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1、随着苏联与东欧的易帜,马克思主义是否还有生命力?,一、从黑格尔到马克思,1,黑格尔的历史哲学,Hegels philosophy of history(1)History records the unfolding of an inner human spirit.(历史记录了内在的人类精神的展开。)(2)Human understanding is historical.(人类理解是历史的。)(3)Human progress and divine design.(人类是进步的,且与神圣的设计相关。),Georg Friedrich Hegel(1770-1831)The great Ger

2、man philosopher,2,马克思Karl Marx曾经是一个青年黑格尔主义者,Karl Marx(1818-1883).The major theorist of modern socialism.,Karl Marx was born in 1818 in Trier,Germany,to an assimilated Jewish family.His father,a successful lawyer,had hoped that his son would study law,but Karl preferred philosophy.It was while studyi

3、ng in Berlin,at the same university at which Hegel had taught,that the confrontation with Hegelian philosophical system took place.,3,黑格尔与马克思的思想对照,HegelSpirit or reason(精神或理性)Dialectical clash between ideas(理念之间的辩证冲突)Freedom in philosophical terms(哲学形态的自由),MarxPeople and their actual interests(人们与其实

4、际利益The actual clash between groups struggling for dominance(追求统治地位的集团之间的实际冲突)Political and economic freedom(政治和经济的自由),二、马克思的历史唯物主义 Marxist Materialism,A materialist view of history=Materialism关于历史的唯物主义观点=历史唯物主义1,阶级主争观点(1)With scarce resources,different groups will ranged against each other in the st

5、ruggle for survival and satisfaction.(对于有限资源,不同集团将为之斗争。)(2)As material conditions change,the protagonists in the great historical drama change as well.(随着物质条件的变化,不同历史戏剧中的主角也将发生变化。),Slaves.vs.Masters,serfs.vs.lords,workers.vs.capitalists,2,经济基础决定上层建筑(1)In Marxs view,class position is decisive in dete

6、rmining how we view the world.阶级地位决定世界观。(2)Social conditions determine consciousness.客观条件决定人的意识。,三、马克思的政治经济学,“capitalism creats its own grave-diggers.”资本主义培养了自己的掘墓人。,资本主义生产的内在矛盾,New technological innovations The increase in productive and profits is no longer astronomical Newly impoverished Low wage

7、s and falling Vast quantities of goods Who will buy the products?Painful contractions of the market Great periodic crises,生产力与生产关系,Forces and relations of production 生产力Forces of production:the actual material methods of production prevailing in a given society.生产关系Relations of production:the human

8、side of the production process,the ways in order to produce.Capitalism produces the means of human liberation but prevents its realization.,四、无产阶级专政与共产主义社会,Dictatorship of the proletariat 无产阶级专政 More humane and less dictatorial:a.The great majority over a small minority.b.In order to serve the broad

9、 interests of humanity bourgeois capitalists included.c.A transitional stage.,The dawning of communism 共产主义的到来,Factor:The workers take control of the means of productionhumanize the relations of productionunleash the forces of productionallowing to work for the general good A quantum leap in human m

10、aterial abundance.,工人掌握生产工具。使生产关系人性化。解放生产力。允许为一般善而工作。,The withering of the state 国家消亡,The proletariat,the universal class,will have abolished itself and created a universal society.,马克思笔下的共产主义社会:Future Communist Society,1.Democratic in a radical sense:Lacking conflict or coercion.激进民主:没有冲突和压制。2.Work

11、 would no longer be drudgery.工作不再是负担。3.Possessiveness would disappear.所有制消失。4.Public ownership.公有制。5.Human relations would be placed on a novel footing.关系和睦。6.The family would be replaced by new forms of human association.家庭消失。7.A borderless,stateless humanity.无国界,无国家。,五、对马克思的批评:Critiques,A:The hist

12、orical record:历史事实 1.The growing impoverishment of the working class did not materialize.无产阶级的贫困化。2.Nationalism is a waning force which would be replaced by international working-class amity has proved to be wrong.无产阶级的国际化。,B:Dated elements in Marxsim.过时的结论 1.Social-welfare.社会福利 2.Marxs understandin

13、g of class identity and view of the business cycle are anachronistic.马克思对阶级身份的理解及商业圈的观点都是过时的。,C:Marxs exaggerations.夸大的观点 1.All historical societies are locked in life-and-death conflicts over scarce sources.2.Social relations not only involve conflict and coercion,but also solidarity,consensus,even

14、 cooperative.,D:Will the proletariat self-destruct?在完成历史使命后,无产阶级是否会自动结束专政?,六、俄国革命与列宁主义,1,Mensheviks and Bolsheviks,2,普列汉诺夫与俄国马克思主义正常的建立,Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov(November 26,1857-May 30,1918)was a Russian revolutionary and a Marxist theoretician.He was a founder of the Social-Democratic movemen

15、t in Russia and was the first Russian Marxist.,3,布尔什维克强调铁的纪律及民主集中制,the Bolsheviks,argued that organizational democracy was relevant only for open western societies.They had to form a revolutionary army that was(1)highly disciplined,高度的纪律性(2)hierarchical in its command structure,指挥结构中的层级制(3)secret in

16、 its deliberations,讨论过程中保守秘密(4)centralized in its organization.组织中的集中制,4,共产党是无产阶级先锋队。,Lenin insisted that the communist party did not represent mass interests as much as in expressed the more advance views of the“revolutionary socialist intelligentsia.”hence,the communist leadership had to actively set the revolutionary agenda.In this sense,Lenin spoke of the party as the vanguard of societys progressive force.,5,列宁与马克思的区别,If fo

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