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秘书英语 Unit 15Word文档格式.docx

1、合同的实质内容,是当事人通过相互同意,创立可强制执行的义务,也就是说,缔约各方在法律上负有某种义务。在国际贸易中,若双方对合同货物无特殊要求的条件下,一般都采用商业合同的内容和形式进行交易。起草商业合同时,要严格遵守商业合同的通用格式。一般来说,秘书虽然不是合同的主要起草人,但有责任协助负责人检查合同的内容以及严谨程度。此外,秘书还要按要求准备好与中文合同相对的英文版本。在翻译过程中,要注意译文的准确性和严谨性,以确保合同的有效性和合法性。二、课前提问1. Do you know what is a contract?2. Have you done anything with a contr

2、act?3. When do we need a contract?三、语言学习1. now that 既然:Now (that) you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents. 既然你长大了, 就不应该依靠你的父母。2. reach an agreement on something 对某事达成协议或取得一致意见:Have you ever reached an agreement on that business contract? 你们就那个商业合同达成协议了吗?3. draw up 草拟:The secretary has

3、drawn up a list of gifts that will be bought for the foreign guests. 秘书已经将要买给外宾的礼物列好了清单。4. agree on something 同意某事,对某事达成一致意见:Do you agree on what the leader said? 你们同意领导所说的话吗?5. have (no) objection on (不)反对:No matter what I decide, he has no objection on it. 无论我做什么决定,他都不反对。四、参考答案III. Further Exercis

4、es 1. Restudy the dialogue and briefly answer the questions about it:1) When is a contract to be drawn up? When an agreement has been reached on all details of the contemplated transaction, a contract should be drawn up.2) What versions should a contract have? A contract should have both an English

5、version and a Chinese version.3) How should the two versions of a contract have the same force? The Chinese and English versions shall have the same force once they have been agreed on and signed by the representatives of the two sides.4) What important details of the contract are mentioned in the d

6、ialogue? I think you know all the important details that need to be mentioned, such as the registered name and address of your firm and those of mine.5)Why must all the relevant information in a contract be given as precisely as possible? In order to avoid any misunderstanding and dispute in the fut

7、ure all the relevant information concerning these points and the related terms and conditions must be given as precisely as possible.6) Do you think the foreign side agrees to use the contract format prepared and printed by the Chinese side? State your reasons.No. The foreign side can not accept the

8、 Chinese version because Chinese is not their working language. 2. Complete the following dialogue:A: Now, weve finally worked out the contract. Shall we make sure weve got everything right_(我们把所有条款都写进去) one more time?B: Okay. I think thats a good idea and will help clarify some important items that

9、 we may have overlooked. Here they are. First of all, about _ the format of our sales contract_ (销售合同格式). I have no objections. Yes, all the contents are written _ in both Chinese and English_ (用中英文两种字文). In terms of law, theyre equally authentic. Great. Thanks. Now lets check the items in the sales

10、 contract. First, _ the names of our two companies and their addresses, the name of the commodity, specifications, quantity, unit price and the total amount _(我们两家公司的名称、地址、商品名称、规格、数量、单价和总金额) Do you think theyre okay? Yes, very good. But I want to point out here that shipment should be effected and c

11、ompleted _ before the end of June_(六月底前). We cant accept any delay. Of course not. But since our price is determined on the basis of C & F, the insurance premium should be borne by your side. Certainly. _ please inform us immediately_ (请立即通知我们) when shipment is effected. No problem. Then everything

12、else is stated clearly in the sales contract and you can go through them on your own. ( 如果有问题) _ Should there be a problem_, you can call us any time tomorrow before 5 p.m. Sounds good to me. When will the contract be ready? The day after tomorrow. At 3 oclock in the afternoon, well _ Sign the contr

13、act_ (签订合同). Excellent. Ill see you then. See you.4. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 我们需要起草一份合同了。It is necessary for us to draw up a contract.2) 该合同一经双方同意和签名后,中文和英文文本将具有同样的效力。The Chinese and English version shall have the same fore once they have been agreed on and signed by the re

14、presentatives of the two sides.3) 我没有什么反对意见。I have no objection to this proposal.4) 那样行吗? Will that be all right? Or will that do?5) 您明天能完成起草工作吗?Could you complete the drafting tomorrow?6) 我一定尽可能早地完成这项工作。 Ill do my best to finish the work as soon as possible.五、课文译文秘书怎样处理商业合同第一部分 起草商务合同A:既然我们已就这笔交易的全

15、部细节都达成了协议,我们需要起草一份合同了。 我同意。谁来写初稿呢? 我的意见是,这份合同由你方以中文初步拟定,然后把它译成英文。该合同一经双方同意和签名后,中文和英文文本将具有同样的效力。 对这建议,我没有什么反对意见。就起草合同,我们一直用我们公司自己打印的格式。那样行吗? 我想没什么不行的。只要你有英文文本。 那行。您认为,哪些重要的细节应该包括在我要起草然后交给你们考虑的合同里呢? 我想您知道哪些重要细节应该写在合同里。比如,像你我公司注册的名称和地址等。 可我现在正在考虑的是这份合同的主要内容,也就是那些设备的技术规格和价格。 显而易见,为了避免将来发生误会或争执,凡是有关这些细节和与之有联系的买卖条款和条件,都必须尽可能准确说明。 这点我同意。 您明天能完成起草工作吗? 我现在还不能肯定地告诉您,但是

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