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1、s overIm just no good at public speakingI hopeI never have to do that again”讲完后你会这样想“谢天谢地,总算讲完了。我就是不善于在公众面前讲话。我希望我再也不要干这种事了。”Cheer up! 别泄气!It doesnt have to be that bad演讲并不一定就那么令人不愉快。Here are some simple steps to take a pain out of speech-making下面向你介绍一些解除演讲痛苦的几个简单步骤。First of all,it is important to p

2、lanDo your homework首先,重要的是要拟个计划,作好准备,Find out everything you can about your subject找到与你演讲题目有关的一些材料。And,at the same time,find out as much as you can about your audience与此同时,要尽可能多地了解你的听众。Who are they ? 他们是谁?What do they know about your subject ? 他们对你讲的主题有何了解? Do they have a common interest? 他们是否有共同的兴趣

3、?Why are they coming to hear you speak? 他们为什么来听你的演讲? Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech在你准备演讲时,要设身处地为他们着想。Ask yourself the purpose of your speech你要问问自己,你演讲的目的是什么?What is the occasion? 是在什么场合?Why are you speaking? 你为什么要演讲?Are you introducing another speaker? 你是在介绍另一位演讲的人, Moderati

4、ng a discussion ? 调解一次讨论,Giving a lecture? 还是在讲课, Convincing someone ? 还是在劝说某人?There are many possible speaking roles , 讲话人的角色可以有许许多多,and each one has its own special characteristics而且彼此各有自己的特点。Make sure you know into which category you fit你一定要搞清楚自己属于哪一类。Dont spoil your speech by confusing one speak

5、ing role with another不要把一种讲话的角色和另一种角色弄混而使自己的演讲砸锅。Let us suppose that you have been asked to introduce the main speaker at a meeting让我们假设,你要在会上介绍一位主讲人。First,find out the most important and interesting things about the speaker首先就要了解清楚一些有关讲演者最重要和最有意思的事情。Then, summarize this information in a few words然后

6、,用几句话把这些加以概括。It is all right to tell a joke if it is in good taste and will not embarrass the speaker如果格调高雅并且不使讲演者难堪,讲几句笑话也是可以的。And,most important,be brief最重要的是简短。Remember,you are not the main speaker;you are introducing the main speaker记住,你不是主讲人,而是在介绍主讲人。If you are a moderator,假如你是一个主持人,you should

7、begin by giving a quick introduction of the people on the panel你应该先简短介绍在座的人员。After that,you should try to keep the discussion running smoothly,之后,你应该保持讨论的顺利进行,and you should try to focus on the connections between the speakers重点放在演讲人之间的内容衔接上面。Keep yourself in the background你要站在暗处,Dont talk too much,

8、不要说太多,and dont cut in也不要插话。Be skillful and considerate还要有技巧,考虑要周到。If you are giving a lecture or explaining an idea,假如你在上课或在解释一个概念,gather as many facts as you can on your subject你要收集有关这一主题的材料,越多越好。Spend plenty of time doing your research你要花大量时间进行研究。Then spend plenty of time organizing your material

9、so that your speech is clear and easy to follow然后花大量的时间组织材料,以使你的演讲清楚和易于理解。Use as many examples as possible,and use pictures, charts or graphs if they will help you make your points more clearly如果例子和图表有助于你更清楚地阐明你的观点的话、就尽可能多地采用。Never forget your audience永远也不要忘记你的听众,Dont talk over their heads,and dont

10、talk down to them不要讲得太深,也不要讲得太浅,Treat your audience with respect要尊重你的听众。They will appreciate your thoughtfulness他们对你周到细心的准备是会非常欣赏的。If you are trying to sell something,如果你在设法进行销售,you will need to convince your audience你就需要使你的听众信服。Do you want them to vote for Candidate A? 你想要他们投票支持候选人甲吗?Are you offeri

11、ng them a new improved tooth brush ? 你是向他们推销一种改进型新牙刷吗?This kind of speech is usually dramatic,but here too,这种讲话通常是很生动有趣的,但是在这里也是一样,you must do your research and know your facts你也必须作一些研究,要熟悉你要讲到的一些事实。When you are making your speech,try to relax演讲时,要极力放松。Speak slowly and clearly and look at people in

12、your audience讲话要慢、清楚,眼睛看着你的听众。Use simple vocabulary and expressions whenever possible只要有可能就要用简单的词汇和表达方式。Stop for a few seconds now and then to give your audience a chance to think about what you have said不时地停下几秒钟,让你的听众有机会想想你所讲过的东西。Make sure that everyone in the room can hear you要确保屋子里的每一个人都听到你的讲话。If

13、 it is a large room or an auditorium,you will probably have to use a microphone如果是个大屋子,你或许应当用扩音器。Just remember:be prepared记住:要有准备。Know your subject, your audience,and the occasion要了解你讲演的主题,你的听众和场合。Be brief要简短。Say what you have to say and then stop说你必须说的,然后就结束。Let your personality come through so tha

14、t you make person-to-person contact with your audience让你的个性显示出来,这样你就能和听众交心。If you follow these simple steps,如果你遵守这些简单的步骤,you11 see that you dont have to be afraid of public speaking你就明白没有必要害怕在公众面前讲演。In fact,实际上,you may find the experience so enjoyable that you ask to make more speeches!你会感到这种经历是饶有兴味的,你会想要再做更多的演讲。Youre not convinced yet? 现在你还不相信?Give it a try and see what happens请试一试,看情况会如何。CLOZE17ClozePlease pay attention that there are more words than are necessary a

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