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1、时间年 月 日教学目标1.To catch the key words in the liste ning materials.2.To support some views partly.3.To talk about someth ing about environment.4.To ide ntify en vir onmen tal problems.5.Start environmen tal protect ion from daily life.教学设想重点1.To lear n the new words such as recycle, tin, fridge etc.2.T

2、o lear n the phrases such as Throw sth. Away, go skii ng难点How to ide ntify environmen tal problems.教法学法Discuss ing Cooperative lear ning Task-based in structive teachi ng手段Textbook , computer, project ion, recorder and blackboard教学程序与策略个性化修改Warm-upStep 1: Lead in1.Show a video about the pollution in

3、 china and describe the terrible environmentai situati on to the stude nts.2.Put the four pictures on the P90 in Parti onto the PPTAnd give some questi ons to the stude nts. Whats happening in the picture? Can you describe it i n En glish? What should we do to solve the en viro nmen tai problem?Give

4、 some n ecessary new words to the stude nts:Polluti on , gree nhouse effect, CO2 emmissi on etc.Step 2: DiscussionAfter an sweri ng the three questi ons, most stude nts might give some suggesti ons whe n facing these terrible problems.Example:In my opi nion, we can reduce global warmi ng by using en

5、 ergy more wisely. Forexample, we can use less hot water, use less air conditioning, or simply remember to turn of the lights, TVs, and computers whe n they are not being used.Listening and Speaking AWhere s Your Recycling Box?Step 3: Some PhrasesCook methodClea n up the kitche nDispose of rubbishRe

6、cycle rubbishBe used for doing sth.Step 4 : Activity 1- First listeningListen to the conversation and circle the best answer.First, ask stude nt to deserve the picture on the right.Second, read the questi ons and the choices of a,b,c.Third, liste n to the tape recorder and choose the correct an swer

7、. Activity 2 -Seco nd liste ningRead the senten ces one by one and liste n to the tape record ing aga in , the n judge true or false.Step 5 : Activity 3 -Third listeningListe n aga in and find out how the follow ing things can be recycled.Keys: supermarket bags toilet paper Fridge partsStep6: Homewo

8、rk:1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.2.Copy the new words three times.教后反思签发人:2签发时间:第 3 课时 总课时Speak ing B-That Might Be aGood Idea年 月日4.To ide ntify environmen tal problems.教 学 设 想1.The words and some useful la nguage points in this part.2.The students abilities of reading and writing.How to impro

9、ve the students abilities of reading and writing.教法 学法Read in g, liste ning and speak ing教学 手段Discuss ingCooperative lear ningTask-based in structive teach ing个性化修改 Revision1.Read the con versati on they ve lear nt in last less on.2.Make the stude nts have a dictati on.Step2: ListeningPre-ListeningR

10、evise some new words to make preparations for the listening.Can cel, be sick of , yell, It sounds like., opport uni ty, lifestyle While-listeningActivity One:Listen to the conversation and Find out the topic of each item.Discuss the an swers. e, c, b, dActivity Two:1)Go through the four sentences th

11、e box at page92 and deal with someIan guage poin ts.2)Read and remember them.3)Complete the con versati on with the sentences in the box. Liste n aga in andcheck the an swer.4)Practice the conversation with their partner.5)Act it out. Post-listeningDiscussi onActivity Three:Discuss in groups: Work w

12、ith a partner. Role-play the following situations. Use the conversation strategy in Activity5 .Situation 1 and Situation2 (at page 93)(Preparations for the task by giving some words related and learning the conv ersati on strategy.)Situation 1: Your friend wants to tell your teacher that he or she g

13、ives too much homework. You agree but think the complaint should be made politely.Situation 2 : Your friend plans to reduce his hours for the swimming club so he can have more time to study. You think it may be a way to solve hi, problem, but there can be other opti ons.Step Four: PracticeActivity Four: Show the students an example . Guide the students to mak up dialogue with the help of the example. Then practice their dialogue.Step Five: HomeworkPreview the n ext passagee第4 课时 总 课时Unit6Where YourRecycli ng Box?Knowledge Aims:1.Ss will be ma

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