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1、论文独创性声明本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。论文中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中作了明确说明并表示了谢意。作者签名:_ 日期:_论文使用授权声明本人同意上海海事大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以上网公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。保密的论文在解密后遵守本规定。A Pragmatic Study of Fictional Communication as Reflec

2、ted in A Room with A ViewByQu JingA DissertationSubmitted to the Graduate Schooland Foreign Languages School in Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirements for the Degree of Master of English Language and LiteratureUnderThe Supervision ofProfessor Zheng LixinShanghai Maritime UniversityJune 2009ContentsA

3、cknowledgement iAbstract ii摘 要 ivChapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Lead-in remarks 11.2 Purpose of the study 21.3 Justification for the study 21.4 Methodology of the study 31.4.1 Combination of pragmatics and communication theory 31.4.2 Consideration of pragmatic study and fictional development 41.4.3 The

4、 nature of inter-disciplinary study. 41.5 Significance of the study 5Chapter 2 Literary Review 62.1 A pragmatic study of literature at the theoretical level 62.1.1 Cooperative principle application in literary study 62.1.2 Politeness principle application in literary study 72.2 A pragmatic study of

5、literature at the empirical level 82.2.1 Study with the purpose to improve the theory 82.2.2 Study with the purpose to improve literary study 82. 3 A Pragmatic study of literature in China 92.3.1 The study at the theoretical level 92.3.2 Empirical study 9Chapter 3 Pragmatics and Literary Communicati

6、on 113.1 Pragmatics 113.1.1 Cooperative principle 123.1.2 Conversational implicature 133.1.3 Politeness principle 143.2 Literary communication 163.2.1 Literary communication 163.2.2 Participants of literary communication Author and reader Character Narrator 173.2.3 Mean

7、s of literary communication 183.3 Pragmatics in literary communication 183.3.1 Applicability of pragmatics in literary communication 183.3.2 CP & PP in character language and narrator language CP in character and narrator language Implicature in character and narrator language 20

8、 PP in character and narrator language 21Chapter 4 A Room with a View and its Author 234.1 E. M. Forsters life and literary career 234.2 Cultural thoughts in E. M. Forsters novels 244.3 The story of A Room with A View 24Chapter 5 A Pragmatic Study of A Room with a View 265. 1 CP & PP in commu

9、nication during the first meeting of lovers 265. 2 CP & PP in communication during Lucys back to England 375. 3 CP & PP in communication when lovers meet again 415. 4 CP & PP in communication when Lucy takes actions 50Chapter 6 Functions of Pragmatic Study of the Fiction 586.1 Function of CP&PP in c

10、haracter molding 586.1.1 Spiritual transformation of Lucy 586.1.2 Spiritual deficiency of Cecil 616.2 Function of CP & PP in revealing cultural thoughts 626.2.1 Deficiency of “Undeveloped hearts” of English middle class 626.2.2 Communication as the remedy of “Undeveloped hearts” 63 PP in plot develo

11、pment 64Chapter 7 Conclusion 667.1 Findings of the study 667.2 Limitations of the study 67Bibliography 69AcknowledgementFirst and foremost, I owe my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Professor Zheng Lixin. Professor Zhengs profound knowledge, remarkable expertise, and intellectual ingenuity have gu

12、ided my study at Shanghai Maritime University. His insightful instruction and warm encouragement give me the best enlightenment. His valuable suggestions have contributed greatly to my writing of this thesis. It is Professor Zhengs supervision that makes possible this degree paper.I should also expr

13、ess my great gratitude to Professor Cai Yongliang, Professor Rong Xinfang, Professor Wu Jianguo and Professor Zhang Yan. Their informative lectures either in linguistics literature benefit my study. My thanks also extend to many of my classmates and friends. Whenever I feel discouraged by the tough

14、and huge task of writing, their kind encouragement and timely help make me keep up my spirit again. My last but most tender affection should be expressed to my mother. Her constant cares make me a healthy and spiritually integrated person. In return, this thesis is a gift to express my lifelong grat

15、itude. AbstractLiterature is a sort of extension and application of certain properties of language. Linguistic study includes study of all languages, including literary language. Despite the complementary relationship between linguistics and literature study, to build a bridge between linguistics and literature is by no means a happy experience. Many opposing voices get in the way. Scholars in literary circle demean t

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