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1、 年 月 日于 北京 地址:传真:Fax: 电话:Tel:Buyer:Address:上述买卖双方按照下列条件于 年 月 日签订本合同。The Seller and the Buyer have entered into this Contract on this day of _on the following terms and conditions.1、货物: COMMODITY:序 号Item No.货 物 名 称 规 格 与 商 标Description & Trade Mark单 位Unit数 量QuantityUnit PriceUSD/1000pcs总 价Total Price

2、Total:USD (允许溢短装 % more or less is allowed)2、合同总价: TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE :3、包装: 纸箱散装 Bulk Carton PACKING:4、保险: 根据中国人民保险公司保险条款按发票金额百分之一百一十投保综合险。 INSURANCE:Covering All Risks for 110% of the invoice value as per Insurance Policy of Peoples Insurance Company of China (P.I.C.C) 由买方自理。 To be effected by t

3、he Buyer.5、运输标志: SHIPPING MARKS: 6、装运港: PORT(S) OF SHIPMENT:7、目的港: PORT OF DESTINATION:8、装运期: SHIPMENT PERIOD:装运条件TERMS OF SHIPMENT: 条件In case of Terms:货物由 租船运输。The vessel shall be booked / chartered by the . 9、付款条件: TERMS OF PAYMENT: 合同货物应由买方通过卖方可接受的银行,按合同总价开出以卖方为受益人的、无追索权、保兑、不可撤销、可转让、可分批装运、可转船的信用证

4、支付。凭 汇票在提示第十条所列装运单据时付款。该信用证最迟应于装运期开始前 天开到卖方,而且在装运期结束后至少 天内仍能在中国有效议付。 若买方未能履行上述义务,根据卖方的选择,可终止本合同,或接受本合同的部分或全部,或就由此而发生的任何损失提出索赔。 Payment hereunder shall be made by confirmed, irrevocable and transferable and transferable without recourse letter of credit in favour of the Seller for the total contract

5、value, opened by a bank acceptable to the Seller permitting part shipments and transshipments in one or more vessels, and available by draft(s) against presentation of the shipping documents mentioned in Clause 10. The letter of credit shall reach the Seller not less than days prior to the start of

6、the shipment period and remain valid for negotiation in China until the day after the expiry of the shipment Period. Should the Buyer fail to fulfill its obligations mentioned above, the Seller shall, at his discretion, terminate the Contract or accept whole or part of this contract, or lodge a clai

7、m for losses thus sustained, if any.10、装运单据: SHIPPING DOCUMENTS: (a) 商业发票; 正 副Commercial invoice(s); Original and copy(b) 空白抬头、空白背书、可转让的清洁提单,或指定买方为收货人的记名提单;Negotiable clean bill(s) of lading to order blank endorsed or naming Buyers consignee;(c) 原产地证书; 正 副 Certificate(s) of origin; Original copy(d)

8、装箱单;Packing list;(e) 保险单(只使用于CIF合同)。Certificate(s) of insurance (in the case of CIF sales)。11、合同的完整性与转让:COMPLETE CONTRACT AND ASSIGNMENT:(a) 本合同中的条件和条款构成买卖双方(以下简称“双方”)对合同项下货物的全部和最终理解。对本合同的任何修改、补充或对合同任何条款的免除,均必须经受约束方书面确认,否则无效。The terms and conditions found within this Contract constitute the complete

9、 and final understanding of the Seller and the Buyer(hereinafter “the Parties”) with respect to the commodity referred to herein. No modification, extension or release from and provision hereof shall be effective unless the same shall be confirmed in writing by the party to be bound.(b) 未经卖方事先书面同意,本

10、合同及合同项下的任何权益不得转让.Neither this Contract nor any interest therein shall be assignable without the prior written consent of the Seller.12、担保:WARRANTY:卖方担保所有货物符合第一条规定的规格。除此之外,任何性质的陈述、担保和条件,均予排除并消灭。The Seller warrants that all commodities will conform to the description set out in Clause 1. Save as afore

11、said all representations, conditions and warranties of whatsoever nature are hereby excluded and extinguished.13、许可证、关税和税收:LICENSES, DUTIES AND TAXES:除本合同有规定外,所有进口许可、许可证以及不属于卖方国家的任何政府机构征收的一切进口税、关税和各种税收均由买方负担。Except as otherwise provided herein, all import permits and licenses and the import duties,

12、customs fees and all taxes levied by any government authority other than the Sellers country shall be the sole responsibility of the Buyer.14、不可抗力:FORCE MAJEURE:如果卖方遇到人力不可抗拒事件,包括但不限于火灾、水灾、地震、台风、自然灾害以及任何其它卖方不能合理控制的任何意外事故和情况,阻止、妨碍或干扰了本合同的履行时,本合同规定的卖方履约时间应自动延长。其延长的时间应当相当于因人力不可抗拒事件直接或间接地使卖方不能履行本合同的时间。受不

13、可抗力事件影响的卖方应在合理的时间内,将不可抗力事件的发生通知买方,并于一个月内将有关当局出具的有关不可抗力事件的证明航寄买方。如果不履约的情况延续六十天以上,双方应立即协商修改合同。若从不可抗力事件发生之日起一百二十天内双方当事人未能取得双方满意的解决办法时,任何一方都可以终止履行本合同的未执行部分。The time for the performance of the Sellers obligations set forth in this Contract shall be automatically extended for a period equal to the duratio

14、n of any non-performance arising directly or indirectly from Force Majeure events including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, typhoon, natural catastrophe, and all other contingencies and circumstances whatsoever beyond the Sellers reasonable control preventing, hindering or interfering with the performance thereof. The Seller so prevented by Force Majeure shall in reasonable time inform the Buyer of the occurrence of Force Majeure and with

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