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1、酒店服务指引中英文版服务指南THE SERVICE GUIDE总经理致辞 大堂服务 LOBBY SERVICES1.大堂经理 Assistant Manager2问讯 / 留言 Information / Message3.预订 / 接待 Reservation / Reception4.收银/结账Cashier5.信用卡 Credit Card6.退房时间 Check-out Time7.客房门卡 Room Card8.行服务 Luggage Service9.大堂保险箱Lobby Safe box10.商务中心 Business Center残疾人士设施 Handicapped Facil

2、ities12.着装 Dressing13.停车 Parking客房服务 GUEST ROOM SERVICES1.客房中心 Housekeeping Center2.房间清洁服务 Room Cleaning3 房间夜床服务 Turn-down Service4.洗衣服务 Laundry Service5.小酒吧 Mini-Bar6.房间加床服务Extra Bed7.送餐服务 Room Service8.擦鞋服务 Shoes-shine Service9.叫醒服务 Wake-up Call10.Telephone电吹风Hair Dryer12.电熨斗/烫衣板Iron / Iron Board1

3、3.房间/免打扰 Keep the Room Number Secret/Avoid Being Disturbed14失物招领Lost And Found15.电视节目TV Channel16.网上漫游Internet Service17空气调节Air Conditioner18电源总开关Energy Saver 19.电源说明 Power Supply 20紧急情况Emergency餐饮服务 FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES1.宴会预订 Banquet Reservation2.中餐厅 Chinese Restaurant3.送餐服务 Room Service娱乐服务 EN

4、TERTAINMENT SERVICE1.商务区 Business district (CBD) 2.量贩区 ktv Volume area ktv康乐服务 RECREATION SERVICE康乐 中心 The recreation center安全指南 SAFETY DIRECTORY1 遵守措施 comply with the measures2.宾客注意事项Guest* s Notices3.安保 Safeguard4.火警 Fire Prevention5.火警须知 Fire alarm notice指南 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY1.拨打客房 Room to Room

5、Calls2.拨打外线 Outside Calls3国直拨DDD Calls4.国、国际直拨须知 IDD&DDD Service Guide客房物品有偿价格表GEST ROOM ITEMS PAID A PRICE LIST尊敬的宾客:欢迎阁下光临富丽华大酒店!我.们本着“安全至上.客人第一”的服务宗旨,谒尽全力,热诚为阁下提供最周到的服务,令您真正感到宾至如归。酒店全体员工祝阁下旅途愉快!富丽华大酒店总经理Welcome you to zhanjiang Furama HotelWe in line with the service tenet of safety first, custom

6、ers first, sincerely piovide you with the most considerate service, make you really feel at home Hotel all staff wish you a pleasant journey! Good luck!Zhanjiang furama hotel The general manager大堂服务LOBBY SERVICES1.TEL 6789大堂经理 Assistant Manager位于酒店大堂,24小时为您提供服务。The Assistant Manager in the lobby wil

7、l be at your service at any time2问讯/ 留言 Information / Message TEL6622如您离开酒店而需与来人或来电联系时,请把您的去处及留言告之总服务台。You can tel 1 our Information Desk the place to go if you want to be in touch with telephonemessage or visitors when you are out3预订 / 接待 Reservation / Reception TEL 6622酒店接待处24小时为您提供预订客房、KTV包厢、住宿登记

8、等服务。The hotel reception desk 24 hours to provide you with booking room, ktv box, registration and other services4.收银 / 结账 Cashier TEL 6622位于大堂总服务台,24小时为您提供住宿期间的房费、餐费及其他费用的结算服务。It s located at the Front Desk in the lobby. We will provide the 24-hour check-out service of your fees during your stay5.信用

9、卡 Credit Card TEL 6622欢迎您在酒店用以下信用卡:银联系列卡、长城卡、牡丹卡、建行龙卡、金穗卡Welcome to use the following cards: Great Wall, the Peony, Long card, the Gold Ear,6.退房时间 Check-out Time TEL 6622饭店退房时间为下午12: 00。请留意:超过12: 00后加收半天房租,18: 00后退房按 全天收费计算。若需延迟离店时间,请与总服务台联系。Check-out time is 12: 00 at noon. You will have to pay an

10、extra half of daily fee if you check out after 12: 00a m and the whole fee if you do after 18: 00 p. ntPlease contact the Reception Desk if your check-out has to be delayed7.TEL 6622客房门卡Room Card酒店使用安全电子门锁。退房时请将门卡交与总台收银处。请留意:当超过规定时间, 门卡将不能开锁。您要续住,请到总服务台办理有关手续。We offer you the IC lock Please return t

11、he card to the Cashier Desk when you check out The IC card wi 11 not work when you delay the check-out time and you must contact the Reception Desk to continue your time8.行服务 Luggage Service TEL 6622我们为您提供店免费运送或寄存行服务。We offer free-of-charge service of delivery in our hotel and left-luggage service9.

12、大堂保险箱 Lobby Safe box TEL 6622大堂接待处为阁下提供免费使用的保险箱,较大的贵重物品可存放在大堂保险箱。酒店 对留在客房物品的任何损坏或遗失不负任何责任。Each room is fitted with a safe box. your valuable belongings are recommended to be kept in the safe By the way, the lobby provides free safes for bigger valuable belong ings. The hotel man agemen t is not liab

13、le to any loss or damage valuables left in the gust rooms10商务中心 Business Center TEL 6622位于酒店大堂,为您提供全面的祕书服务:中英文打字、传真复印、收发电子、邮寄等 服务。服务时间:08: 00-22: 00Located in the lobby, we provide you with the comprehensive secretarial service such as typewriting in Chinese or in English. Fax and copying service, E

14、-mail service, purchasing ticket, mailing, etcService Hours: 08: 00am-10: 00pm11残疾人士设施 Handicapped Facilities TEL 6622酒店备有轮椅车,如需使用请与行房联系。We also offer wheelchair and walking stick Please contact the Luggage Room ifyou need.12.着装 Dressing我们建议您在酒店所有餐厅和公共场所穿着合适的衣装。We advise you to wear the proper forma

15、l dress in al 1 restaurants and public places.13.停车 Parking酒店拥有停车场,请按指定车位停放车辆。有碍车道畅通、消防、安全及专用泊车的车 辆,如有损坏酒店不予负责。如需专门监管的车辆,请告知在场保安员,我们将会记录,妥 加看护。饭店敬告各位车主,请勿将贵重财物放在车,住店宾客可将贵重物品交酒店寄存处 寄存。We have the parking area Please park your car as shown. We are not responsible for any damage if you hinder the path, fighting-fire and security etc Please infonn our guard if your car need special care We will make some notes and be care for the car Please don t leave your valuables in the car If you have ones, please place them in the sa

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