资料文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2. It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like/and so on/and so forth/and otherwise.3. Chemistry has a very long history, in fact, human activity in chemistry goes back to prerecorded times/predating recorded times.4. According to/From the evaporation of water, people know/realized

2、 that liquids can turn/be/change into gases under certain conditions/circumstance/environment.5. You must know the properties of the material before you use it.IV. Translation化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物。自从宇宙大爆炸以来,化学过程持续进行,甚至地球上生命的出现可能也是化学过程的结果。人们也许认为生命是三步进化的最终结果,第一步非常快,其余两步相当慢。这三步是:(I)物理进化(化学元素的产生),(II

3、)化学进化(分子和生物分子的形成);和(III)生物进化(有机物的形成和发展)。V. Solution:(1)The relative mass of 1H and 12C atoms can be calculated from their absolute masses in grams. If the mass of a 12C atom is exactly 12 amu,then the mass of a 1H atom to five significant figures must be 1.0078 amu.12 amu x 0.083986 = 1.0078 amu(2)

4、First we calculate k and then use the first-order rate equation.The bone was tossed away (more precisely, the animal whose bone was died) about 6100 years ago, or about 4100 B.C. We can thus be sure that a village was in existence at that place at that time.Unit 7 The Nomenclature of Inorganic Subst

5、ancesI. Comprehension1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.BII. Give the systematic name for the following ammonium ion ; copper() ion ; strontium ion; Ccopper() ion; iron() ion; zinc ion; hydrogen ion; lead() ion; aluminum; silver ion; magnesium ion; chromium() ion; Barium ; Manganese() ion; calcium ion; mercury() ion

6、; tin() ion. carbon monoxide; ditrogen trioxide; carbon dioxide; diphosphorus pentoxide; sulfur trioxide; dichlorine heptoxide arsenate ion; sulfite ion; hydride ion; arsenite ion; bromide ion; hydroxide ion; phosphate ion; chlorate ion; hypochlorite ion; chloride ion; iodate ion; carbonate ion; chl

7、orite ion; nitrate ion; chromate ion; cyanide ion; iodide ion; dichromate ion; fluoride ion; oxide ion; hydrogen carbonate ion; nitrite ion; sulfide ion; hydrogen sulfate ion; perchlorate ion; sulfate ion; hydrogen sulfite ion; permanganate ion. III. Complete the table. FormulaOld nameSystematic nam

8、eFeOiron () oxide Fe2O3iron () oxideSn(OH)2tin() hydroxideSn(OH)4Hg2SO4mercury () sulfateHgSO4NaCLOsodium hypochloriteK2Cr2O7potassium dichromateCu3(AsO4)2copper() arsenateCr(C2H3O2)3chromium() acetateIV. Acid names may be obtained directly from its acid ion by changing the name of the acid ion (neg

9、ative ion). Use the rule to give the name of the following acid.Formula of acidName of acidH2CO3carbonic acidHClO2chlorous acidHClO4perchloric acidHCNhydrocyanic acidHBrhydrobromic acidH4SiO4silicic acidH3AsO4arsenic acidV. Complete the sentences with the proper form of the word given at the end of

10、the altered; 2.To illustrate 3.indicates 4.should expect 5.would cancel 6. are pulled 7.depend on 8.are; referred 9.formed 10.have discussedVI. Translation1. Matter can neither be created nor be destroyed/eliminated.2. It is necessary that a scientist must know how to use fingures to g

11、et an accutate answer to question.3. Any substance is made of atoms whether it is solid, liquid or gas.4. The experiment was successful. Its results was the same as what we had expected.5. It will not be long before we finish the experiment.VII. Write equations for the following acid-base reactions. Use the information in inorganic textbook to predict whether the equilibrium will favor the reactants or the products. (Partially Solved)Solutin to (a): Cyanide is the conjugate base of HCN. It can accept a proton from formic acid:Reading from inorganic textbook, formic acid (

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