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1、温馨提示:本协议文件应用在明确协议各方的权利与义务、并具有约束力和可作为凭证,且对当事人双方或者多方都有约制性,能实现监督双方信守诺言、约束轻率反悔的行为。文档下载完成后可以直接编辑,请根据自己的需求进行套用。借款合同范本中英文对照版借款人(以下简称甲方):borrower (hereinafter called party a):身份证件名称及号码:id name and code no: id card number住所:address of living place:联系电话:post code:邮编:contact number:贷款人(以下简称乙方):lender (hereinaf

2、ter called party b):抵押人:mortgager:出质人:pledger:保证人:guarantor:根据中华人民共和国合同法和担保法的相关规定,甲方、乙方和担保方经过协商,就乙方向甲方贷款事宜达成如下合同条款。according to the relevant laws and regulations of the contract laws andguarantee law of the peoples republic of china, party a, party b and therelevant guarantor, after reaching agreeme

3、nt through negotiations on the loan to party b by party a, hereby enter into this contract.第一条 借款金额article 1 amount of loan详见本合同第十四条第一款。1.1 the amount of loan is referred to article 14.1 under this contract.第二条 借款用途article 2 purpose of loan详见本合同第十四条第二款。2.1 purpose of loan for this contract is referr

4、ed to article 15.2.第三条 借款利率article 3 interest of loan一、借款利率详见本合同第十四条第三款。3.1 interest of loan is referred to article 14.3. the interest is calculated from the day releasing loan.二、本合同履行期间,遇中国人民银行贷款利率调整,借款利率按有关规定调整与执行,乙方将在营业场所对贷款利率调整情况进行公告,不再另行书面通知甲方。3.2 during the term of this loan contract, interest

5、 may be changed as prescribed by the peoples bank of china, party b is entitled to adjust and implement the interest rate without further notice to party a.第四条 借款期限及还款总期数article 4 life of loan and total loan repayment terms一、 借款期限详见本合同第十四条第四款。4.1 life of loan and total loan repayment terms are refer

6、red to article 14.4.二、实际借款发放日与本合同约定的日期不一致时,以实际借款发放日为准计算借款期限。4.2 in the event that the actual funds release date is in disagreement with thedate stipulated under this contract, the life of loan shall be calculated based onthe actual day of funds releasing.三、甲、乙双方约定甲方按期还款,确定还款总期数,详见本合同第十四条第四款。第五条 借款发放

7、article 5 release of funds under the loan一、乙方发放借款的前提是甲方提供了符合乙方要求的证明材料,履行了乙方要求的申请借款和担保手续,签署了申请借款所需法律文件并经乙方审查同意。5.1 party b will release the funds under condition that party a has providedevidences complying with requirements of party b, and has completed the loan applying and guaranteeing procedures,

8、 and has signed the legal documents with check and approval of party b.二、甲方授权乙方在审查同意后,将借款直接划入甲方指定并经乙方认可的账户(账户名称、账号详见第十四条第五款),即为乙方依约履行了向甲方提供借款的义务。5.2 after funds release is approved, party a will grant party b to transfer theloan into the account designated by party a and approved by party b (account

9、name and account no. are given under article 14.5).三、本合同项下的借款发放后,甲方就所购商品或服务发生的任何纠纷,均与乙方无关,本合同应正常履行。5.3 after releasing of the loan, any disputes under the use of funds under this loan by party a has no relationship with party b, and the contract will still be fulfilled.第六条 借款偿还article 6 repayment of

10、 the loan一、 甲方应根据乙方相关贷款办法规定,在下述四种还款方式中选择一种方式归还借款本息,甲方选择的还款方式详见本合同第十四条第六款:6.1 party a, based on relevant regulations of party b, shall select ways of interest calculation, interest settlement and loan principal repayment under article 14.6.二、甲方应当于乙方规定的每期还款日(详见第十四条第六款)前,将当期应偿还的借款本息及逾期的罚息、复利等足额存入在乙方开立的

11、还款账户(账户名称及账号见第十四条第六款),并不可撤销地授权乙方于当期还款日直接从该账户划收应收款项。6.2 the party a shall pay off the principal, interest and other items in full priorto the stipulated due repayment day under this contract (details under article15.6), by depositing one of any repayment account opened by party b (account name and ac

12、count no. are given in article 14.6), and irrevocably authorizes party b to draw the funds receivable directly from the account above on the due repayment day.三、甲、乙双方同意遵循先还息后还本的原则,乙方按照“期前逾期本息、罚息和复利当期利息本金”的顺序扣划甲方还入款项。甲方违反本合同约定,逾期或未按约定的金额归还借款本息,乙方有权按照人民银行的规定对逾期借款加收罚息。甲方逾期或未按约定的金额偿还借款利息时,乙方有权按人民银行的规定对甲

13、方未支付的利息计收复利。6.3 in case party a breaches the contract, failing to repay the funds on duedate or failing to pay funds in full, party b has the right to charge higher interestrate on overdue loans as prescribed by the peoples bank of china(penalty interest rate on overdue loan is stipulated under article 15.6). in case that party a fails to use the funds for the agre

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