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商务英语情景对话 还盘Word格式.docx

1、 请给我们你们最好的还盘。 5. The pri _ you offer is not in line with the prevailing _rket. 你方报价与现行市场价不合。 6. Its impossible for us to entertain your counteroffer. 我们不能接受你方的还价。 7. Im sorry. The differen _ between our pri _ and your counteroffer is too wide. 很遗憾,我们的 _与你方还盘之间的差距太大。 8. This is our rock - bottom pri

2、_, we cant _ke any further reduction. 这是我方的最低 _,我们不能再让了。 9. How about meeting each other halfway? 能不能互相做出让步? 10. If you aept our counteroffer, well advise our users to buy from you. 如您能接受我们的还盘,我们就劝用户向你方 _。 11. As a rule, the larger the order, the lower the pri _. 买得越多, _越便宜,这是个惯例。 12. I appreciate y

3、our counteroffer but find it too low to aept. 谢谢你的还价,我觉得太低了无法接受。 13. We ask for indulgen _ for 6 days to _ke a counteroffer. 我们要求宽限六天以便做出还价。 14. We regret to note that you have turned down our counteroffer. 我们很遗憾,知道你方已拒绝了我方的还价。 Dialogue 1 A: This is our rock - bottom pri _, Mr. Li. We cant _ke any f

4、urther con _ssions. B: If thats the case, theres not much point in further discussion. We might as well call the whole deal off. What I mean is that well never be able to e down to your pri _. The gap is too great. I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own pri _. How about meeting each

5、 other half way so that business can be concluded? What is your proposal? Your unit pri _ is 100 dollars higher than we can aept. When I suggested we meet each other half way, I meant it literally. Do you mean to suggest that we have to _ke a further reduction of 50 dollars in our pri _? Thats impos

6、sible. What would you suggest? The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 dollars. Thatll definitely be rockbottom. 李先生,这是我方的最低 _,不能再让了。 如果是这样的话,那就没有什么必要再谈下去了,我们是不是干脆 放弃这笔生意算了! 我的意思是说我们的 _永远不可能降到你方提出的水平,差距太 大了。 我想我们双方都坚持自己的 _是不明智的,能不能互相做出让 步?各方都再让一半,生意就能成交了。 你的建议是? 你方提出的单价比我们可以接受的 _高出100美元

7、,我说的各让 一半,是名副其实的一半。 你是说让我们再减价50美元吗?办不到! 你 _呢? 我们最多只 Dialogue 2 Mr. Brown, Im anxious to know about your offer. Well, weve been holding it for you, Mrs. Perless. Here it is. Five hundred cases of black tea, at 20 pounds per kilogram, C.I.F. Liverpool. Shipment will be in July. s a high pri _! It will

8、 be difficult for us to _ke any sales. Im rather surprised to hear you say that, Mrs. Perless. You know the pri _ of black tea has gone up sin _ last year. Ours pares favorably with what you might get elsewhere. m afraid I cant agree with you there. India has just e into the _rket with a lower pri _

9、. Ah, but everybody in the tea trade knows that USs black tea is of top quality. Considering the quality, I should say the pri _ is reasonable. No doubt yours is of high quality, but still, there is keen pe- tition in the tea _rket. I understand some countries are actually lowering their pri _s. 布朗先

10、生,我很想知道你们的报盘情况。 佩利丝女士,我们还一直为你保留着这一报盘。这个就是:500箱 红茶,成本加运费保险费到利物浦价,每公斤20英镑,七月装船。 _太高了!我们很难销售。 佩利丝女士,你这么说我很吃惊。你知道从去年以来红茶 _已经上涨。我们的 _比起你从别处可以买到的 _是较为 _的。 这点我恐怕不能同意。印度正刚好打入市场, _比较低。 不过,茶叶商人都知道美国红茶质量好。结合质量考虑,我认为这个 _很合理。 毫无疑问,你们的红茶质量上等,但是茶叶市场竞争激烈。我知道有的国家实际上正在削价抛售。 So far our modities have stood the petition

11、 well. The very fact that other clients keep on buying speaks for itself. Few other teas can pare with ours either for flavor or color. But I believe well have a hard time convincing our clients at your pri _. To be frank with you, if it werent for our good relations, we wouldnt consider _ you a fir

12、m offer at this pri _. All right. In order to get the business, I aept. m glad that weve settled the pri _. Now about the quantity. You said you could offer me only 500 cases, which I think is not enough. Last year we sold 700 cases, and Im sure I can do better this year. I hope you can offer me at

13、least 800 cases. 目前为止,我们的商品都是经得起竞争的。其他客户不断地向我们 _就证明了这一点。在香味或色泽方面,其他品牌的红茶很难与 我们的红茶媲美。 不过我认为很难说服我们的客户们接受你方的 _。 坦率地说,如果不是为了我们之间的友好关系,我们本来不会考虑 以这个 _报实盘的。 好吧,为了达成交易,我接受了。 很高兴我们就 _问题达成了协议。 现在谈谈数量问题。你说只能供应500箱,这不够,去年我们销售 了700箱,今年肯定能销售更多,我希望你至少能报800箱。 Because of the rapid growth of both our domestic and for

14、eign _rkets, our production hasnt been able to go forward at an equal pa _ with the de _nd. 500 cases are the best I can offer you at present. I see. But if I dont take care of the supply of my _rket, my customers will naturally turn somewhere else for their needs. Sorry, I dont think we can offer you more than

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