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1、人们为了纪念他,在许多地方都建有祭祀他的寺庙,天津也不例外。Confucius is a household name in China.Temples in memory of him could be found everywhere in China and Tianjin is no exception.纪念:in honor of;in memory of;commemorate,二、全球化语境下的旅游翻译(Tourism Translation in a Globalized Context),“四位一体”旅游翻译是一个“四位一体”的概念:旅游、文化、翻译、全球化。全球化语境下旅游

2、翻译的特色1.多语种的综合运用Welcome to Luzernthe commercial and cultural hub in the very heart of Switzerland.欢迎来卢塞恩参观访问!卢塞恩位于瑞士中部,是商业和文化的中心。Jean Nouvel 让 努维勒,三、旅游翻译技巧(Techniques),1.Adaptation/Domestication 归化鱼米之乡A land of milk and honey月下老人Chinese Cupid;go-between;matchmaker西施1)Chinese Cleopatra 2)Xi Shi,name o

3、f a famous beauty in the late Spring and Autumn Period,桂林山水甲天下。The scenery of Guilin tops the world.East or west,Guilin landscape is best.上有天堂,下有苏杭。Above is paradise,below is/are Suzhou and Hangzhou.痴情男女Men and women madly/passionately in love,法国巴黎是现代艺术之都,也是古代文化古迹荟萃之地。埃菲尔铁塔、凯旋门、巴黎圣母院、卢浮宫是这个城市的地标。Par

4、is is a metropolitan center of modern art.It also houses some of the worlds most famous ancient cultural relics.The Eiffel Tower,Arc de Triomphe,Notre Dame Cathedral and the Louvre are well-known landmarks of this city.,The smallest and most southern of the Scandinavian countries,Denmark offers an i

5、nteresting mix of lively cities and rural countryside.Ancient castles,ring forts,jazz festivals,the sleekest modern design youll ever see and the people who invented Legowho would ask for more?斯堪的纳维亚国家中面积最小而地处最南端的丹麦展示了活力都市和田园风光的奇妙结合。古老的城堡、环形的要塞、爵士乐盛典、你所见过的最时髦的现代设计以及发明了“乐高”拼装玩具的丹麦人真是夫复何求?,Sitting in

6、the north of the Pacific Ocean,the string of Hawaii islands has some of the most beautiful beaches on earth.With pure white sands lined with green cliffs,in summer the sea is great for surfing,swimming and diving.The mild climate,green trees and charming flowers offer beauty and harmony to tourists

7、all year round.夏威夷群岛位于太平洋北部,拥有世界上最迷人的海滩。洁白纯净的沙滩,绿绿的悬崖,夏天,这里是人们冲浪、游泳和潜水的圣地。夏威夷的气候温和宜人,树木葱绿,鲜花绽放,一年四季都有令人赏心悦目的感受。,Your first stop on Gulangyu,our Visitor Center is an integrated service organization set up by Gulangyu Scenic Area Administration Office.The center is responsible for tourist consulting,s

8、cenic spot ticket booking,tour guides,handling tourist complaints,luggage services,and so on.There are no cars or bicycles on Gulangyu Island,so enjoy strolling the many small roads and lanes leading to our islands scenic spots.鼓浪屿游客中心,是鼓浪屿风景名胜区管理部门设立的国有多功能服务性机构,负责为游客提供景区咨询、景区票务、景区讲解、旅游投诉、行李寄存等相关服务。

9、鼓浪屿没有公共交通,城在景中,景在城中,道路纵横交错,游客容易迷路。,Sometimes tourists may lose their way,so the Gulangyu Visitor Center has set up a tourist center in the Sanyou Holiday Tour City a couple minutes walk straight ahead of the Gulangyu Ferry Terminal.鼓浪屿游客中心在上岛100米处“三友假日旅游城”一楼设有功能齐全的旅游集散大厅。,3.Conversion 词性转换,Time in P

10、aris is a stroll arm-in-arm with someone you love down the Champs-Elysees,a shared glass of wine at a cozy outdoor caf,a leisurely cruise down the River Seine,or a lingering moment at a Van Gogh in the Musee dOrsay.在巴黎逗留的时光是与您爱的人挽着手臂沿着香榭丽舍大街漫步,是在一家惬意的露天咖啡店合饮(共饮)一杯美酒,是在塞纳河上休闲地游弋,抑或是在杜塞博物馆的梵高画前驻足的时光。,

11、4.Diction(选词、措词),昆明地处云南中部地区、滇池盆地南部,三面环山,一面面对滇池。昆明花草树木四季如春,因此又名“春城”。由于拥有着宜人的气候,这个城市15 000平方公里的土地上生长着400多种花卉。Kunming,which is situated in central Yunnan and north of the Dianchi Basin,is skirted on three sides by mountains,with one side opening onto the Dianchi Lake.The city is nicknamed“City of Sprin

12、g”due to the fact that it is covered all the year round with the rich verdure of trees and plants.Endowed with a pleasant climate,the citys 15 000 square kilometers of land is adorned with more than 400 kinds of flowers.,桂林位于广西壮族自治区的北部,面积565平方公里,人口100多万,是国内外旅游胜地之一。1)Guilin is located in the north of

13、 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and has an area of 565 square km and a population of more than 1 million people.It is one of the tourist attractions both at home and abroad.,2)Located in the north of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Guilin is one of the tourist attractions both at home and abroad,

14、with an area of 565 km2 and a population of more than 1 million.3)Located in the north of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Guilin is a popular tourist destination for both Chinese and foreigners.It has an area of 565 km2 and a population of more than 1 million.,To seek rest and ralaxation去疗养青岛,位于山东半岛南部,人称“东方瑞士”,Qingdao,known as the“Switzerland of the Orient”,is situated on the southern tip of the Shandong Peninsula.白天,By day,夜里,At night,.,石林地处滇中高原腹地,东经1031110329,北纬24 40 24 56,位于石林彝族自治县境内,县

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