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1、3.Euthanasia has been a very controversial issue in Europe since at least 1963.4.The facts he had collected through on-the-spot observation provided him with ammunition for his argument.5.We will never take compassion on snake-like scoundrels.6.76% of those who participated in the poll gave almost t

2、he same response .7.Johns arthritis is getting so unbearable these days that he has to be hospitalized .8.hatred against those spreading rumors about him surged within him.9.Despite some exceptions, compassionate killing are dealt with very moderately in British courts.10.The advocates of euthanasia

3、 have been working with such great zeal that they are regarded as quite radical in some European countries.句子翻译1. The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately boiled over into a sometimes fierce public debate with both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness. 长期以来“山雨欲来”的安乐死问题又沸沸扬扬的演变成一

4、场激烈的公共辩论,双方都声称是为了最终的正义。2. And so the euthanasists have begun to press their case with greater force.因此安乐死专家们开始更大肆的宣扬他们的依据是多么的确凿。3. Cancer patients and sufferers from multiple sclerosis are the most frequent subjects of euthanasia in Holland.在荷兰,癌症患者和遭受多样性硬化的病人最频繁的成为安乐死实施对象。4. Last fall 19 distinguis

5、hed British doctors wrote an open letter calling for the legalization of euthanasia for AIDS patients in the advanced stages of their illness. 去年秋季,19名著名英国医生共同写一封公开信,号召为处于艾滋病晚期的患者实施安乐死进行立法。5. Some zealous actions by pro-euthanasits have supplied ammunition to those who contend that legalizing active

6、 voluntary euthanasia would be the sin edge of the wedge for a variety of abuse 由赞成安乐死的人所作出的一些激进的举措反而为那些人提供了反击他们的依据,那些人认为为积极并自愿安乐死立法会遭人肆意滥用而酿成大祸。6. Even in the Netherlands,the proposals now before Parliament would restrict euthanasia to a small number of cases and would surround ever those with elab

7、orate safe guards甚至在荷兰,现在提交给国会之前的提案将把安乐死限制在少量案例中,甚至对那些已经具备严密安全防范措施的病例也要围绕他们反复论证。中译英1 不少病入膏肓者为了求得解脱往往要求医生使用致命药物;也有些病人家属觉得彻底治愈病人已经无望,因此要求医生不要对病人再进行保命式的治疗。最近,“安乐死”这一问题在欧洲国家已酿成一场激烈的大争论。Quite a few terminally ill patients ask their doctors to use lethal/deadly drugs to them to be relieved of suffering.Th

8、ere are some of their families who would prefer that doctors withdraw any life-prolonging treatment since there is hopeless to cure.This problem has lately boiled over into a fierce public debate in some European countries.2 反对者认为“安乐死”无异于谋杀,是不符合伦理道德的。而倡导者则认为,既然病人自己觉得生不如死,干吗不让它们以一种体面、人道的方式结束自己的生命呢?我们

9、应该尊重病人的最终选择。Those who are opposed toEuthanasiabelieve that it is no different from murder and that it is unethical,while the pro-euthanasists contend/believe that since the incurably patients consider their existence more of a torment and suffering,why not let them end their lives in a decent and hu

10、mane way?We ought to respect the patients final decision.3. 人们对于“安乐死”可能被人滥用,或不必要使用的担心不无道理,但只要政府和有关方面措施得力,医院严格控制,这个问题最终或许可以得到解决。 The fear/worry thatmercy killingwill be abused or used unnecessarily is not groundless.But with effective measures rigorously taken by the government and the departments co

11、ncerned,and under tightly controlled conditions in hospitals,this problem would most probably be resolved in the end.Unit31.Very many of the things we bend over backwards to do involve taking some risk.2.Joe said that the first time he was at the conference he was just like babe in the wood.3.Someti

12、mes, even a chance remark may result in tragedy.4.The odds are usually in favor of those who are brave enough.5.Mind you: she always smites with her tongue.6.Dick is not the kind of person who likes to splash his money about.7.You can rest assured that the sun is not always shining on him.8.I asked

13、him to beat a hasty retreat but my words were like water off a ducks back.1. a business transaction , even a chance remark may result immediately or ultimately in tragedy . 在商贸交易中,甚至于无意间说的话都可会立即或最终导致悲剧。2. To many of us , gambling is ,in many cases, a non-toxic drug against boredom and apathy ,and ma

14、y well help preserve good temper ,patience and optimism .which will do us a world of good . 对我们许多人来说,在许多情况下,赌博是一剂针对无聊和乏味的无毒的药,并有可能有助于我们保持良好的心态,使我们具有耐心,乐观向上。3. As a matter of fact ,few of us have the right to condemn gambling as few of can say that they never gamble . 事实上,很少有人有权谴责赌博,因为他们很少有人敢说他们从不赌博。

15、4. If a man makes gambling an obsession -almost a form of insanity-he will not only lose his property gained through years of toil . 如果一个人被赌博的顽念缠绕住几近于疯狂的程度,他将不仅失去他多年辛勤工作挣来的财富,还将丧失尊严和良知。5. if one sticks to his limits , it is more a game of fun than the root of all evils. 如果一个人坚守他的底线,那赌博最多是一场游戏,而不是万恶之源。6. that gambling itself will lose its fascination as an opiate to a colorl

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