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七下英语Unit3 Our animal friends教案牛津深圳版Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、4Develp the reading abilit and speaing sills教学重点: n the struture and ntents f the ain artile教学难点: Iagine the use f dgs Find ut re helpful anials in ur dail life教学准备: PPT, Blabard教学步骤:Step I: Pre-reading 1Sh a piture f a dg t aruse the interest and lead the t get int the tpi f this unita)D u lie dgs?

2、b)Dgs are ur friendsThe help us a lt2 Tal abut the inds f dgs in grups3 Finish Exerise A n Page 30Aath the inds f dgs in the bx ith the pitures bel4Tal abut the flling questins and help the students anser thea)hat des a plie dg d?b)hat des a resue dg d?)hat des a guide dg d?Step II: hile-reading Pre

3、dure1L at the phts and the title f the str n page 31 Then anser the questins bel a)hat d u thin the rd “ees” eans in the str?b)hat is the str prbabl abut?2Read the text quil and let the students get the general idea f the text3Read the first three paragraphs and anser the questins a)Did the reeptini

4、st ant t all harlie t sta in the htel? h r h nt?b)hat is harlie?)hat did the reeptinist d then?4Read the last t paragraphs and plete the hartLearn se ne rds and help the understand ain rdsStep III:Disussin1Students r in grups and disuss the flling questinH d dgs save peple ?2Enurage the students t g

5、iven their pssible ansersStep IV: Reading prehensinRead the text in details and finish the blan filling exerise in a sheet, then he the ansersStep V: Su upStep VI:Her 1 Read the text fluentl 2 rite a passage t intrdue ur favrite anial Step VII:The blabard design Unit3 ur anial friends help n≈v帮助h

6、elpful ad 有用的;有帮助的 appear v出现disappear v 消失 at v 扮演atr n (男)演员Language pints and graars 第 2 时,共 4 时1 Students an understand and reeber the ain pints2 Students an aster the graars Reflexive prnuns and Prepsitin f psitin3Students an d se exerises abut the Language PintsThe graars Reflexive prnuns and

7、Prepsitin f psitin PPT, Blabard, usi RevisinRevie se ain vabularbRetell the text in n rdsListen t the radi prgrae and finish A and B n Page 34 Grup raAs the students t llet the language pints as uh as pssible in the textbhih grup llet the st? Language pints learning1Explain ain language pints2Help t

8、he students ae sentenes ith the t understand the better3Pratie the language pints t finish A and B n Page 344Finish D1 n Page 33 Graars learning Graar A Reflexive prnuns1Sh PPT fr the t understand hat Reflexive prnuns is2Enurage the t ae sentenes t help the understand3Find the sentenes abut Reflexiv

9、e prnuns in the text4aster the rule abut Singular Reflexive prnuns and Plural Reflexive prnuns Finish the given exerises n Page 36Graar B Prepsitin f psitin1Sh PPT fr the t understand Prepsitin f psitin3Find the sentenes abut Prepsitinin the text4Finish the given exerises n Page 37 Pratie the graars

10、 1rganize the t finish the exerise abut the graars in liited tie 2 he the ansersan abut Reflexive prnuns and PrepsitinaSh a PPT t guide the students t give su up f the lassbHelp the t ultivate the abilit f suarizingStep VIIHer:ae a dialgue in ritten a t tal abut h a dg help peple Step VIII The blaba

11、rd design arrive at/in self/urself/hiself/herself/ itself b neself urselves/urselves/theselves ae up in/n/under/next t/beside/in frnt f get dn beside/abve/beteen fire engine题: Unit 3 ur anial friends时: 第3时 共4时型: Reading教学目标:1 Students an tal abut dlphins2 Students an get the ain idea abut The Friend

12、l Dlphin n re abut friendl dlphins Get the ain idea abut the str教学方法: Grup petitinaRevie the ain language pintsbRevie the graars Reflexive prnuns and Prepsitin f psitin Lead in1Sh three pituresAs:ahat anials an u see in these pitures?bD u lie the?hat d u n abut the? an the save peples lives?Befre re

13、ading1Invite the t l at the pitures f shars and dlphins2Anser the questins:hat d u thin f shars and dlphins?hile readingaGet the ain idea f the str The Friendl Dlphinban tal abut h a dlphin saved his life Finish the given exerise n Page 40dAs the students t nte the tipsaIn grups, rle-pla a press nferene ith the b in the strbne student an be the b saved b the dlphin, the ther students an be urnalists asing questins abut the str Her:Finish the exerises in thi

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