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1、托福阅读考试特点解析2020托福阅读考试特点解析 托福阅读考试特点是怎样的呢,想要考高分必须了解哦。下面就和大家分享托福阅读考试特点解析,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读考试特点解析一、托福阅读的*出处以及选材范围作为一项语言能力测试,托福考试是考查考生能否具备足够的语言交流能力,以期在北美完成正常的学习任务和研究工作。因此,其阅读*原型大都选自美国大学本科生使用的教材,以达到最佳的模拟测试效果。*的选材范围极其广泛,涉及有自然科学包括:天文学、地质学、生物学、气象学等;人文科学包括:艺术美学、考古学、语言学、文学等;社会科学包括:政治学、经济学、教育学、人类学等交叉学科。从选材范围

2、可见:托福阅读的*内容对考生知识存储量的广度有一定的要求,但同时考虑到考生来自于不同的专业,对于其他学科往往不具备专业素质,因此为了遵守考试公平性原则,*均不对其所述及的学科做过多深入的探讨。二、托福阅读的*类型及篇章段落结构根据托福阅读*的出处及选材范围,我们可以将这些*归为三类:说明文、议论文、史实文。三者合一统称为:学术性*。这种类型的*,必须具备说理性特质,即行文逻辑大都遵循着相对固定的结构模式。一句话:托福*的篇章结构有规律可寻,段落组成有原则可守:1. 学术性*的篇章结构:在学术性*中,一般需要具备三个组成部分:(1)Topic 话题:即*的主角是什么。比如讲解某个科学理论、研究某

3、种社会现象,探讨某个历史事件;在托福*中,这种导入性信息往往出现在篇首位置。考生可以根据篇首段信息对整篇*所要讨论的核心内容有所了解;(2)Aspects 方面:即将篇首的话题延伸拓展为若干个方面进行阐述说明。若话题为某个科学论点,则方面可能分为若干个支持论据;若话题为某种自然现象,则方面可能分为若干个内外成因;若话题为某个历史事件,则方面为几段发展时期;在托福*中,往往依照各个方面之间的层次关系,将各个方面拆分为若干个独立的自然段落,共同组成行文主体;(3)Attitude态度:即*的作者对于所讨论话题持怎样的态度。或是积极肯定,或是消极否定,或是保持中立。在托福*中,态度往往是被较多的淡化

4、甚至有可能省略不提。Topic话题 + Aspects方面 + Attitude态度,这三要素加起来就是标准学术论文体的T+A+A篇章结构。托福*大都遵循这种结构,考生通过篇首段落信息来把控整个*话题及大致讨论方向,再抓住*的各个段落主旨,便可洞悉整个*脉络和逻辑结构。2. 学术性*的段落结构学术性*的自然段落,一般需要具备两个组成部分:(1)Topic Sentence 主旨句:表达段落的主旨,即本段想要表达的核心内容是什么;(2)Detail 细节:为了详细说明段落中心含义,所罗列的相关支持内容,即本段通过哪些例证来阐明主旨句。Topic Sentence主旨句 + Detail细节,这两


6、上,再加两篇*,并作为一个部分,共计40分钟,加试期间的两篇*的考试时间依然可以自由分配。总体考试时间为三部分之和,即100分钟。无论加试与否,每篇*为12-14道题目,各篇长度为700词左右。需要注意的是一旦完成了一个部分的考试便无法返回该部分内容,即进入第二部分以后便无法返回第一部分,加试同理。托福阅读真题原题+题目The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry, using the reeds,grasses, barks, and roots they found around th

7、em to fashion articles of all sorts and sizes notonly trays, containers, and cooking pots, but hats, boats, fish traps, baby carriers, and ceremonialobjects.Of all these experts, none excelled the Pomo a group who lived on or near the coast duringthe 1800s, and whose descendants continue to live in

8、parts of the same region to this day. Theymade baskets three feet in diameter and others no bigger than a thimble. The Pomo people weremasters of decoration. Some of their baskets were completely covered with shell pendants;others with feathers that made the baskets surfaces as soft as the breasts o

9、f birds. Moreover, thePomo people made use of more weaving techniques than did their neighbors. Most groups madeall their basketwork by twining the twisting of a flexible horizontal material, called a weft,around stiffer vertical strands of material, the warp. Others depended primarily on coiling ap

10、rocess in which a continuous coil of stiff material is held in the desired shape with tightwrapping of flexible strands. Only the Pomo people used both processes with equal ease andfrequency. In addition, they made use of four distinct variations on the basic twining process,often employing more tha

11、n one of them in a single article.Although a wide variety of materials was available, the Pomo people used only a few. Thewarp was always made of willow, and the most commonly used weft was sedge root, a woodyfiber that could easily be separated into strands no thicker than a thread. For color, the

12、Pomopeople used the bark of redbud for their twined work and dyed bullrush root for black in coiledwork. Though other materials were sometimes used, these four were the staples in their finestbasketry.If the basketry materials used by the Pomo people were limited, the designs were amazinglyvaried. E

13、very Pomo basketmaker knew how to produce from fifteen to twenty distinct patternsthat could be combined in a number of different ways.1. What best distinguished Pomo basketsfrom baskets of other groups?(A) The range of sizes, shapes, and designs(B) The unusual geometric(C) The absence of decoration

14、(D) The rare materials used2. The word fashion in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) maintain(B) organize(C) trade(D) create3. The Pomo people used each of the following materials to decorate baskets EXCEPT(A) shells(B) feathers(C) leaves(D) bark4. What is the authors main point in the second paragr

15、aph?(A) The neighbors of the Pomo people tried to improve on the Pomo basket weaving techniques.(B) The Pomo people were the most skilled basket weavers in their region.(C) The Pomo people learned their basket weaving techniques from other Native Americans.(D) The Pomo baskets have been handed down for generations.5. The word others in line 9 refers to(A) masters(B) baskets(C) pendants(D) surfaces6. According to the passage , a weft is a(A) tool for separating sedge root(B) process used for coloring baskets(C) pliable maternal woven

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